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Friday, February 29, 2008

Hahahahahahaha! I thought this was pretty funny.
I'm so bored right now.
How are all of you? :]
I finally put up a new piece of art. Go and comment it if you'd like!!! :3
(Yeesh, took me long enough.)
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
OMG! It's V-Day!!! It's scary how close that's to D-Day. XD

Hopefully all of you are having a wonderful, great, and warm valentine's day. The exact opposite of mine. :3
So how is everyone on this magnificently horrible day?
I'm just dandy and a bit angry at myself but yeah. I'm actually at the library right now. I hate the library.....
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wa wa wa wa wa.....

I'm the lazy KING!!! That's right. XD
But seriously I've been doing, actually no I've actually gotten to work and doing useful stuff. LOL!!!!!
Oh and it's been raining over here......where I live. >.>
Moving on, I haven't had time to draw anything so sorry about that.....sooner or later I will. >.<
Um, so how are you guys doing?
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Monday, February 4, 2008
I feel so special!!!
I actually made someone worry about me!! I feel so special!! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Like I said before I've been busy and lazy at the same time. XD So not a good combination!!! LOL!
Anyway here's my hello for you. ^^

And here's my thank you to AngelBestDream, for asking and worrying. =^^=

So how is everyone?
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Monday, January 7, 2008
Really, really late. But I have an excuse! Really!!
I know it's super late but Merry Christmas to everyone! X3

I hope the holidays were filled with joy and laughter. And lots, and lots of alcoholic beverages. XD
That's what makes us feel joyous and laugh after all. LOL!!
Oh and a happy new year!! Hopefully this year won't suck like the rest of them. XD

So how was everybody's holidays spent? O_O
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

That's a cheeseball he's licking, and I made it.
It's delicious.
What have you people been up to?
I'm just over here trying to survive through the finals. I already know I passed two classes, I just need to know about the other two. ^^
Man, I feel so tired, I guess all the thinking is catching up to me. :D
What would you do if this:

happened to you?
I would kiss his other eye. ^^
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Holy Shit-aki Mushrooms!!
State police warning for online: Please read this "very carefully"..then
send it out to all the people online that you know. Something like this
is nothing to be taken casually; this is something you DO want to pay
attention to.
If! a person with the screen-name of Monkeyman935 contacts you, do not
reply.DO not talk to this person; do not answer any of his/her instant
messages or e-mail.Whoever this person may be, he/she is a suspect for
murder in the death of 56 women (so far) contacted through the
Internet. Please send this to all the women on your buddy list and ask
them to pass this on, as well. This screen-name was seen on Yahoo, AOL,
AIM, and Excite so far.This is not a joke! Please send this to men
too...just in case! Send to everyone you know! Ladies, this is serious.
Jennifer S. Faulkner Education/Information Specialist Roanoke Fire-EMS
541 Luck Avenue, Suite 120 Roanoke, VA 24016
540) 853-2257 (phone)
540) 853-1172 (fax)
A FRIENDS LIFE!!!!Miracles and Blessings
Please, don't delete this without sending it. I know, it sounds like bullshit, but for the sake of you, your friends, and your family, pass it on, tell people, post it on your MySpace, ANYTHING. Because I don't want to read in the news that a close friend of mine was raped and killed by some psycho from the internet. I love you guys, you mean the world to me, and I don't want to have to miss you for the rest of my life, okay?
This is definitely NOT a chain letter...this is a letter to just warn you all..
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
It sounds just like me....
I found this on photobucket. It's so funny!!!

Man, I wish I could sing with pervertedness. XD
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Well yea, I know it took me a long-ass time, but I finally added another page to: I can talk to slugs. Yep, it's up right now. :D
So what are you people up to?
Oh yea, another question.
If you could have any talent, what would it be?
Honestly I would love the talent of singing. I'm so jealous of the people that can sing, I envy them.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Shorty danced the Macarena.

I don't know how long it's been since I was last on, or posted something on my site...so I'm doing it now. XD
I went to NY for thanksgiving, but sadly I didn't enjoy it as much as I would have liked. There was nothing I could do about that. T_T
I hope all of you enjoyed it way better than I did.
What would you do if you saw a dog dancing the Macarena? (And if you don't know what that is, what if you saw a dog dancing?)
This is my sad attempt at making my site more interesting. XD
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