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Trigun, Angel Sanctuary, Rurouni Kenshin, Love Hina, Slayers, Cowboy Bebop and Hellsing! I'm sure theres more...
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I'm perfect. Muahah, I'm just joshing you. I'm far from it.
| headlessteddybear
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Fun fun fun
This weekend was fun! Saturday I went to the mall with my 2 buds. People Thought we were weird because of our unstoppable laughing. But it was all good. Looking at all the ridiculous Halloween costumes. There was a really hot guy at the bluenotes store. He was really nice too, he had his eyebrow peirced. Piercings kick ass! Yeay! Anyway, no one wants to hear me ramble about that. It's rare though! whaha. On Sunday I went to my granny's farm, it wasn't that fun, but it was peaceful...once I ran like hell from my relatives. Monday, we had an other Thanksgiving dinner. It was good. I had a whole bunch of fire crackers, so that was even better! Running and tossing really loud firecrackers all over the place at 9:00 at night and just running random places in an unfamilar area in the dark.
Unfortunatly, it is the week, once again. School has been so boring, I've fallen asleep 3 times or more. This weekend is going to suck too. I have to go to a Church seminar thing about "Dating vs Courting". What fun that will be! Like 4 hours for 2 days on my weekend, Friday and Saturday, then church again on Sunday! Oh well, I have to stop complaining. I complain a lot. What a bad habit.
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Nothing Interesting
Hello. I changed the music, thank God eh? I hope the music I chose isn't annoying too. It isn't my favourite...but it'll do for now! I'll probably switch up the music every now and then. Well, short post today, not much to talk about. Later!
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Friday, October 8, 2004
It's the weekend!
Yeay! It's the weekend finally, though the week went by pretty speedy for me. Did it for you? Well, I am just tickled pink that it is the long weekend. Thanks giving. YEAY! TIZ THE WEEKEND TO GET FAT FAT FATTER! WHA HOO! 2 birthdays...which means cake..And thanks giving and going out for...stuff. I don't know, just rambling.
That music is really starting to get on my nerves. How about yours? Well, either way, I am probably going to change it tonight, if I have some spare time. Sooo thats all for now! I might post later because...IT'S THE WEEKEND! Yeay, I just can't seem to venture away from that concept. I am just very happy about it I guess!
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Don't you loooovee the music?
Hey! Thanks for all your comments on my site! DON'T YOU JUST ABSOLUTELY LOOOVEEE THE MUSIC? Hahaha. I think it is horrible, kinda funny. Don't worry I will change it in a day or two. I am almost over my cold! yeay! Not that you knew that I had a cold! It's great, uh huh, uh huh. I was walking, and my eyes started really tearing up, then I crashed into a wall and fell over! Go me! whaha. Ooo..k.. Uh, I guess that's all. Soo Later!
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Guess what! I changed my site! wha ha.
Hello people! Thanks for the sugguestions on what to do with my site an stuff. As you can see, a Halloween theme was kinda what the majority wanted. I hope it looks ok, I am still kinda doing things to it, but my mom wants on the computer! Anyway. Any sugguestions on what else I should do to it? And does anyone know how to make it so the background stays in one spot instead of scrolling down with the rest of the screen? Hmm...I can't help but feel like I was going to say something important, but I can't remember what it was!! Oh well. Ok so bye!
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Monday, October 4, 2004
I need Ideas!
Ok, like the guy in the picture above, my site needs a makeover! I decided I am going to redo my site. What do you think I should do to it? CRAZY SCARY SCOOBA MEN?! Well, I would like some suguestions or thats what it will probably end up being! Some of you were fortunate enough to see that when my site was like that! So, what should my theme thing be and colours?
I hate cookies now! yeay! I only made 1 perfect batch. I burnt another and one batch was burnt on one side, and not baked at all on one side! I followed the directions..I blame it on the stove.. Hmmm...I was plannnig to say something before, but I seem to have forgot!
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Friday, October 1, 2004
Hello Everybody! I have a lot of homework and I have to bake COOKIES! yum, I love cookies! To bad I don't get to eat them all. I have to sell them! We must sell cookies!! Lots of math and Science. I think I have Science anyway, I don't remember so I'm going to do it anyway! I am such a good girl. Thats right I am. Anyway, yesterday I watched Trigun! It was great! Funny. His laugh was really weird and his face a bunch of times. So I am now a fan of Trigun! Mostly Vash I guess. Oh well! Anyway, thanks for reading the post! If you didn't you suck but it doesn't matter cause you didn't read it so you don't know I said you suck! HHAHAHA!
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Monday, September 27, 2004
Dance my Minions
Hello people! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time...Been kind of buisy with stuff, don't really remember what though! I haven't really had that much to talk about, so I decided not to bore you to death with random junk! Anyway, today was not really a great day, though it wasn't really bad, things turned out ok. I forgot my lunch today! Joy. Then what did I figure out? I forgot my keys too, and almost all my friends wouldn't be home after school or were sick! Then I almost failed my math test, which has never happened to me before. In computers, my computer froze and I though I lost the whole site we were supposed to be designing. It wasn't very good. Lucky, my site saved itself before it shut down, I found someone to go home with, I can make up the marks in math and I had extra money in my backpack from when I went to the mall in the summer.
ANYWAY. I hope that wasn't to boring, I just felt I should update because I haven't in a long time! So, Thanks for reading the post if you made it that far and read this short message! I hope you like the dancing soldiers, if they showed up.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Art has been soooo boring lately. Our new art teacher really sucks. We haven't really been doing anything near to real art. Today me and Alexis got really bored, so we decided to make our own clothing line!! Yeay! It is great. Our psycho characters and odd sayings are the best! whaahahah. Anyway. I don't really know what to talk about. Tomarrow, I have to run the Terry Fox run. It sucks. I really don't like to run, it hurts my useless athsmatic lungs. Oh well, I feel me getting sick *cough cough*. lol, seriously, I haven't been feeling that well lately. I'm sure you believe me right? Anyway, I think thats all...Oh yeah, the link up there, nothing to do with anime, I don't really remember what it is for.
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Oh yeah!!! Most of us want them dead right?...Except maybe the guys..
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