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myOtaku.com: Heavens Cloud

Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Little “A” for the “Q” but not for the “T”

JJRiddler-”If you had Michelle Branch and Pamela Anderson standing in leather chaps in front of you, who would you play with first?”

That is easy, Michelle Branch, though the leather chaps would be history in a matter of seconds. I don’t find the present incarnation of Pamela Anderson very appealing. Besides, sleeping with Pamela Anderson would be like having sex with a bowl of mashed potatoes. Her former husband didn’t have a large penis; he had a freaking elephant trunk growing between his legs.

Shinmaru-”If your ego and my ego were to meet in an MMA-style brawl, who would win?”

Tough one. I think that my online ego is probably a little bigger than your online ego, though your persona is a bit stronger than mine. Therefore the size difference would probably be minute. However, my real life ego is almost as, if not as, large as my net ego. So you might run into a size conflict there. That said the size of an ego isn’t everything, how you use it is important as well.

Because my ego is so large though, I can confidently say I would crush you.

Shinmaru-”Also, which ego would have more ladies throwing panties in its general direction?”

I think that you would definitely have more disease free panties thrown in your general direction.

Satan665-”Ever had a moustache?”

I am a spitting image of Tom Seleck…

No, I have never had a moustache (unless those few minutes while I shaved an experimental beard in college) though I think it would be cool to have curly moustache and a van dyke. That way I could curl my moustache and run my other hand on my chin menacingly, resembling a crazy comic book villain.

Trenton Noir-its funny to me. i leave comments some times, but they're always a couple of days behind, due to my infrequent internet use. i sometimes doubt that they are seen. the days i do catch a fresh post of yours (like today), they're always "wrestle, wrestle, other stuff...". *sigh*

Do I really write about wrestling a lot on this blog. Hmmm. Anyway, I do catch your comments most of the time, hope you are still thrashing out on your guitar.

Sarah-”You're always doing things that were popular a couple of weeks ago. I think it's 'cuz you think it makes you cooler to do it when it's not the trend. What do you think?”

I think that I end up following trends weeks after they were popular because I am lazy bastard and I cannot think of anything original to do. It is an easy cop-out.

Sarah-”Also, could you explain in detail what about me is so irresistible?”

Well, maybe it is your ability to manipulate the English language so well. Or maybe it is eclectic musical taste that often time mirrors my own. Perhaps you are irresistible you are the cleanest dirty girl I have ever known. Or perhaps it is vice versa. Maybe I just admire your goals and your struggles. But, I probably find you irresistible because you have a sweet ass :p

Yeah, that was an excerpt from my book “The Male Chauvinist or How to be a Pig in One Easy Step”.

Sarah-”how big’s you pipi”

Depends how cold the bath water is…

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