Per usual I am writing this in lieu of completing the work that is slowly piling on my desk. I figure that the work isn’t going anywhere and I don’t feel all that compelled to do it. Actually, I don’t feel much like doing anything, which is why I have yet to write anything remotely coherent yet.
As usual I listened to BBC world news this morning. I have no idea why I listen to it, it seems that every morning they feature a story about some country somewhere that hates America. This morning they featured Ottawa and how the majority of Ottawians (or whatever the hell you want to call them) not only loathe Bush, but loathe America in general.
Because BBC World News is, well BBC World News, they don’t require any justification for trashing America. I have no problem if the people of Ottawa have a justified reason to hate us, if our foreign trade policies are hurting their economy or our practices in the UN is thwarting their political agendas then I could at least begin to grasp their viewpoint. But none of this is specified during the radio show, all the report included was a clip of George Bush saying something stupid…who cares if Bush says something stupid that is nothing new.
I am growing quite tired of the unfounded anti-American movement that is has been spreading through first world countries. Unless you are from France (if you are, fuck you you smelly, ass-fucking, snail eating bastard...oh, by the way your wine is pretty tasty, good job!) the majority of Americans are pretty indifferent about your country. Lets be honest, Spain is to America what Honduras is to Spain. Sure, Spain knows that Honduras is there but they aren’t going to modify their entire foreign policy just to because
Honduras pisses and moans a bit.
Look, I am not entirely unsympathetic to the plight of the Europeans and the Canadians and whoever else wants to hop onto the bandwagon. The problem is that you sound like a bunch of bitchy whiny old women on not only American media, but your own. Maybe if you make a rational, justified valid point on why you are unsatisfied with America then we will start giving a rat’s ass about your country.