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Member Since
^___^ I love smiling
Real Name
Diana ^___^
um.... Having a lot of hello kitty stuff. lol
Anime Fan Since
I was an anime fan since I was 8 years old I think
Favorite Anime
My super favorite animes are: Naruto, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruit Basket, Samurai champloo, Pokemon, Vandred, DNA, Spiral, Chobits, and well I get into any anime ^_^
To go into a good college
I go to the park, exercise a little bit, ect. I play nintendo games: Legend Of Zelda, mario games, metriod prime,F-ZERO, etc.
I can't really find my talent yet. I could draw but it's not that good
| Hello Kitty Freak
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/19/07:
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)
Result Posted on 11/19/07:
I am always curious. lol
What type of flower do you resemble? (for girls w anime pics!)
 You resemble the Fern. Like the Angelica, ferns resemble inspiration and magic, while angelicas resemble fascination and sincerity. You're intelligent on the inside while having a colorful exterior. You probably enjoy doing things like expressing yourself and sitting down with a book to read. The good thing about you is that you probably never had too many limits. You let yourself experience new things and have a curious mind full of curiosity (haha). Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/19/07:
is that a bad thing or a good thing
.:: What are your inner feelings? ::.
 Naive and pure. You are cute and (dare I say it) loveable, and perhaps the most treasured person out of your family. You have a hard time figuring out which is right and wrong, but because you may act like a child sometimes, you are very playful and trusting. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/18/07:
confusing quiz
What type of music genre are you? (AnImE pIcS)
 Alternative. Alter=a change in form, thought, or pace. You're different in style everyday, you often change things from one to the next, and you just can't fit in, no matter how much you try. People sometimes find you hard to describe or label, and sometimes you are able to find two different sides of every story. You have two personalities, both reserved for certain times, though you're very special =) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/18/07:
true <3
Result Posted on 10/12/07:
True, I am shy
What is your personality color ? (anime pictures)
 You're White. ur a complete sweetie. very shy in the presence of new ppl. u don't talk very much, but ur very swt. ppl become very fond of u bc of ur generalli swt attitude. u lyke to help out as much as possible, & u lyke to give. ur very smart, & probably best in ur class. ur not much of a speaker or singer, but u probably hav a very nice singing voice. u lyke to spend tyme writing & dreaming. u probably write poems, & draw lots of pictures. u can become very shy around boiz.. but they lyke ur presence neway. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/08/07:
Result Posted on 05/25/07:
@.@ My head hearts
Your IQ Is 90
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average
Your General Knowledge is Above Average
Result Posted on 05/25/07:
^__^ I want to eat a pocky now. lol
You Are Banana Pocky
Your attitude: fun and lighthearted
Unique and unforgettable
You are cutie everyone falls for
Result Posted on 03/08/07:
I always wanted to now what kind of coffee I was. lol ^__^
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