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myOtaku.com: Heavens Cloud

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

It is odd how my moods jump from one extreme to another in such a short span of time. Yesterday I was in quite the black mood. I don’t know why I was so depressed, slow and sluggish; sometimes I just slip into those moods. Today, however, I am quite upbeat and energetic. Can anyone say “manic depressive”?

I am absolutely pissed that I missed the first episode of the Contender, everyone said it was great. Unfortunately, WWE Raw was on at the same time. Watching wrestling on Monday nights is so ritualistic for me that it is hard to remember anything else. As a precautionary measure I set my digital recorder to tape the Contender on Thursday and Sunday…just in case.

I am not a big fan of reality shows but even I have my guilty pleasures. First off, I love the Real World/Road Rules Challenges (Inferno, Guantlet, Battle of the Sexes). These shows are so great because the people they get have to be the most dysfunctional members of American youth that they could find. As much as I like the Challenges, Ultimate Fighter blows it out of the water. If you haven’t seen this show and you like the UFC, professional wrestling, MMA, or fighting in general, check it out. It is a reality show where the contestants that don’t like each other actually can settle their differences with a fight. Yeah, it is really fucking cool.

I have some ideas for posts on here, but I think I’ll hold off on them until my new blog finally launches. It is ninety percent finished, which is actually less finished than it was last weekend. Don’t worry, the site is going to be pretty plain regardless of my hype. As past girlfriend have all agreed, I heavy on the build up low on results.

Anyway, I’d like to do one of those Q&As that were popular around here two or so weeks ago. If you ask me a question I guarantee a smart assed answer.

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