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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Lucky freakin number!!!!8D

dude...SWEET!somethin good gonna happen to me finally!I love the number seven!8D
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Kamiachama kairn!XD
I don't know how but I've fallen in love with another anime!XDthe title says it all!XDI just watched the first two episodes and I just fell in love with it!XDthat explains the wallpaper and musicXD
and for anyone didn't see up one the top I made a new dev account:D I am now Fashion disaster:D
come add me there too!XD
bye bye
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
new pics
 Color Meh Plz 2 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Color Meh Plz! Hosted By theOtaku.com.
I was gonna post up sooner but I was working on a vid,but anyone feel free to color these cuz I'm too lazy to color right now^^'
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Please visit him!!
My younger brother got an otaku account!please visit him please!I may dislike him but he's still my little bro!^^please visit!and if you will sign his gb!:)
his account is:
he may be young but he's smart^^
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Friday, September 28, 2007
good week
I've had a good week so far,last sunday I went to see resident evil movie,it was sooooooooooo cool!but the dumb part was that the damn zombie's all looked the same...
but anyway,school is still boring...but today I nearly fainted in gym doing the mile run.
yesterday I played a game called ZAP! the way you play is,you put zap on your hand and you have to make sure that you got more people playing or it's meaningless,well anyway if you say someone's name and they're playing,they have to say "I love you" and if someone that's playing say YOUR name you have to say "I love you" to them or make a heart with your hands to them,it's actually really fun!:D
and I also got new pics up!^^
 Brizzy Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Layer Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Roonie! Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Bree Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Georgie Hosted By theOtaku.com.
they're characters for my new manga I'm gonna make,I'm going to call it "Magic city"
MINI script time!
Tsukasa:why is Loreen smiling creepily?
Rianna:she's daydreaming.
Tsukasa:about what?
Rianna:Dunno,maybe deidara killing sasuke,that what she says most of the time...
Tsukasa:ohh...I daydream about shirt-less kiba*blush/drews*
Reo:(I have the wierdest students)
Questions for fun!
1.Would you read my manga?
2.Would YOU want to become a magic city resident?
3.am I your friend?
4.Bat or racoon?
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Saturday, September 22, 2007
Really Shitty day...
My life sucks...first my parents tell me we aren't gonna see the resident evil movie I'm starving,my little brothers still a prick and I'm just typing cuz there's nothing to do and everthing is going horrible that I don't even feel like typing the rest...
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Today was cool!^^
But the only bad was that my puppy ripped my contest pic for rocketships contest...dumb puppy...right now he's digging through the chair...
The real good thing was that I had a cool school dance and the DJ put on great music and I was actually dancing and having fun!:D
And tomorrow I'm gonna see the resident evil movie!WOOT!XDI'm so excited:)
I'm bored though....-_-
mini script time!!!
Me:who ate my burrito!?
Alto:wsn't me,I'm going vegetarian this month.
Damian:not me,I'm still half asleep -_-*yawn*
Deliela:I-I didn't do it...I'm a vegetarian!*liar!*
Me:good thing too,cuz that Burrito was two weeks old...
Deleila:*bout to barf*I gotta go!*runs*
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Monday, September 17, 2007
I'm bored...btw NEW CONTEST!!!
I'm still working on prizes from my previous contest but I got another contest:
Draw a cute,funny,romantic,halloweenish,whatever pic of me and Damian,if some of you don't know about Damian please PM me cuz it's embaressing to tell out in public//^.^'//
and if you need a pic of Damian just look at some of my pics near the back of my portfolio,I haven't drawn him much but he doesn't always wear what it show's on the pics,I just thought he needed something new but I like the normal way he dresses,green jacket and baggy pants or shorts and white shoes with black laces,and his hair is so difficult to draw!it's like little sections of hair curled up a bit but just a little though,but his skin is a little pale(doesn't go outside much>.>)
and prizes are:
1st place:two colored pic of whatever,even if it's realistic like a person,animal,whatever!:D
2nd:B/W pic,realistic or anime:)
3rd place:Lineart of anything(anime only)
September 19
November 15
you'll have a whole month to do it:D
and if you don't have time please spread the word of my contest:D
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
I have an idea:D
I've got an idea to make vids called "otaku chat" I really always wanted to make one and I'm telling you this cuz I need to see if you guys want to be in it!:Dbut not like real pics but like drawn pics to represent you in it and like alot of funny and really cool like crossing over animes and better music!:D and if you are interested in it but have some Q's pm and then after that you can and don't have to I'm only asking if you want to.
P.S.keep your eyes peeled for the 5th chapter of Sleepover!:D
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new art/my day
 Ichigo(badly Made) Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Today my day was just fine but friday was not...My mom found out what yaoi was and was saying that this would confused me on who nows what cuz I didn't feel like listening to part of what she was saying...but besides that I went to the mall and got the forth volume of Death note and I am lovin it^^Misa is my fave chara,I just love what she wears!XDI might wear that stuff as a costume for halloween^^and if noone nows who I am I'll tell them to get into anime before they start asking or they'll never know,EVER.
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