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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/09/07:
Ai Ai Ai, I'm your little butterfly...
What animal describes you best(girls and boys) with pictures
 you are a blue morpho butterflyDescription: you are very serene and peaceful. you enjoy being free and love the smell of flowers. you have friends but you only hang out with them when you want to. sometimes you feel left out because your different and other times you feel like you must stand up even if people will hate you. but don't worry it will all work out in the end. though you are peaceful you get really mad when held against your will in a place you really perfer not to be. all you wish for is freedom Quote: Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes. ~Author Unknown colours: Blue and maybe red Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 02/09/07:
Howd they know??
What neko-girl are you?(With kawaii anime pics!-^_^-)Girls only!(IMPROVED AGAIN!)10 results!
 You are a Shy neko-girlYou are shy and sweet.You can appear cold at times but really are just too shy to get up and meet people.You may only have a small,close group of friends, and thats a good thing, because if you have a big group its harder to see who is a real friend, and to keep in touch with one and other.You have an open mind and a kind heart, but it takes time to earn your trust.your friends are people who never judge and they are ones that will always be there for you. Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 02/09/07:
Yeah!! I know my Saiyuki
*Hugs baka saru*
No, I didn't cheat
how much do you know about saiyuki {level 2} long and VERY challenging
 wait, you actually got this result? i bet you cheated, it took me a while to think of all these, and you just ruined it! joking, znyway, you got this result, it means you get to travel with the sanzo ikko to the west! how lucky! Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 02/09/07:
I can fly ^-^
What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
 ~*~Result nr 3~*~
Your power is: The ability to fly Explanation: This powers speaks pretty much for itself. Though you don't need wings for this power,you can fly anyway. Some people may consider it as telekinesis since they can also fly, but you can't make material things move like they can. This ability could be a relaxing activity when you want to get away from everyday troubles. Also it is good when sneaking upon an enemy since it makes no sound. When going over to the "dark side" the power could be used to harrass and break into building through windows etc. You are quite similar to this power since you like to have your head in the clouds. Supernatural things amuse while ordinary life does not. If your daydreaming has gotten a little too far you might be zooned out all the time, even when you are having a conversation. Your desires and/or goals tend to be unrealistic even if you know those would probably never happen. Travelling is something you would be interested in doing since seeing exotic scenery fits with your fantasies of escaping your plain life. You can also have some creative ability (writer, playing an instrumen etc) that interests you. Negative aspects: The whole reason you may be escaping life could be fear of being let down by it. So if that would come to happen, and an important dream had been crushed you could get depressed.
Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 02/09/07:
YAY!!! Neko =
What kind of neko are you? (beautiful pics) (for girls, but guys if you're bored...)
 You don't get what all the fuss is about. You're not one of those people that panics easily."Try to relax and enjoy the crisis" is your motto. Though sometimes you tend to be too relaxed, it's okay to fight back every once and a while. Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 02/08/07:
It matches my chinese element too.....wierd
~What Is Your TRUE Element~ )Detailed original questions and 12 answers(
 Element: MetalPositive or Negative: PositiveElements You Get Along With: Earth, LightElement You Do Not Get Along With: IceYou are a tough individual, but at the same time childish. You appreciate life, but you appreciate power more. Death to you is a power; life is a power, and they're equal. It's just that one is light and one is dark. You view the world like that. Happy-sad, good-evil. You like the power of good, but sometimes you get into too many fights. Love is another power you see, but there are so many opposites to it, it's strange to you. You long to feel loved by someone as equally strong as you. All your friends seem to come to you when they're having tough times. Look for people who are always there--those are your real friends. Your difficultly is to realize fighting isn't everything, but sometimes peace is the way. Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 02/08/07: fits me well too!!
+)(+ What Symbol or Emotion Does Your Soul Resemble? +)(+ {For girls only! Beautiful Pics!}
 Life True Name: Eve, EvelienElement: Air or LightColour: Bsby blue, White, CreamDescription: Life people tend to heal people's hearts and listen to their problems then worry about their own love life. But when these people fall for someone, they fall hard, so are somewhat afraid of love and its mysterious power. These people might have had one or two people they really cared about, but feel now they have to move on. They have few friends, and they hardly ever talk. These people are usually very shy and prefer to work alone. But they have strange healing powers and often comfort their few friends who suffer from mental pain (like stress) or physical pain (a small cut or wound). These people can't fix an arm and a leg, but they have soothing voices and make the people they are helping more relaxed. They make good grades in school, but don't always have the A s everyone wants. They are big daydreamers, so their trip from reality to dreamland often causes them to forget the days troubles. Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 01/05/07:
w/e...I wanted to be water, but when I read it I was not me
What elemental dragon are you?
 You are an earth Dragon! You have a knack for Nature or animals, and are peaceful, careful, chariming, and optimistic. You can throw a tantrum now or then, but who doesnt? You value simple things in life, such as friends, familly, and Nature. Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 01/05/07:
I luv animals...that's so...wierd
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
 You have an animal soul! Arent you lucky! You are very interactive with animals and can understand them even if you dont speak their tongue. The birds arent afraid of you, deer can eat out of your palm, and every dog will roll over for you. As an Animal Soul, you follow your instinct, sometimes making rash decisions, and not thinking properly. If you dont understand something, you reject and push it away, and can get very disastrous when angry. At the same time, youre a very kind person who can make people feel better, and are understanding and compassionate. One of the great things about you is that your rarely jealous, and know that you have to share and help other people if you want to survive this world. You are very loyal and optimistic, and can make it through the toughest times. Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 01/05/07:
Cool! I luv dragons!
What Mythical Beast are you?
 Your A Dragon! Whether your the fire, electric, or ice dragon, you are very powerful and wise. Fire Dragons usually live in caves, elctric dragons live in valleys, and ice dragons live in mountain tops. A dragon represents wisdom, magic, love, grace, power, intelligence, determinotion, hounesty, and freedom. You tend to be a little explosive when your angry, so aa dragon can cuase lightning storms, blizzards, or heatwaves. Dragons are solitorey creatures, or lay live together, just not near humans. Whichever dragon you are, you certaintly are a rare mythical creature. Take this quiz!
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