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| HawaiianBabidoll
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/06/08:
aww, Lucario is cute ~
Result Posted on 07/18/07:
I do suck at lying. *sigh* I hate it when the quizzes are true.
What kind of soul do you have? (great anime pics, detailed results, girls only)
 You have a secretive soul!You like black and are mysterious!you like fighting and can be really lively at times, But only around people you know and trust well e.g. your family...maybe, or maybe your best friend. You can be at school, and then people say you are wierd. You get insulted and then don't talk. You don't mind it that much. You are either excellent or you suck at lying! Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 07/13/07:
Kit: I always am....
Alli: yeah. Your a walking contradiction!!
Kit:I meant I'm always water!!
Alli: *plays green day in bg*
Your Element Is Water
A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.
That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.
Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.
You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.
You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.
You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful.
Result Posted on 04/10/07:
I'm a enko...again....A depressed one apparantly. I wonder why all the quizzes say that.....
(Personality) What anime psyche conveys YOUR personality? (With Awesome Anime Pix)
 Depressed Type: Your anime personality is the Depressed Type. You come off as stone cold or careless, and people have trouble getting to know you. You don't let your guard down very often, and hardly ever let your real emotions show through. That would be a weakness. You're quiet and reserved, but are easily angered. People learn not to get on your bad side, and yet you aren't really as cruel as you let on. You hide and inner sadness. Element: DarknessWeapon: AxePet Peeve: People who are TOO perky Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 03/25/07:
yes I'm a kitty luver. I moved this down here for now cause it's gonna get cluttered up at the top
Result Posted on 03/02/07:
What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!)
 Your personality is best represented by the Japanese dagger, called a Tanto. A person who wields a Tanto knows better than anyone that you cant judge on appearance alone. You have the unique ability to see the full potential in people and objects long before anyone else has a clue. You are clever and are probably underestimated a lot by others, but YOU know who you are and exactly what you are capable of. Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 03/02/07:
I'm a tree hugger....wth....and yet i agree
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
 You are a nature loving anime girl.You love all types of animals and care for them.You are a calm person and loves to have people around.You love to be outside just admiring your surroundings and playing with the animals that are around.Now just if you keep loving the nature pretty soon everyone is going to copy you maybe i'm really not sure.But do what you do best and it will soon pay off ^_^ Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 03/02/07:
I protect the animals! ^-^
3% result...i'm rare! yay
*hugs my puppy*
What are you the Guardian of? (Girls only) (Anime PICS)
 Guardian of AnimalsYou are sensitive, and caring. You have sympathy and compassion in you. Young,caring, and gentle, are a few words that describe you.Power: can talk to AnimalsHome: In a GardenFav. Color: greenName: JanieWhat else you rule: animals, spirits, creations, wonder, emotions, and nature Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 03/02/07:
I'm always a kitsune....
Your animal personality and spirit.
Result Posted on 02/09/07:
Eh...I'm a real kitsune huh??
What animal describes you best(girls and boys) with pictures
 Your are the FoxDescription:you are sly and don't really like being around other people. you enjoy the peaceful serenity of the great outdoors and only attack humens if you absolutly need to. when you have babies you will be very protective of them and won't let anything get near them. you are also very quiet and only speak up when you need to. others look at you like a loner quote:Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. colours:orange and white mostly but also brown Take this quiz!
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