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A coconut. O_O
Member Since
8/15/07, I am officially a college student. The HORROR.
Real Name
I don't go by THAT name. It's something original like, The Greatest being EVER. Yea. :D
Starting and finishing school projects at the last minute (the night before its due) and still getting A's on them. XD
Anime Fan Since
I don't really know. I just woke up one day knowing what anime was. It's weird. XD
Favorite Anime
So many to choose from. *eyes glaze over*
To be HOKAGE!! XD Sorry, I couldn't resist. But my real goal is become a proffesional mangaka. I shall rule the world through my manga! Bwahahahahaha!!!
Drawing, but then when I get really bored I tend to try and do multiple hobbies at once. It's a bad habit.
I would say drawing cause people say so. :3
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
T.T I didn't like it.
I finished reading Death Note today. The final was HORRIBLE!! I didn't want Light to lose. But he did. -_- It just sucked. I don't think I'll ever agree with how it ended. *sigh* In the end, society goes back to being the hell hole it always was. :S
*looks around* Come close, I need to tell you something. *leans forward* If I had a death note, I would do what Light did. I would have the exact same idea. *grin* LOL! But it's not real, right? Right?!
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
.:Another one:.
I put up another manga. This manga came out of the blue, it was weird. O.o
But yea, it's up and running right now. But it's still under construction, so it might take me a while to put up some more pages. I hope for all you people who don't know I'm here, like it.
It's called "I Can Talk To Slugs", and it's in the...just go to my portfolio. LOL! I keep forgetting about that link. I hope you enjoy it!
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An old painful memory
I was at the flea market today. My little niece and nephew got some scooters. And I remembered the painful experience of the skateboard was painful. (Don't ask me how I got from scooters to skateboards).
I was one sunny day...let me just get to the point. I was outside on the driveway, trying out the skateboard when all of a sudden, WHOOSH! The skateboard goes forward and I fall backwards, right on my tailbone! It hurt, a lot. I couldn't sit down for a week. *shudders* I never got on it again, it's buried in my closet somewhere.
-_-' -Ugh.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sadly TT_TT
I have good news and bad news.
-Insert Geico Commercial Here-
That's getting old and I'm too lazy to type today.
Moving on to the bad news. I think it's almost official that I won't go to visit my beloved relatives (well some of them anyway). Sad, I really wanted to go this year. Dammit! Especially with that anime convention going on there. *sigh*

I think I thought of some good news. The good news is that I will be able to hang out with my old high school friends, lol. (We just graduated on the 10th of this month). June passed by so fast...
Note to Outcastsoul:
Sorry I won't be able to get you or go through the process of telling and getting stuff for you from NY. I never really thought this could or would happen. *bowing head* Sorry again.
Maybe next time! ^_^
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Friday, June 8, 2007
I finally put up some of my work. I turned in a mini manga I made about graduation. It was my final project for Art 3. I hope it's enjoyable (at least), and I hope more than one person reads it, lol. I had to simplify it because I only had about 3 days to create it.
It's title is Graduation. Go check it out. Oh, and it's in the Misc Anime section.
My quote for today:
~Always work hard, and you will get to that point of no return.~ 
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Friday, May 25, 2007
~Random Thought~
A cow.
Yeeeaaaa...I'm bored.

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Monday, April 30, 2007
A little something about myself
I am currently 18. Maybe Im still young and foolish, with the dream that I have. I want to become a mangaka, I know I can even if Im not the best artist out there. I just have faith, because whenever I think about it...I feel cant be explained. I also want to go live in Japan, maybe to escape the person I have been for so many years in the US. Many people have called me weird, the people that get to know me. Will you think so too?

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