EdwardElricThe2nd (08/02/05)
Hey there! I see your new here! Welcome to myotaku! Yay! n_n If you ever need any help on your site just ask me or my brother AlElricThe2nd! n_n I'ma gonna addu asa friend, okay!? n_n Drop by sometime! n_n CULATER!
-ur friend EdwardElricThe2nd
uchiha naruto (08/02/05)
hi thanx for signin my gb.love your site.love your avatar too.byes
Ch1ng Dynazty (08/01/05)
nice backround. just going to random pages and came across yours. if its ok imma add you as a friend. hit me up later peace
Kenshyou Harpuia (08/01/05)
hey thanks for come to my site yours is really kool i like your wallpaper its awsome well i am adding you as friend if it kool with you well l8rrzzz
female outlaw (07/31/05)
nice site.c u around.
X Shadowme X (07/31/05)
Coolness,I love your site.I don't think I'm going to add a backround pic.Somone already tryed to explain it to me,and I didn't get it.But thanks anyway,and thanks for dropping by my site.~Shadowme
xosweetpunkox (07/31/05)
wooooo im here to sign the guestbook. and im the 1st to say that i poped ur guestbook cherry lol hehehe. u seem kewl and nice so im gonna add ya to my friends list and i hope u do to well keep in tuch bye byes.
Otomeza29 (07/31/05)
Wow, your background is cool. ^^ Thanks for signing my guestbook!
later XD
Aj0404 (07/31/05)
Hey welcome to myo...thanks for signing my GB. Well hope you can come by my site again another time.