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Friday, December 14, 2007
site under construction
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
 Konan - Colored Hosted By theOtaku.com.
please please please comment(I care more about your opinion than a little vote)
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
new art
 Konan-lineart Hosted By theOtaku.com.
please comment if you got the chance:)
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new friend policy
I've decided to make my friends list smaller,to friends I know if real life and friends on this site that I can really trust,now to those who aren't already on the friends list if you care if your there or not here how to get on it:
-sign my gb
-PM me once and a while(even if you are just bored)
-comment at least once one my posts
-comment on my art at least once
and optional one:
-already be,my friend on another site(myspace,deviantart ect.)
-be my best friends best friendXD
well I just got the idea from my friend Maribel(aka DrawingProdegy)visit her she's really cool!:D
and visit some of my other friends who resently got an account:)
well that's it for now,
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Saturday, December 8, 2007
changed site again
I change my site again to get into the jolly spirit!:D and I love the song I found lisen to it it's on the top!:D
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
ain't feeling so well
I think I might have a fever...
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20 ways to enrage pein!XD
1.throw a dart at his eye and when he dodges it and yells "why did you do that!?"say"awww...I missed the target"
2.tell konan that he likes being called "Fuzzelbutt"
3.when tobi is around put a "kick me" sign on pein and watch tobi kick him.
4.watch him bieng kicked
5.yell at him and say"you're not my god!D:<"
7.when he's chasing you,stop at the stairs.step to the side.stick your leg out.and watch him trip down the stairs!:D
8.surprize him in the shower by taking a picture of him shocked
9.get the picture developed
10.blow it up(make it bigger)
11.stick it in all the hallways at the akatsuki lair
12.listen to him suffer as everyone laughs
13.go to naruto & friends and tell them where the akatsuki lair is.
14.go back and tell pein they know exactly where they are.
15.watch as he yells and trys to figure out who spilled the beans
16.when he yells at you go crying to konan and say"pein is being really mean to me"
17.watch as she beats him senseless
18.spill water in the middle of his cloak and yell"pein peed!"
19.look him straight in the eyes and say"is it a birth defect?"
20.repeat this to the rest of his forms!
next akatsuki memeber to enrage:sasori
P.S.I plan to turn this into a comic!:D
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Monday, December 3, 2007
new vid later on
I'm going to make a new vid soon about naruto and it's going to be hilariuos!^^
and I'm only going to say what's gonna happen in it!:D
naruto-I tried
ino and temari-beautiful liar
and that's all I have planned but the prob is that I ain't got enough good songs so it's hard trying to find the right ones...
p.S.it 11:31 here and I'm here cuz I got suspeneded)
P.S.S I'll put it up here when it's out
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
random post
I dunno I just really felt like posting something out of nothingbut while I'm at it here's something I did on devart:
1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag three people.
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!!
Damian Crest
Alto Crest
Tammmy Blare
Deliala evalain
and for fun...
duh duh duh!
my alter ego!
Fashon disaster!otherwise known as
Makaley prissa von don thickle
Kaley:Kaley for short:D
How old are you?
What's your height?
Do you have any bad habits?
Damian: people say I'm too overprotective,I don't think so though*is a dunceXD*
Alto: p-people say I-I'm too shy...
Tammy: okay,so I have a small temper tantrums...
Me:SMALL!?Tammy,your tempure tantrums are so huge that everytime there an earthquake I know you got angery!
Tammy:.....I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!
Deliala:I don't think I have one.*is too perky*
Kaley:my constant wardrobe change!:D(though that's not much of a bad habit!XD)
Are you a virgin?
Damian:I refuse to answer under the fact that my parent will beat the crap out of me!
Tammy:not at all!*liar!*
Kaley: of course!:D
Who's your mate/spouse?
Damian:*not gonna talk*
Alto:no....*starts to sob*
Me:aww!don't cry!T^T*hugs*
Tammy: of course!but I ain't telling you guys!>:D
Me:...uh..you gonna tell us?
Do you have any kids?
Deliala:HELL NO!
What's your favourite ice cream flavor?
Deliala:All three!^^
Kaley:choco mint!:D
Have you killed anyone?
Alto:n-no!*little guy can't handle looking at death*
Tammy:hey,sometimes people have to die -_-
Do you hate anyone?
Tammy:yes!you if you don't get outta my faceD:<
Have any secrets?
Damian:yeah but I'm not telling you!
Deliala:yes but I keep it a secret cuz I don't want people to Know duh!:D
Do you love anyone?
Damian:*slight pout and blush*
Alto:I-uh-I-I-uh*blushing like mad!*
Tammy:hellz yeah!
What is your job?
Damian:chashier at my girlfriends parents restuarant--uh I mean my friend who-who hapens to be a girl!
Alto:waiter at my brother girlfriends parents restuarant.
Tammy:waitress at my stupid creators parents damn restuarant!D:<
Deliala:waitress at the same place^^
Kaley:being my other me's mascot for Deviantart!:D
Boy or girl?
What do you do to relax?
Alto:listening to music
Tammy:ruining my masters life>:]
Kaley:live life!:D
What's the weirdest thing that happened to you?
Damian:That I got cat ears...thank god they went away....
Alto:when wet myself when my big brother scared me...T^T
Tammy:I found out my new master was a 12 year old that just turned 13!D:<
Deliala:when everone actualy realized I was blind
Kaley:I wore a good outfit!D:
Have you kissed anyone?
Alto:I-I uh...*blushing*oh screw it!yes I have and I loved it!X3*o.0*
Tammy:yeah I'm 19 sooner or later it had to happen,Duh!
Kaley:not at all!:D
and like the begginning says I'll add my own questions!:D
what are you(human,demon,ect.)?
Damian:vampire but I age like normal humans
Alto:vampire but I age like human too
Deliala:human but I have the ability to manipulate plants^^
Kaley:human with a bad fashion sense!:D
IQ level?
Damian:big enough to called a genius that's for sure
Alto:I dunno,big enough to be normal?
Tammy:my IQ means nothing to you got it!?
Kaley:I dunno,but at least I'm not completey Retarded!:D
I'm done!:Dsay good bye everyone!
Damian:see yah!*waves*
Alto:good bye^^*waves*
Tammy:as much as it is painful to say,it wasn't that bad*waves*
Deliala:good bye everyone!^^
Kaley:See yah!:D
and like it also said at the top I tag peoples>:]I tag anyone who read the title!>:D(unless you've already done it)
P.S. if you want to know more on them ask me qeustions and I'll answer it for you in a series called"questions questions question!"typed because I got drawing to draw.
P.S.S. fear the smileys!:D
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
happy turkey day mah friends!:D
Happy thanksgiving everybody!:D hope you enjoy the food!:D
mini story:
"ninja turkey day"
at thanksgiving dinner...
Loreen:so before we eat my parents always say give thanks...but since they're not here,I do it...everyone put your hands together..............thank yuo lord for the feast that we are about to have and making my parents let almost everyone I know to come to eat this meal yada yada(forgot most of it)and so on...uh...amen...okay lets eat---
*table is empty*
Naruto:What the!?
Rianna:what happened to the food!D:
Shikamaru:I think I know what happened...*looks at choji*
*everyone stares at choji*
Choji:*feels pressured*OKAY!I ate all the food I'm sorry when thanksgiving comes I eat everything T^T...
Loreen:...*sigh*...it's okay...besides...we still got the huge turkey in the kitchen...Rio-sensei!is it done yet?
Rio:it's done*brings a bigass turkey*
Everyone: 0.0
Loreen:okay...lets eat!
and they all had a great turkey day!
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