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Trish (Torishu!!)
i have no specialness!! ^__^
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Um...Fruits Baskets (I like YUKI!!...but not as much as Fye ^_^)....Tokyo Mew Mew (Akaii isn't in the books though...T_T) Chobits (HIDEKI ^_^) DNAngel, TSUBASA RESERVOIR CHRONICLE IS MY OBSESSION!! (FYE = MINE!!!!), Card Captor Sakura, ALICE 19TH
To Make FYE mine!!!....I love FYE-san ^_^!!!!!!
um...Drawing...singing....playing the!!!
Singing I guess ^_^
| HeartAkaii1991
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Almost April Fools!!
Its almost april fools day so I thought I'd change my theme to something to get us all into the spirit!!
Sakura is wearing a jester costume so I thought it worked :D
Sorry I haven't been around in a while...just been really busy lately ^_^
I'm still working on Li Syaoran and Sakura but I only have to color it ^_^
C U Guys around ^_^
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Heyyy!!! ^_^
Hiya guys!!!
Grr...i hate tuesdays...they're always so long and in the middle of the week
today is like bingo night at our school or something and my cousin got tickets to I guess I'm going
I don't mind though cuz I heard that there were really good prizes ^_^
I can't believe that I get up early enough to post before school
I'm one crazy person
Leave me one if you love me!! ^_~
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Well...its back to school after a long weekend...i didn't have time to go to the bookstore yesterday cuz of all of my homework but thats alright
Hope I get to talk to y'all laters
C ya around ^_^
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Good Morning!!
Hey guys!!!
So I was having some difficulty with my site yesterday but I fixed it up this morning!!
So today is sunday...i hate sundays...but thats okay!! Cuz I just got a bunch of video games yesterday!!
First...i got a car racing game ^_^
and then I got final fantasy X-2
and then I got Wild Arms 4
They looked like fun...i'm kinda stuck in Wild Arms 4 though...i can't get past the level...but thats okay...I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually ^_^
My mom said I can go to barnes and noble today and get some new books...I think I'm gunna get Alice 19th volume 2, TMM A La Mode volume 1, and if my mom lets me get a third, then I'll get Fruits basket volume 5...I'll let you know which ones I end up getting laters!! (Barnes and Noble doesn't always have the book I want...but thats okies ^_^)
So today I'll be around
PS to ElvesAteMyRamen. I LOVE YOUR ARTWORK!! YOU ARE LIKE MY ROLEMODEL RIGHT NOW!!! (If you haven't seen her artwork then CHECK IT OUT!!)
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
New Theme!!!
Hiya guys!!!...well seeing that Saint Patricks day is'd be pretty stupid to have a saint patrick's day wallpaper on my site right?? So here is Akito!! He's so evil...I like it ^_^
I'll probably be around today ^_^
So tty guys around ^_^
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Happy Saint Patricks Day!!
Sorry I haven't been on in a long time
I had the flu so I was pretty sick
My requests are as follows
Syoaran and Sakura
Mew Cloud
Mew Kiichi
Mew Kuro and Kiichigo...(And I'll possibly draw Mew Kuro again alone)
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Monday, March 6, 2006
Check it out!
Okay so I finished my request for dicemaster!! Check it out!!!
Next is Sayaoran and Sakura for MewMewLover
Then is Mew Cloud for HappyLaughs
Then is Mew Kiichi for Strawberryparfait
Thats it ^_^
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
Heyy!! ^_^
HIYA!! So i finished Mew Kyra for Inu228822 so you should check it out!! I really wanted to have some fun with that and it was done in water color and colored pencil!!! The backround is wild ^_^
Right now I'm working on Dicemaster's request of Ichigo, Ichino, and Kiichigo and I've finished the outline and now I just have to color it
Here is a preview of the outline, but the scanner is not very sensitive so it didn't pick up all of the lines:

Then after I finish this
I will draw Syoran and Sakura for MewMewLover
and then I'm going to draw Mew Cloud for Happylaughs
The reason why I post my list everday is so that I always remember and I can never lose it
So I went to the mall a few days ago and I spent like an hour in Brookstones cuz of all of the massage chairs
And last night I saw the middle school play Little Shop of Horrors
It was surprising better than the high school show Aida
So thats all for now ^_^
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
So I changed my site for Saint Patricks day!!
I know its not really like Saint Patrick's Day but It was a pretty green color and I like it ^_^
I don't celebrate but for those who do I just wanted to say HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY
I don't have the books for Peach Girl but I really want them and I think the characters are really cutish looking ^_^
So i've got a million requests and pleez tell me if I missed one
I am going to draw mew Kyra for Inu228822
Then will be Ichino, Ichigo, and Kiichigo for Dicemaster
Then is going to be Sakura and Syoran for MewMewlover
and then Mew Cloud for HappyLaughs ^_^
I think I got them all
Have a good weekend everyone ^_^
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Friday, March 3, 2006
Hey Guys!!
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days
I finished Mew Kyra and Kiichigo so go check it out ^_^
Next I'm Drawing mew Kyra for Inu228822
Then I'm drawing Mew Kiichigo, Ichigo, and Ichino for Dicemaster
Then I'm gunna draw Syoran and Sakura for MewMewLover ^_^
Enjoy ^_^
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