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Tuesday, December 16, 2003
I am no longer angry. 2 peoples posted in my thread. yay. So I got to post my favorite paper EVER!! I love it so. . . go look at it. Also I want to add in the comment that Shippo said. . .
"Wow, You've imroved a great deal since i last saw your graphics. Heh, I must say, thats gotta be one of the best wallpaper's I've seen here^^."
That makes me feel incredible. I hope she/he likes my next one. I tried really hard on them. I want to be able to do stuff like Dan Rugh, Koala Sue, James, and all the other greats. I don't mean just doing banners either. I mean wallpapers too.
I just realized that it has been a month or two since I made a banner. Well not countint Amity's (that she has yet to use) and RTK Ryoko (or whatever her name was). That used to be all that I would do. Now I hate haveing to cut people's bodies. I make wallpapers too much. ^__^ nah. There is no "too much" when it comes to wallpapers. *winks*
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
It's official. Every one on OB hates me. Ok, so that is taking it a little overboard. I started up this new wallpaper thread a few days ago. and since then NO ONE has even looked at it. I think it Dan came back it might get one hit. Him or Dragon. *sigh* but that won't happen. Exams start in exactly 35 hours and 50 minutes. I think I am going to die. well back to studying.
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Saturday, December 13, 2003
I thought I might update you all since I haven't posted in like a year. ^__^
The First big thing is that I am gettign married!! *does a little dance* Not in real life of course. My almost hubby, Evolved_Dragon, is currently grounded though. >< so the wedding will have to be later on. We want to do one in a big chat room thing just like Syk and Mei had. It will be neat.
The second cool thing is that I am gonna be a mod on another site. Don't worry, I will always be at the OB. I got an im from some kid the other day and he was asking if I could do wallpapers and stuff. So we worked it out that I would be his Art Moderator. YAY! My parents don't get it though. My mom says I shouldn't do it for free because people do that kind of stuff for money. I told her I would just be making wallpapers and stuff like that for his site. I wanted to do it because it would be good so I can get my stuff out there. She doesn't think I should. She says it's just him using me for free. She is crazy. What do you guys think? She also thinks that all the mods here are idiots (her wordsnot mine ^^) because they do this stuff for free. She doesn't get it that all the mod.s do it for fun. Unless I completely missed something. Tehy don't get paid right? I hope not. I would be horribly upset.
Bah. We have exams next week. *screams* It is gonna be so bad. I have all of my books at home. I weighed them all a few minutes ago. the total is about 34.6 pounds. That is crazy. But I have Spanish I and Band on tuesday. Wednesday is Math and US History. On thurday I take Englsih and Historical Documents. And On friday I take Chemistry. I hate that Chem is on friday. All week long I have that to look forward to. ewwwww.
The good news is that I only have 5 days till school is out. Then I don't have to go back till January 7th. Which coincidentally is my brother's birthday. Heh. poor him.
Well I am out.
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Monday, November 24, 2003
Hey all! I dunno if anyone reads this. . . probably not. I think the last visit was James' on the 14th. Oh well. hmmmmm. . . .Oh! Last night the funniest thing happened to me. I was in the pool room at Yahoo!Games and there is a box where you can jsut talk to folks. Well no one was talking so I typed in "rawr." ya kno, just kidding. And some idiot boy typed in "Hey X(My name) Want to cyber?!?" I thought I was going to die of laughter. I was like dude, get a life. And he was like "w/e If you could see me, you would want to." And I wished SO BADLY that I could smack him through the computer. I just said not likely and left. But it was fun. ^^
So life is kindof sucky right now. I can't stop thinking of HIM. And now I am almost positive he doesn't love me back. I'm not sure when but somewhere along the lines it went from "like" to "love" *shrug* I wish it would just stop. I hate feeling like this. But what can you do? Absolutley nothing, that's what. Sucks, huh? Yah.
Oh well. Buh byez
Yours Always,
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Hi all. *waves* I hope you all are better than I am. Today was bad. Why? Let's see. . . .I found out that one of my best friends is now dating a girl that I hate. So now I can't go anywhere near him because she is always there, cept in our 1 class that we have together. It's horrible! Why would he like her? She is ugly, completely fake, a liar, and did I mention fake? Bah! It makes me so mad just thinking about it. I just know that she will completely change him. And I don't want that. He knows how I fell, but he apparently has a good reason to date her. The reason: he is lonely. That is it. All he really wants is a make-out-buddy. And yes, I know that for a fact cuz he told me so. The love of his life walked all over him (reminds me of me and the guy I love) and now he thinks it will help take away the pain. I told him it won't. But no one ever listens to me. Plus I feel like crap today! I've just realized how hopeless it is that anyone could ever love me. I go through heartbreak after heartbreak. And I don't want it to happen again,. But how can I stop it? I can't. And it is horribley not cool. So I get to sit here and listen to Guster's "Amsterdam" until it is time to go to bed. I don't know why but I love that song. For some reason I can identify with it so much. Have no clue why. Ah, well.
