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Monday, December 27, 2004
major room-cleaning
i just spent the past 3 hours getting rid of junk that was cluttering up my room and im not even done yet! i just took a food-and-computer-break. im getting a uv light (purple light) in my room on the ceiling light and i have like $100 from christmas so i can buy stuff to redo my room. the last time i decorated my room i was like 8 so its kinda scary now. all i want to do with it is take some stuff out to make room for my box and paint the walls all white since every inch will be covered with posters anyway. and the uv light will make any blank spots look cool. and i need more black. and i gotta take out that bookshelf. so much to do, such a small attention span...this could be difficult...
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
this is just a random post saying that this is my 29th post so far on my'o *falls asleep on keyboard* ksd.gnb,xfbhfg,.bhd,
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o.O i had WAAAAAAAAY too much sugaaaaaar! *runs around* know how much sugar i had? huh? huh? huh? i had 4 packs of lifesavers in the past hour! plus a bit of chocolate and a few jolly ranchers OWIE my head hurts *moans* stupid hurty head *whacks head* ow that didnt help
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
christmaaaaaaaaaas! ^_^
well i got alot of the things i wanted this year. to name a few: new good charlotte cd, skye sweetnam cd, series of unfortunate events game on xbox, a few books and a manga book. and i got about 3 books of jolly ranchers in my stocking lol but it was a great xmas
happy christmas and a merry new year!!!
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Friday, December 24, 2004
so random i couldnt think of a subject
im about to go to church for the christmas eve service. my mom made me put my hair in a half pony tail. although i was gonna do that anyway.
i saw the movie Supersize Me today. ya know the one where this dude ate nothin but macdonalds food for 30 days to see the health results. on the 21st day he woke up at 2 am and couldnt breath. he eventually got back into healthness but it took like a half a year. a while after the movie was shown the macdonalds people took out the supersize option from the menu. lol. did you know that the usa is the fattest country in the world now? good thing i live in canada! heehee
know what feels weird? walking around the house wearing nothing but slippers and a blanket wrapped around you. o.O
told ya it was random!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
pic of me
this is pic of me it was taken for the newspaper (yes the newspaper i am famous) the one one the left is Jennifer and in the middle is Anna and i am the one on the right. except now i took out the dumb blonde streaks in my hair (now theyre dark blue and the blonde streaks were only there in the first place because i had like bright blue streaks that wore out and left icky blonde!)

arent i...uhm...me? ^^
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stupid me
i did something incredibly stupid today! wanna hear? ok!
today just as i was about to leave school an annoying guy sole my jacket and i liked that jacket so i ran after him and he threw it down the stairs (which had about 10 steps) and i didnt want him to run down and get it before i did so i jumped down and got to the sixth step and fell the rest of the way. but i didnt hurt myself much. i hurt my shoulder and my fingure bleeded a bit though. well that was a random waste of time! ^^ yay random!
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sowwy i no post!!!
i sorry i did not post for a little while! i was grounded off computer for a while! ...hmm... ah! here be conversation wif maself!
me#3- me talk first agin! mwehehehehe!
me#2- lovely for you #3 *cough sarcastic cough*
me#1- dododo......hey i just realized something! how come im the only one whos never been to therapy??
me#2- uhm...because?
me#1- oh BECAUSE! *slaps forehead* it all makes SENSE now!
me#3- *dances boredly*
kimara- *pops up out of nowhere* hey all!
me#2- wow kimara you're getting better at popping up out of nowhere!
kimara- thankie! ^^
celestial maiden (ceres)- *also pops up out of nowhere* *in chibi voice* wha 'bout me? *chibi eyes*
me#1- yay! chibi eyes!
me#3- *eats candy* *gets insane look in eyes* *loses insane look and sleeps*
everyone except me#3- T_T
me#3- *snore*
me#2- *puts me#3 in peanut butter jar*
kimara- uhm...are you sure you shoulda done that??
me#2- yep! ^^
me#1- *converts to pyromaniac mode* @.@ FIREY!!!!!!! *lights random things on fire*
ceres- *is a random thing* EEK! *stops looks and listens* ITS NOT WORKING!!!!!
kimara- no its stop drop and roll!
ceres- i knew that! *stops drops and rolls*
me#1- *goes normal* uhm *sees fire* wow what did you guys do to this place!
me#1- im a nincompoop? *eyes fill with tears* NOOOOOOOO! *cries* *turns chibi*
me#3- *still in jar* *wakes up* NO IM IN A JAR!!!!!!!! *gets out of jar* thats better
me#2-yay chibi! *turns everyone chibi* CHIBI PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
chibi me#3- *jumps on peoples heads*
people- owie!
me#3- ^^
people have owies on their heads now! bad me#3! *hits self on head* OW whaddidja do that fer?? *pokes self* YOU started it! did not! did too! *beats self up* ow
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Monday, December 20, 2004
dododo....nothing to do in the technology lab...
conversation with myself! muaha!
me#1-*is about to speak*
me#3-*interrrupts* NO! I SHALL BE THE FIRST ONE TO SPEAK! *speaks* yay! ^^
me#1-yea....so, uhm, whats new?
me#3-christmas in 5 days! WOOOOOOOT! *dances on computer desk*
me#1- ME#3! GET OFF THE TABLE! you had sugar again didnt you? -__-
me#3-*nods hyper-ishly*
me#1-i told you no sugar in school! dont you remember i told you that in out first conversation? *looks at people reading this* you remember me telling her that dont you??
people reading this-yesh indeed!
me#3-*climbs down from table and goes back to computer*
teacher-molly do you have to take up three computers at once?? there are two other people waiting for computers!
two other people-*looks at me with puupy-dog pout*
me#1-oh fine...*pulls myself together* *types random things for a while* *gets bored* pokes KittyCatKyoukou who is on the computer next to me*
kyoukou-STOP IT!
me-*continues to poke kyoukou*
kyoukou-*is pokes to death*
me-oops *types mopre random things* (orangutan... fromage... HIPPOPOTOMUS! heehee...) *gets bored of typing random things* *pokes kyoukou* live?
me-yay! magic fingers! *pokes random things and turns them into frogs* weeeeeee!
*pokes people reading this* oops sorry! ^^
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
christmas shopping!
yay! christmas shopping! my parents give me money to buy stuff! yay for spending money that isnt mine! and then i shall see the Lemony sicket a series of unfortunate events movie! ^^ it was based on my favorite book, you guessed it, a series of unfortunate events. i own all 11 books there are gonna be 13 but they not out yet but I SHALL GET THEM I BE THE NUMBER ONE FAN FEAR ME AND ALL MY ONE-NESS MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *ahem* hi im not taking over the world! ^^ *has run out of things to pointlessly go on about* uhm...i found a mistake in the news paper! whose was spelled who's and i found it! *coughs on newpaper* miiiiiine!
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