Birthday 1991-02-06 Gender
Male Location Jim Thorpe, PA Member Since 2005-11-11 Occupation Fuck Work Real Name ask n I might tell
Achievements getting this far in the profile Anime Fan Since not sure Favorite Anime cowboy bebob, samurai champloo Goals not sure Hobbies skating (aggressive inline) Talents skating (aggressive inline) Hell Xombie
What's up! Welcome to my site the greatest one u'll ever visit...well i guess not but i try. ne way sign me guestbook i sign ur's and if i think ur kool enough we might even become friends ^^ ne way have fun n enjoy!
My quote on life:
"Always be happy, Never be satisfied" and no, it dosn't mean greed. Ask if u want to know exactly what it means.
what's up!?!
soo how's every1 been!?! sorry i havn't posted in a very long time, i really do have a good reason though uhhhhh...and i'll think of it l8ter. but for now i'm just glad to post again. cresent moon out tonight pretty kool, and it just snowed so it's a perfect night for me ^^ oh an thanx u three for postin on my last comment, it helped ^^ I have a new person in my life actually i knew her b4, but i'm not tottaly sure what to think yet lol guess this dosen't make much sense but all well ^^ i hope u all have been doin good recently, and i will try and visit ur sites but if i don't get to it today i'll be there tommorrow k? welp ttyl every1 cya^^
pretty bad day...
I just broke up with my girlfriend last night, and i had to see her in school today, she was balling her eye's out everytime i saw her. Which made me feel like crap. Then after school she wouldn't stop calling my house. i wanted to answer but i still have a little bit of feelings for her so i knew i couldn't. But what led to us breakin up was she did something so fucked up. But i really don't feel like talkin bout that right now. ne way hope all of u had a lot better day than me. Comments
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
QUIZ!!! You are Blue.
Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace with yourself, you don't tend to over react. Although at times you can be quite harsh and cold towards others.
Yes yet another quiz, this one is pretty accurate, it's my favorite color and it describes me pretty well :D ne how r u all today, hopefully good. welp since i didn't do much today yet i guess i have nothing to talk about but all well. here's a quote, try n figure out what it means n the first person to get the closest to what it means gets a prize umm i'm not sure yet what but u will get a prize :D
"The eyes only see, what the mind wants them to see" ~xombie~ Comments
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Friday, November 11, 2005
Hey yall
Welcome me! the newest member to The O! ne way i need some siginins peoples. so get out ur pen and paper XD i guess that's all for now...even though it's not much heh heh ^^ uhh...welp guess i'll leave ya's with a little info about me XD