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Sunday, September 30, 2007
Kinda sad, hungry, and tired...

I'm kind of sad today. My dad came down from NY to visit. He leaves today around three....and he won't be able to come visit us again until December. *sigh* I wonder when he will be able to come home and stay here.
I act like he's here to stay whenever he comes to visit us...I guess I really wish that were true...
But don't worry about me!!

I hope you all enjoy your last day of the weekend before school tomorrow! :)
(If you go to school that is).
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
:D Kinda happy today.
Yay! The site kind of fixed itself after I took out the big pic I had before. The one with all the skulls and the cool looking skeleton. :D I guess that was the problem. Now it looks just fine on my computer.
In case you're wondering who the girl is, she's Ume. :)

This is such a cute pic! Friends forever, Ikki and Kazu!
Ikki is the one on the left and Kazu is the one on the right.
=^^= So cute!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
That thing is really popular huh?

Makes me almost want to get one...

This is so cute!
This was the first group that got taken down by Ikki. :D They were evil though but the leader got what he deserved. No he didn't die, he got something far worse. XD
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Hm...quick question to anyone reading.
Is it just me and two computers or is my site all leaning to one side? Everything is to the left and some is cut off. Why?
Does anyone know if I can fix it somehow?
If you don't know, how have you been?
I haven't been on for a while. Although I have responded to PMs. :)
I was bored today so I decided to change my background and stuff.
I guess that's a change of theme? :D
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Monday, September 10, 2007
Ugh, feeling like shi...*snore*
*wakes up to type about absolutely nothing*
I've been off the computer for what, three days? And I already feel like I have no idea what's going on. *sigh*
I'm sorry I haven't commented on art and posts, naturally I love to but lately I'm just lazy, again.
I'm really tired today, I'm getting pissed off for no reason, I hate it when I feel like this.
I seriously can't take a nap because then the next day I act really stupid. If only you could see how I act, you would laugh your ass off. I'm all Duh, all day. You could be talking to me and I'll be completely ignoring you and then I'll probably say something random or stupid.
Heh, pickles. You see! O.o Something like that. XD
Oh, and did I mention that I bump into things too?
Anyway, I hope you all had a better day than I did. Good luck in life and I hope you don't die so you could see another day. (Yes, that's when I get mad). Damn mood swings and I'm not even on my period! (I bet you really didn't need to know that, LOL!)
See ya.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I saw Halloween yesterday.
I sadly say that it didn't live up to it's B- that critics gave it. I didn't like it all that much. It was all gore and disturbing killing but not scary. Unless you like that stuff, don't go see it.
I have to say, it's my opinion that asian directors (or whoever makes the movies) makes the best horror movies ever. ^-^
The three day weekend seemed too short to me. The days flyed by, good thing I only have one class today. :D
I don't think I could have survived three classes.
So what are the rest of you guys up to?
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Monday, September 3, 2007
One more page and working...
I finally put up another page to my manga, "I Can Talk to Slugs". It took me a long time and it's only one page.
T.T I should work harder. Anyway, go check it out!
I'm thinking of changing the cover, but I don't know how yet. I'm still in the drafting stage! Well, actually more like the thinking stage. LOL!
Yay! Today's Monday and I'm not in school! How good does that feel? What are you guys doing on your day off?
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
Something for you to do.
This seems like fun, so I'm posting it up. And if you don't continue the tag, it's ok by me. :D
Just have fun!
Tag you're it!
I have been tagged by Chigatana.
The rules are:
1.Post these rules.
2.Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3.Tags should write journal/blog of these facts.
4.At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5.Go to their page and leave a message telling them their tagged.
This is what I wrote...
1.I'm weird, but in a good way. :D
2.I love my little dog Shorty, too much.
3.I speak spanish.
4.I'm a freshman in college.
5.I'm extremely shy (but not on the internet, weird).
6.I have recently developed a liking to the color green.
7.I'm kind of a hermit, I never go anywhere.
8.I can never beat my little brother at any video games (I get lucky ocassionally though).
I can't wait to read what you guys write. :D
I'm off to tag people.
Oh, and if you're not one of the people tagged but would still like to do this, feel free to do so.
The more the merrier. :D
The eight victims:
1.arlette alyce
2.Blue-Eyes Girl
7.Karabushi Sushi->done
8.AngelBest Dream
But wait, there's one more! Because she's the best and I couldn't not tag her. >.<
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Today I Laugh
I laughed at my brother today in the Morning. Why? Simple, because he started school today.
HA! Now I can be happy on my way to school, because I know my brother is suffering like me. (Actually I think he suffers more since his school day is longer).
Yea, it is mean. But I don't do it to be mean, I'm actually worried when he goes on to his first day of school, even when it's my first day of school too. XD (Well, when we went at the same time).
Yes, it's strange. I worry more about him than about myself.
I hope nobody picks on him because of his long hair. There are some real a-holes out there...
Let me move on to something else because just thinking about it makes me nervous and more worried.
Well, I hope everyone is doing great. I bet those of you that are still not in school are dreading that day. XD
Good Luck! Especially the people that are going to new schools. Try not to get dumped in trash cans and stuff. (I'm just kidding, they don't do that anymore). :D
Enjoy your last days of vacation!
Talk to me people, I'm bored.
Tell me anything! I'll listen (well, read). :)
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Yay! Friday!
The teacher didn't forget about some students introducing themselves. But I got over it. I made it through the second day of school. Yay!
Now on to the weekend!!!
Oh and don't forget to check out my most recent fan art. I put it up yesterday. :D
I wish you all a happy weekend. Mine will probably be boring as ever. LOL!
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