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myOtaku.com: Heartless15

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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IchigoShirayuki (09/04/08)

hello there!i love the layout!it is amazing!yay you like the same sports i like!^^Yuu Watase is really good!anyways see you around!

XxkiwixX (06/10/08)

hello awesome page you have here lol ehh i waz wondering could you help me cuz im new and very lost lol please and thank you

Jrockislove (05/12/08)


We are just randomly coming by and signing guestbooks. So yeah..we like your site and hope you don't mind adding us!

We'll add you if you add us!

~.:Jessica and Chastity:.~

chokolatealkemist (04/07/08)

Hi! Oooooo luv the Bleach layout! I signed ur guestbook on theO, thought I'd come sign it here too XD Keep up the awesome work, MORE MANGA PLZ!! o__o lolz
Have a nice day! ^_^


caosgoth (02/19/08)

CUTE SITE!! ^-^ very lovely bleach layout!! IT ROCKS! you know i like your art and to comment a lot ^-^ hehehe. and your welcome and thanx for the GB sign. thanx for adding me, gonna do the same and we'll keep in touch!! ^-^

Akatsuki Elite Member: Ichati

midnightqueen (02/17/08)

Hiya!!! ^_^ I love your site, it's awesome!!! I've only seen, like, the first episode of Bleach, though... I really like your art!!! ^_^ I hope we can be friends as well. ^_^


swtanimechick (02/17/08)

Hey there! Awesome Bleach layout! It's such a cool anime! ^_^ Thanks so much for visiting my site! ^_^ See you later!


CrimsonValkyrie96 (02/17/08)

HEY!! like thanx for signing my gb. u have such a sweet layout. im not kidding its really cool. well i hope u dont mind if i added u as a friend. well to bad i all ready did (haha) well byz ttyl ok

(real name)~Arianne~

TenshiHoshino (02/17/08)

Thanks for signing my guest book. I added you as a friend, hope we can become good frends. You have a nice site here.
Well hope you have a great day.

Puppydog5206 (02/17/08)

hey thanks 4 signing my GB. I am a bleach fan 2. sure i will add u as a friend.


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