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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I didn't get to finish mew kyra and kiichigo yesterday cuz i had homework but i'm almost done coloring it in
Then I'm drawing Mew Kyra
and then Kiichigo, Ichino, and Ichigo
I am sooooo tired
Talk to yall laterz
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Good Morning
So today its back to school...which really sucks
But thats okay
So I ave a list of things that I have to draw now
I'm almost done with Mew Kyra and Kiichigo and I just have to color it
Then I'll draw Kyra alone for Inu228822
Then I'm going to draw Ichigo, Ichino, and Kiichigo for Dicemaster...thats like a tounguetwister
Well...cyall around
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Hiya ^_^
These are some of my favorite guys:
I got the idea for ChibiIchigo and I thought it was really cute ^_^

So I got a request yesterday and I'm gunna try and do it today, but I also have a lot of homework
I'm Gunna draw Mew Kyra and Mew Kiichigo for Inu228822 and then I'm just gunna draw mew Kyra by herself ^_^
If anyone else has requests then just ask
So yesterday I saw the pink panther and it really wasn't that good, but I think Steve Martin is insanely funny
C yall around dudes ^_^
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Heyy!! I'm back!!
So I just got back from a long trip to florida and I'm insanely tired!! It was soooo much fun and I went on the Hulk in islands of adventure ten times consecutively ^_^. It was amazing and I saw with MewMewLover55 for the 24 hour bus ride to get there ^_^"".
I honestly don't remember any of my requests because while I was away my mom threw away the list that I had, if you could tell me them again that would be great.
My new obsession is Alice 19th!! It is sooooo good and I love it!!! I've only read the first volume but I'm still crazy for it. Hope youl like the new theme ^_^"
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Hiya Peeps
Hey I came home sick today but I have to go back in to school to take a biology test T_T...not excited!!...i really like it when you guys draw pictures on my drawing thing it makes me really happy when i come back to my site and there's a picture there for me ^_^ I'm so excited for the marching band trip to florida next week!!! WHOOO PARTY...WE'RE ALL SEXUALLY ACTIVE BAND GEEKS!! (Not really, its just from the movie mean girls and I thought it was funny) to yallz laterzz
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
DRAW W/ ME!!! ^_^
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Friday, February 3, 2006
Hiya Guys
Heya!!! So I haven't been on for a while but I just posted a new picture under card captor sakura fan art!!! Go check it out ^_^ I hope you like and comment pweez ^_^
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Yay!!!! My finals are over!!!! and I have no school today!!! Idk how I did on my math so I'll have to wait and see ^_^""" YAYA~~~~~ Love you guys!!!
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Bunny Puff!! ^_^
Hiya guys!!! So today I have my math regents...and I'm so not scared...I really think I'll do well...I got my grade back on my science midterm and I got a 94% so I'm really really happy ^_^ Today is my last final and then I have tomorrow off ^_^...I'm on for a while if you want to talk then just send me a PM ^_^
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hey Guys
Hiya!!! So today I have my honors biology midterm and I am totall freaking out!!! I am scared out of my mind!!! I'm getting the grades back next week and I'm sooo nervous. I haven't even taken it yet and I'm already nervous!!!...I hope I don't fail...well...wish me luck! ^^"""
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