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myOtaku.com: Heartless15

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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tranquility111 (11/26/07)

Your site looks very very pretty. I also love your artwork. I wanted you to do more. :)


Hieis Heart (11/24/07)

Hiya. I love you'r art. I'll add ya. I hope we can be frined's ok!!


physco (11/23/07)


you have a cool site and you're art's awesome! Anyways, just thought I'd sign your guestbook, keep up the great art!


msyugioh123 (11/19/07)

Cool page!! i love the background

Funny Bunny (11/19/07)

hey i like ur site. the bgs are kewt/kewl and the colors are kewl 2. message me whenever


Tifa.2.The.Max (11/18/07)

ZOMG!!! I stubled upon ur manga and loved it sooo much! U did such a neat job! *high fives* Just wante dto sign ur GB and tell ya this
Much love

emily15326 (11/17/07)

Sweet site. I'm adding you to my friend list.

lunastarz (11/17/07)

Grettings Heartless15!

Thanks for signing my Guestbook, I just love it when I get new signings. Your my 101 signer! My favorite number! Yay for you! LOL Ill love to be your friend here on theO. The more the merrier!

You new best friend ~lunastarz~

Black feathers from angels

Kaiyou-no-Yoroi (11/17/07)

Hi! I like your art pm me want to take to u I think your cool!

P.S before i add you, you have to sing my gb and add me frist ok later.

red kie (11/16/07)

hey thanks fore sing my gest book
i like your sight too ^^
and yess i will add you
your art is prity good ill ad you on artist tracker too
well hope to see you latter ^^


~helios gardian~
~enemy of the abyss~

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