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a most lovely box, conveniently located on the planet of tamaran!
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being awesome... it's a full-time job
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>.> I am not at liberty to discuss that
being MYSELF cayse I rule like that
Anime Fan Since
since I was like... three years old
Favorite Anime
my favourites are... inuyasha, .hack, mew mew powers, naruto, shaman king, jing king of bandits, one piece, sailor moon, lament of the lamb, dream saga, cardcaptors, miyu, and teen titans even though it's not really an anime :P
to watch all 3 Lord of the Rings movies in one day, to magnetize myself, and other things I forget
learning random facts, drawing, surfin the net, tv, not paying attention in class...
drawing, not doing chores, getting in trouble because I didn't do my chores
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Friday, July 15, 2005
hey, i just realized something from that story... every time originalme says something, she laughs evilly sometime in that speech segment... yes, i know you just scrolled down to confirm that what i just said was true... =P
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conversation with myself to follow the last one...
i only got one comment on my last story, but oh well. ill write this one anyway...
original me- *bossing the world around* and now, for my most evil feat, i shall.... raise taxes to 75%!!!! muahahahahahahaha!
everyone else- NOOOOOOOO!!! NOT THE TAXES!!!!!!
original me- muahahahahahahaha!
narrorater- last time, everyone else ad formed a plan to defeat the evil original me once and for all! here it is: they would all throw her into the alligator pit and hope that she would be eaten!
original me- you just dont learn, do you?? now i know their plan, you stupid narrorater!! muahahahahaha!
random person- wow, you laugh evilly a lot...
original me- MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! *throws everyone in jail*
everyone- noooo! now she will never be defeated!
mysterious heroic voice- not so fast, original me!
everyone- *gasp* its... its...
and there we leave you! i know it was short and basically pointless, but im the writer and anyone reading this is probably too far away to do anything about it. except for kyoukou. but she doesnt care one way or another. ^^ sayounara!!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
back from PEI already!!
i just got back from prince edward island and it was really great!! we went to an amusement park and then found out that a better amusement park was like right next door and we went swimming in a "heated" pool which was outside and there was lotsa wind so it was really cold and... actually i had to sleep in the car because there was no room left in the cabin... seriously. and it was really uncomfy. but we went to a real anime store and i got lament of the lamb #3 and i almost got a .hack t-shirt but i didnt. but now were home... and were going to boston massitusits (sorry i cant spell when it comes to america =P ) this august but im not sure when...
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Monday, July 11, 2005
PEI, here i come!!!
im going to PEI today an were going to rainbow valley and its gonna be fun!!! here is a story i wrote on friday based on the bugs i saw at laurie park:
It was a fine sunny day in Laurie Park when Georgie the ant went for an early walk. He left his ant hill and a few minutes later ran into his friend, Paul the beetle.
"Hi Georgie," Paul said.
"Hi Paul," Georgie said.
"How are you, Georgie?" Paul said.
"I'm fine. How are you, Paul?" Georgie said.
"I'm fine," Paul said.
"That's good," Georgie said.
"Yup," Paul said.
Then a bird swooped down and ate Paul, so Georgie continued on his walk.
Georgie finished his walk and returned back to his ant hill to watch TV. His mom came in.
"Georgie, you watch too much TV. Go for a walk," she said.
"But mom-" Georgie said.
"No buts! Come right now," she said and she took him outside. The bird came back and ate Georgie's mom, so Georgie went back inside and watched TV for the rest of the day.
so, whaddaya think? good, isnt it. i wrote it at writers camp. kyoukou and my cousin were also at writers camp. but i said that in an earlier post. so ill shut up now. yay! im goin to PEI! bies!!!
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
poor toby!!!
*cries uncontrolably* we hafta get rid of our dog toby (the border collie i was so happy about) and weve only had her for 5 days!!!! she got loose from her chain this morning and went balistic over the neighbors (two little kids) we know she was only trying to be playful but my parent say she could really hurt the little kids and the neighbors would never feel safe with our dog so we hafta get rid of her!!! this is the worst day since my old dog died last summer... 
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
random post
theres something important at the end of this post!
keep going
even further
almost there
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
the post youve all been waiting for!
finally, while i am here at writing camp, i shall post a conversation with myself. wait, im lying. just kidding! here it is:
me#1- *is about to speak*
me#3- *interupts* dont talk!
me#2- *cries*
me#3- *laughs evilly* greetings, residents of my'o. i am #3, the evil genius supreme! since the original me has neglected to post our story, i have taken over the me world and enslaved all of the people thingies over here!! muaaahahahahahahahaaa!!! *coughs*
original me- not so fast!
me#3- *cheesey gasp* who are you??
original me- i am the original me! *points to nametag with fancy print* and i am here to stop you from enslaving the world!
me#3- neverrrrr!
original me- *stops me#3 from enslaving the world*
me#3- curses!
original me- *evil laugh*
me#3- hey, youre the good guy! youre not supposed to laugh evilly!
original me- did i ever say i was the good guy?
me#3- no... but then why did you stop me from enslaving the world?
original me- so i can evslave the world, duh! muahahahahaha!
me#3- *blows up in anger*
me#1- *points and laughs at me#3* ha!
me#2- *still crying*
original me- and we all lived happily ever after!
everyone else- *glaring at original me*
narrorater- but little did original me know, everyone else was plotting her downfall! want to know what happens next? well you cant unless hateshinai becomes un-lazy enough to write the next part! dundundunnnnnn!
original me- hey you stupid narrorater, i can hear every word youre saying!
narrorater- oh...
so, how didja like it? yes, i will be adding the next part eventually. but only if i get a comment from at least 3 different people!
oh yeah, and we got our new dog yesterday!! shes so cute but really annoying!
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Monday, July 4, 2005
yay! yay! yay! border collie! yay! yay! writers camp! yay! yay! yay! stuff! yay!!
tomorrow were getting our doggie!!! we got her food and stuff today and shell be home tomorrow when i get home from writers camp! btw, writers camp is a 4 day long day camp thingy at the library where were taught by 4 different authors about techniques and stuff about writing stories. ive gone twice in the past two years and last year kyoukou was with me and this time kyoukou and my cousin karolyn from cape breton are gonna be there with me. yeah and ive been at cheticamp (where karolyn is from) for the past like week and i didnt leave a post saying that, so thats why i havent posted for so long... and happy belated canada day all you fellow rockin canadians out there!!
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
post post post
hello all i would post a conversation with myself but i hafta go to this baseball thingy... my sister plays with other little people and im just there to work at the canteen but i hafta go and im gonna be late and im really sorry for no conversationy thingy but hafta go now bye
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
woooooo sugar hype to the max!!
yay last night me and 4 other friends stayed over at another friends house for the night for her birthday and we were gonna stay up all night but at 4 in the morning her mom came and made us go to sleep. and i slept and skwished in an armchair (a really comfy one though) so when i woke up i could hardly walk and even now like almost 12 hours later im walking with a limp lmao lmao hahahahaha and for breakfast this morning i had chocolate, gummi bears and goldfish for breakfast so im either still on a major sugar hype or that one wore off long ago and this is a new sugar hype for whatever reason and im making a new site itll be really cool but im too hyped up to type about it now so i gotta go annoy my innocent family members to get rid of some excess energyyyyyyyy as much as i hate to waste presious sugar effects and whatnot. so gbdzkfhjzbzgjbvbd,jgbb xkjghldkjgh jkfghlfkgjhnfhx muaaaaaahahahahaaaahahahaha
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