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Thursday, November 13, 2003
rawr. I am so bored. Just got done reading the Scarlett Letter for English. only 5 more chpaters!!! yay. I'm not the biggest fan of that book. I gotta go to the library so i can find articles for my research paper on the cencorship of p orn. fun, eh? not really. i need 3 articles by tomorrow. do you have any idea how hard it is to find pro- porno writings? didnt think so. well let me tell you, it is HARD! but i really like the topic. of course i can't let my 'rents know how i feel about it. they would go all crazy. ah, well.
Would you like my lyrics for the day? of course you would! they are from a band called Against Me:
"And we rock because it's us against them. We found our own reasons to sing. And it's so much less confusing when lines are drawn like that. When people are either consumers or revolutionaries; enemies or friends; hanging on the fringes of the cards in the system, it's just about knowing where everyone stands. All of the sudden, people start talking 'bout guns, talking like they're going to war. 'Cause they've found something to die for. Start taking back what they stole. Sure there's any other option. Doesn't make a difference how we get it. Well do you really ####### get it?"
ah, good words. well i have to go to la biblioteca (library) now. bye *waves wildly*
Current mood: Depressed as always.
Current Music: Blood Brothers. oh yeah!
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Tuesday, November 11, 2003
today rocked. we had school off for Veteran's day! yay. i slept till noon. then i wen tbowling! i havent been in sooooooo long. it was bad tho cuz they wouldnt let us use bumpers because apparently you must be 10 or younger to use them. and i am not 10. grrr. oh well. when i got home i made thise very nice banner-type thing (cept its too big to be a banner) of a city with the words to All American Rejects' "Time Stands Still" flashing on there. i rather like it. heh. and i should. it took me an hour. not as good as Dan's, who it was modeled after i suppose. i got the idea from him. then i thought it might be fun to try one. so i did. i think its pretty. but i can tshow it to you because 1. i dont know how to add it and 2. its not online yet. i wish i could start a new thread for my stuff! but once again my idiodic computer wont let me cuz of my privacy service. so i cant pm or start new threads. sucks dont it? ah, well. what can ya do? i think that may be all.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2003
(no subject)
![I'm a sorceress!](http://images.quizilla.com/Y/YinYangTwins/1057235133_uresquiz14.jpg) You're the sorceress! Who needs to carry around a huge sword all day if you can simply blast someone out of orbit with a spell? As a full- fledged sorceress, you rely on your magic to get you out of any sort of pinch, and with the wide array of defensive and offensive types of magic at your disposal, you are more than capable of getting out of most kinds of scrapes. Having fully mastered your skill, you are no longer under the thumb of a teacher anymore, and do as you please. You travel the landscape and give aid to those who need it, or you're perhaps going after some bounty that you have heard about. You can be quiet when you need to be, and loud too, and even if you don't show it there is a confidence inside of you that comes from no longer needing a master. Your skills may be in demand on both sides, however your ethics code will probably have you joining the hero in his/her adventures...becoming an invaluable part of the team.
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
merf. i am so tired! but i must go to school so i will be back. hrumph. i hate school. stupid thing wakes me up at 6:20 every day!! grrrrr. . . .*grumble grumble *
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Thursday, October 9, 2003
yay!! i have reached 105 posts on teh boards. im so happy. give me a while an di will be a junior member. i stayed home sick today so i had some time to make some banners and such. i just started a new thread in the boards to showcase my stuff. go look. i like 'em. i feel like poo on a stick so i will talk later.. . perhaps. perhaps not. okie! im gonna go now. but before i do. . . i met a new friend. his name is zero control. everyone say hello to zero. *"hi zero"* very good. okie bye bye
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Tuesday, September 16, 2003
i disgust myself. i cannot believe i ranted and raved over mark. ugh. so obviousley we donot like anymore. he turns out to be a scaredy cat, that refuses to stick up for what he believes in. what an idiot. i hate people like that! you gotta be loud!! specially when it comes to asserting your beliefs! Now we like Him. I'll not say who HIM is though. ^^ I finished my paper on straightedge...it sucks. i dont wanna fail english. *sigh*
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