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Saturday, November 15, 2003
It needs a name. Yep, yep!
I'll be your chained angel
Tie me up never set me free
Just as long as you never set me free
I'll be your chain angel
Okay it still need work but o well. It goes along with a dream I keep having... Here's the dream ready? (no) Okay going to tell you any ways. I'm like an angel or something. I have wings and I'm chains on and I look like I've been to hell and back. And there's this music always playing in the background and some creepy laughing too
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Monday, November 10, 2003
MM kiss me
Okay if you guys take the quiz well you tell me wot you got? Plz
 You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Mwah hahaha
Tell me who you are.. Then we can take over the world one killing at a time.
 Which Evil Criminal are You?
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This is going to be the last day I'm going to be able to post something for a while. My mummy is getting her hip redone Wednesday and I'm going to stay in the hospital with her. We'll be there till Saturday or Sunday I think. I'm going to go crazy! I'm going to be with my mum I hope they drug me up as much as they drug her... Its the only way my mum and I can stay in the same room together without killing each other. I love my mummy. Its just that she's crazy! Not crazy like I'm going to kill you if you eat that cookie. But I'll kill you if you eat something I was going to eat. Don't get in my way when I eat.Anyways. If she was crazy like that that would be funny. But no she thinks the cats talk to her. (we have a lot of cats) Someone save me from this house and the cats. Oh and the stupid DOG. I don't like the dog he's to hyper. *cries* I'm going to miss you all..
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Thursday, November 6, 2003
It got me!! I took a quiz... Those things are bad for you they make you want to take more.. I want to take more now.. SEE what I tell ya.. It's got me by the fingertips! I'm hyper tonight. you can't tell can you?

You're not a chicken at all, in fact - you're downright fearless.. which is scary... or at least, you try to make out that you're fearless... good luck - you'll be dead from tackling a mafia mob single-handedly by the time you're 20. If you're already 20... fate must be on your side ;)
Do you cluck or do you roar?
this quiz was made by alanna
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This is the poem that messed up everything. I entered this into a contest and kinda won they liked it a lot... I sent it in as a joke but no they liked it.. Now its getting put in some book and on one of those CD thingys where they read it to you... This poem sucks.. Well here it is...
your heart is breaking
yet you complain?
voice your sorrow and cry your pain!
taste the tears while they slowly flow
and thank your fate you do not
know a numb heart's pain as is prays in vain
"Lord let me ache.. let me break again"
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Monday, November 3, 2003
My legs hurt so bad!! I hope their not growing again. I don't need them any longer then they all ready are. Its so hard to find pants that fit in the waist (I have no waist. got hips tho) and long enough for the legs. Its not fair half my skirts my mum wont let me wear because they show my legs off.. I got nice legs not to fat not to skinny just right.. Don't you think I have a (the) right to show them off just a little? Ow pain lost of pain.. Stupid legs.. Oh my goth mums are so crazy sometimes.. Got to love them tho
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Tuesday, October 28, 2003
This girl I know She's dead now. Anyways she really didn't like me. *cries* She didn't like the way I dressed *cries more* God you wear fishnets and have a coffin for a backpack and everyone gets pissed off... I think they looked cute but thats just me. What do I know? Oh I forgot I was going to show you the poem. Here it is tell me what you think.. Okay? (thankz)
She had everything
She was and will always be perfect
With he long silky golden hair
And a smile that would illuminate a room
You're like that dream girl
That dosen't seem like a dream
But it's to perfect to be real
We let you have
Because of your loving flowing words
And wonderful personality
How could I compare?
You're an angel in everyone's eyes
So Considerate
Never wanting anything back
I know better
I know this mask far to well
You capture people's hearts
With one word "hi"
Then you throw them down to the ground
When you're bored of them
Searching for what you once gave them
An angel?
How about an angel with a mask
Nothing but physical beauty
no one can see this but me
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Monday, October 27, 2003
Don't kill me
I'm just going to say sorry now.. Cause some of my drawings might not be anime. I think its anime but I'm sure someone well tell me its not.. *cries* Why am I always wrong.. Anyways I really want to know what you guys think about my draws.. If there good or bad.. I wont kill you if you think their bad.
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Sunday, October 26, 2003
I feel so loved
I got 2 new DVD's I got Vampire hunter D and Creep Show (or is it Creeper Show). Oh I can't remember and I don't have the DVD box next to me. O well I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about. If not FINE OUT! And this day couldn't have ended (ended that's a good word) any better. I sign on to this site and find out you guys really like my little catgirl. Wait till you see my angel I'm working on right now.
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