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A coconut. O_O
Member Since
8/15/07, I am officially a college student. The HORROR.
Real Name
I don't go by THAT name. It's something original like, The Greatest being EVER. Yea. :D
Starting and finishing school projects at the last minute (the night before its due) and still getting A's on them. XD
Anime Fan Since
I don't really know. I just woke up one day knowing what anime was. It's weird. XD
Favorite Anime
So many to choose from. *eyes glaze over*
To be HOKAGE!! XD Sorry, I couldn't resist. But my real goal is become a proffesional mangaka. I shall rule the world through my manga! Bwahahahahaha!!!
Drawing, but then when I get really bored I tend to try and do multiple hobbies at once. It's a bad habit.
I would say drawing cause people say so. :3
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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Yea that's right!!!
I defied society yesterday by going trick or treating when I'm considered too old to do so. :D
I went with a couple of my buddies and it was great! LOL!
It was great and I had fun. :D
Oh, right. The cover of my new manga is up and running, and I managed to get my Halloween work of art up yesterday. So check them out. You don't have to comment on the cover though, cause it's just the cover. XD
I'll try not to be lazy this time around.
So how was your Halloween spent?
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The world turned and said Hi.

Thank god theO is back on. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to put up my artwork before Halloween. :D
Yes, you read right I'm going to put up some new stuff. :D

Oh, and did I mention that I'm going to start a new manga series? Well it's true, so be on the lookout for it. :3
I'm going to send it in today, and hopefully by tomorrow the cover will be on the site. :)
I'm so excited! I have a good feeling about this one. ^^
So how did you guys survive the weekend without The Otaku?

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Monday, October 22, 2007
Did you see my pinky? o.o

Wooo! I wasn't bored yesterday (at least). :D
I went to my friends house to eat cake for her birthday. Yea, it saved me from a boring Sunday at home. We just passed the time looking a youtube videos and stuff. :D
I hope you guys weren't bored. ^^
Oh yea, I'm so sorry I said I posted my artwork yesterday sooner than it appeared on the site. XD
But now it's there and Rocketship commented on it already. Yay you rule!!! :D

So go and check it out!!! :D
Well, that's all I have to say. What about you guys?
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Sunday, October 21, 2007

I just finished adding a new piece of art. :D
I'm really happy with how this one came out so if you can go check it out and comment, I would greatly appreciate it. *bows*
Nothing much happened in the last few days I wasn't online...
Oh, my other friends birthday is today! Yea, she invited me over to her house for cake. I'm going to get fat if I keep eating cake like this. XD
I hope it's as fun as Rukia's B-day party! But this time I can't stay out too late, I have school on Monday. ^^

So how have the rest of you been?
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I am bored, again.

I saw this on my buddies myspace page and I just had to show it to you guys. I thought it was hilarious!! XD
Well there is nothing more to say.
Oh wait. I wanted to change my cover page for my manga, "I Can Talk to Slugs", but there is no 're-upload image' button on the pop-up window. Now that's just weird isn't it?
So now I'm waiting to see what Adam says about that. Hopefully he will be able to fix it, somehow. ^^

So what are you guys up to these days?
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Stuff and stuff. :D

Rukia's birthday was on Sunday! She invited me to her birthday party on Saturday. I'm not much of a party person, but since she's one of my best buds, I could make an exception. XD
It was ok. Oh wait, she might read this. O.o
It was the best party ever! Too bad none of you guys could come with us. It was the party of the year! XD
No really it was good. LOL! I had fun and we got candy!
Thanks Rukia!!!!
I have another essay to think about. I think my teacher wants to kill us with essays.
Death by essays!
I need help with the topic. She said we had to choose a worldwide controversial issue, or just a controversial issue I guess is fine. x_x
I kind of don't care about the outside world, kind of. I don't watch the news or anything and even when I do it's the same old thing. So I need topics and help from you. So if you know a good controversy or something, tell me. T_T Please.
Halloween! Yay, is everybody excited?
I'm not, because I'm too “old” to go trick or treating. That sucks. You are never too old to enjoy free candy!!
So I think I'll go trick or treating anyway. Yea, that'll show them!!

Oh and don't be fooled by the male on the right in the background. Yes, that's a male not a girl. LOL!
The one on the right is Agito and the one on the left is Akito. They have the split personality, remember?
So what are you guys going to dress as or whatever?
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Nothing to do right now.

My dad left on Sunday. But for some weird reason I don't feel sad. I'm so sorry!! I guess I just don't want to acknowledge it.
Right now I'm waiting for class to start. It starts at 3 PM and it's only 2:22 (and counting). *sigh*
I'm bored!!!!
Oh I know! I read Airgear up to the fifth volume. It's so good!! And now I know who this guy is.

I think he's my favorite character!! So far. :D
His name is Agito/Akito. He has a split personality. The one shown above is Agito (duh, it shows his name, LOL!). He is so cool!!!
Enough about Airgear. How are all of you doing?
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Friday, October 5, 2007

I thought this was hilarious when I saw it. I know two other people who will think so too. XD
Yes!! Today is Friday!!
I'm going to go hunt for my power-hungry dog (he escaped from his cage, he's probably going to try to take over the world.....again). So if you see a cute innocent looking doggy at your door, don't open it!!!!
So how was everybody's day today?
My day sure went fast, well it seemed like it. I hope you all had a better day than I did!
*spots Shorty*
Ah! I got you now!!
*runs off*

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Thursday, October 4, 2007
More art!

Moving onward!
I put up another artwork today. The link is down below. I hope it's enjoyble! *nervous*
 See, Hear, Speak No Evil Hosted By
Expect another page to be added to my manga soon. I'm working on it right now, but it's not done yet. I'm also putting up a new cover page. :D
I take such a long time to put up just a few things. It's sad really, but is it really my fault I'm so lazy? o.O No need to answer that...LOL!
So how was everybody's day today?
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I have such good news!!

Well like I typed in the title. I have some very good news! I was surprised to find that when I woke up at 1:00 PM on Sunday (I stayed up till 4 in the morning), I didn't see my parents anywhere! Wait, that sounds like a bad thing, but let me finish.
They were out at the flea market and didn't come back until around 2:30. Well, by that time my dad should be at the bus station ready to leave for NY. I asked my mom about it and she said that my dad decided to stay for one more week!

I hope you all have a nice week!
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