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myOtaku.com: Heartless15

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Darkest~Phantom (01/03/08)

Hey, thankx for signing my GB. Yes, the BG is Gravitation, but this theme was all Dav's doing *looks over at Dav*
Dav:*grins wickedly*
Anywho, i like your site too, Deathnote rox! I'll add you and ttyl

john3:16 (01/03/08)

Hi there. Thank you very much for signing my gb. Your art is quite lovely by the way. I'm going to add you and, I hope that you will be kind enough to add me back.

I like your site. L is probally my favorite character in DeathNote either him or, Light just because he went mad with power. But you already know that story. XD

I am very proud to say that I believe in jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior and, I'm not at all ashamed to say it.

I hope that we can become great friends! have a wonderful day and, God bless!


sparkle 078 (12/30/07)

hello!!! thanks for signing. that was a nice thing to do. i really liked your art. the real manga is getting way too dark but i still love it. lol. yup. the tokyo revelations should be good. i really hope they sell them in the united states.

i like your site btw. very well done. i wish i knew how to do all those codes. i tried once but it didn't work very well. -__-

feel free to visit me or pm me. i like meeting new people. if you want to add me as a friend please read the rules first. thanks. ja ne!!

arcticwulf (12/27/07)

Thanks for signing my guestbook. Nice site...I like commenting and voting for art that deserves it. And yours does. SO bye

razz-a-matazz (12/27/07)

thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook! i LOVE your site! i'm a HUGE L fangirl^^ well, i hope we can be friends!


AkiNiiro (12/27/07)

hey Heartless15

i like your site L is wicked awesome i drew a pic of him recently i just cant find many good pics to draw of him...if you could help me find some that would be great! see you around!


akatsukilovers10 (12/25/07)

I ♥ your Site Its Awesome So I Hope You Dont Mind Me Adding U See Ya Round ♥ Ur Avatar Too

wolfzone (12/23/07)

You have some very nice pictures. I will add you. Nice! I love DN Angel. It is cool even though I have never seen the show, but I have heard it in magazines.

kyolover05 (12/22/07)

Heya [Hugs]
You have really nice BGs [Smiles]
You have very nice color choices !
Anywho, I added you and I hope we can become good friends [Huggles]
PM me anytime you want to, kay [Smiles] !
Ja mata ne
~ Keep on Walking ~

starblue (12/21/07)

What's up you have a cool site and i like it alot, i can add you !!!!!!!!!!

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