I feel really aggressive today, and I think I would love to get in a physical confrontation with someone. Sometimes fighting is just enjoyable, especially when you do so without any anger or malice.
My friends and I used to wrestle and grapple quite a bit for fun, often times not stopping until we were bloodied or out of breath from exhaustion. Unfortunately, none of those friends live in North East Ohio and I don’t really have anyone that I would be comfortable sparring.
With the exception of friendly fisticuffs, I a rarely, if ever, inclined to fight. Not because I think I am above anger or violence (my moral compass is definitely not that strong), I just have zero desire to get arrested or face a law suit. Sometimes, however, I do fee that an old fashioned fist fight settles things in a much more sophisticated and gentlemanly manner than all of the trash talking and underhand tactics that people use more prevalently today. I can think of a handful of times when throwing a few punches would have settled a situation in a much more efficient and a much less vicious fashion.
I never understood people that said fighting was “for the weak minded”, or that “only morons fight”. People insult and argue over their differences in opinion all the time, and while throwing a punch doesn’t make you right and the other guy wrong, rarely do peoples opinions change when they vehemently dislike each other. I guess what I am trying to say is that, if you know that both parties will feel better after taking a swing at each other, by all means, go ahead.
Does this post make any sense? Probably not. But neither do all of those anime characters that constantly flash the peace sign.