myOtaku.com: Hells Angel666
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
How iz you guyz?
Yeah nothing much has happened lately. Thats why I havent updated. I lead a boring life. Well I am not going to bore you guys, with my boring stuff so I will now leave you with a poem thingy..
I am ripping my heart open for you,
Its the best that I can do.
Is it not good enough?
I am trying to stay tough.
I let you in my heart.
And you tore it all apart.
You told me all these lies,
And ignored my cries.
I feel so decieved.
Why did you just leave?
You got what you wanted from me.
I was so blinded by your words that I couldnt see.
See that you were using me for your advantage.
Now I just cant manage.
You have ruined who I was.
All for your lust.
Hope you guyz enjoy the poem.
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
How are you all?
I am doing good, just sitting here chillen. I am to lazy to do the html for the thingy mabober. So yeah here is a poem.
I sit here in the dark
Wondering why you had to leave me.
Since you came into my life
There was always a light leading me.
But since you been gone the darkness came.
And it took over all the light.
So now I am here searching, lost in the dark.
For the light once again.
But you took all the light with you.
Now I am stuck here in the dark.
Uncaring, emotionless, and only loving you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Side Note-Thank you to everyone who likes my poems/short stories/thingymabobers lol.
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Friday, August 5, 2005
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
How Is Everyone?
Well I am good, just the same as always I suppose. I am drinking Mountain Dew right now..it is very good. I love 'Da Dew. HaHa I am getting hyper from it. HaHaHaHaHaHa..yes..lol..anyways here is a poem! I hope yawl like it.
A new kid came to school today
I sat there in the corner and watched
As all the children laughed and played
And the new kid just sitting there all alone
The new kid seemed weird and different to the rest of the kids
The kid wore all black, had piercings, and was always quiet
Everyone made fun of the kid for being himself
He was so hurt inside that no one could accept him for him
Everyday in the halls people would stare and whisper
He knew that they was talking about him
The pain that caused was so great
No one cared about his feelings, they just got a good laugh from his pain
I watched everyday as the kid deep in depression sat there and took their critizim.
He got closer and closer to the edge from every cruel word they spoke to him.
They laughed at his hair his clothes everything that thye could think of.
Making him feel like shit.
He cried at night wondering why they couldnt try to know him
Because looks are decieving, and no one should judge someone by the outside, but rather the inside.
He cut himself, more and more, because of those people at school.
Life seemed to have no meaning to him anymore.
One day he had had it
He was tired of hearing their cruel words just because he was different
He took the knife and cut his wrist so deep that he bled to death.
He wrote a note in blood, saying thank you to his class mates, because it was their words that killed him not the knife...
Stop judging people just because they are different!
I hate people like that, I hope you all perish in Hell =)
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
I feel like being random..
Have you ever wondered..why the trees have to be green?
Or why the grass is greener on the other side?
Why the sky has to be sky blue?
Why the clouds have to look like cotton?
Yes I have to much free time I suppose. But these are weird things to think about. I dont see why the sky cant be red or something. Jeez. Well okay hope you are doing well. Later
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I changed the bg..I made it...I had to cut the angel out..yay im cool ... lol..

Have a good day..
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Hello everyone..I have a headache..lol..How is all of you?
Today I went shopping..woo hoo..That is all..
My Hell is in your eyes
Everytime I look into your eyes my soul seems to burn
The memories of all the pain and torture you brought is rekindled
My heart breaks into millions of pieces once again
My soul is torn in halve
I live my hell, from looking into your eyes
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Yet another dad, and still no acomplishments..
Hello Hello..im doing good today, how are you guys?..
I am chained by the tortures of my past
I want to break away
But the chains hold me back
They are locked up tight
With no key to be seen
Will someone please unlock these chains
And set me free?
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Hello once again...
I went around signing random guest books today, I dono why..just felt like it..kinda bored..anyways here is a poem..
Alone in the dark I sit
With the words that you said racing through my mind
The painful excuses of why you had to go stabbing at my broken heart
I look over at a knife
Thinking this is the way to release my pain I pick it up
I place the cool metal upon my warm skin
Pressing down and moving backwards I gasp out in the silence
Blood begins to dribble out from the slash
I watch it drip down my wrist mesmorized
Its all because of you
That I do what I must do
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