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Monday, July 23, 2007
Kit: yup yup, I finally posted new art!! I hope you like it!
Alli: It only took her forever. She hasn't drawn anything in WEEKS!!!!
Kit: Yeah, well I got my inspiration back so THERE
Alli: *rolls eyes*
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
Home at last!
Hey everyone! I just got in.....and I'm as red as a lobster.....ouch
Anyways, I'm happy to report I finally got my muse back. This means I drew a picture worthy to upload *cheers*
but right now, I'm tired from the trip. I'll upload tomorrow.
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Too the beach
I'll be gone for a few days, but don't worry. When I come back, I'm gonna try to upload stuffs ^-^

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I started my yellow training today at the zoo ^-^
(For those of you who didn't know, I work at the zoo. No, it's not just cleaning up after animals.)
......ok, let me explain. There are five levels : clear, green, yellow, red, and blue.
Clear is for people with no handling skills. They can't touch any of the animals at the zoo. When you master your basic handling skills, you get a green sticker, wich gives you the power to handle any green level animal at any time. ((Green level is like chinchillas, ferrets, chickens, degus, etc))
Then, after you work a certain amnount of time, you have the option of recieving advanced training. ((Yellow level includes the more dangerous or harder to handle animals. Parrots, armadillos, sugar gliders, skinks, etc))
If you master yellow, you can aske to move on to red. Red is advanced advanced training O_o
Red animals can dangerous and tough to handle. You also can't touch them until you spend some socialising time with them. They have strong bites.((Red level animals are like....macaws, porcupines, kinkajous, etc))
Blue is rabies vacinated people. They are the most skilled handlers and higher on the work ladder. Bosses mainly. Blue let's them handle everything!
Today, I got to handle JUSTIN TIMBERSNAKE!!!!
*glomps python* He's soooo awesome!!
He's also yellow level, so I feel special!
I'm currently the only person in my JZAP group who has done some yellow training.
PS: I didn't name him, and no. He's not a timbersnake. I know. wierd.
PPS: Fixed background ^-^ also decided to try something new. If I end up not liking it, I'll change it back.
PPPS wow...long
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Friday, July 13, 2007
problems with the bg
I just noticed my BG wasn't showing up properly. If it was working for you guys, please tell. I've changed it to one I made for now, unitl I can figure out what was wrong with my old one......
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so...what's your element??
I found this quiz on Soonie Uchiha's sight, so I thought I'd share my result.....
Apparently i'm a walking contradiction.....
Your Element Is Water

A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.
That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.
Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.
You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.
You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.
You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful.
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
random post
Hey Everyone. I post because Prominence is yelling at me. She wants me to I'm randomly posting. Sorry I haven't gotten around to your sights lately. I'll get around to it I promise!!
anyways.....hi everyone!!!
I'll advertise now.....
Join to rp ^-^...on Aug 8 cause the admin isn't here -_-'
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
Field Trip?
Bwahahah! Because of my job, I can go to an amusement park....for FREE!!!
Yup, just a flash of my JZAP id, lets me into Dorney park free of charge XD
My jzap group is thinking about trying to make Dorney park a day trip, so we can all go together. to make it educational......
((PS: The head of JZAP is completely on board! She's also trying to think of a way to pretend...I mean.....MAKE this trip educational XDD))
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Friday, July 6, 2007
Free Collars Kingdom
I am a fangirl of the new series. Let it be know ^-^
Only two volumes out but I love them soooo much!!
The story follows Cyan, a rare Abyssinian kitten, that was just abandoned. Yes, sad. But he's so KAWAII!!!!
*glomps Cyan*
Alli: I must admit. Volume 2 was......humorous
Kit: hehe Cyan is so innocently stupid!
Alli: Siam (surprisingly) is powerful! If we teamed up...I'm sure we coul-
Kit: Alli! What will Laz say?!? I thought you were gonna take over the world with him!

^ (left)Char, the Chartreux, and (right)Scottie, the Scottish Fold
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
back from work -_-'
it's 7:30, and I'm finally on. Hey everyone! I'm glad you like the latest update ^-^
RikuIShot, you can have him. Jack Sparrow is all yours. I'll just take.....riku!

MINE!! *glomps*
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