E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger CardCaptor_Syaoran23
Birthday 1992-02-11 Gender
Male Location --- Member Since 2005-10-12 Occupation 9th Grade Student Real Name Just call me Grey please...
Achievements Realized what my purpose in life is... Anime Fan Since 2002 Favorite Anime Currently Naruto Goals Get Final Fantasy XI Online Hobbies Playing games, writing stories, doodling Talents Um...fighting with anyone over nothing
myOtaku.com: HellsHound
I'm hoping to get a new computer this summer so I may begin playing Maple Story again...Here is an unbeatable party...
Christmas is almost here!!!
Everyone knows Christmas is like the best holiday besides Halloween, but I'm getting Final Fantasy XI Online! If anyone else happens to play online, message me on here sometime, k?
My latest update...
ok...i quit playing starcraft, warcraft, and diablo (never really played Puzzle Pirates), but i started to play MapleStory (really quite fun if my computer didnt SUCK). Im gonna start playing with MidnightKittyHugs (my best friend). so c yas! (^.^)
Forget that post...im gonna free-write a poem! Muhahahhaahahahahahaha....ha!
These memories inside of me...
All the memories inside us,
Never to find a way out.
But you never forget a memory...
It simply is sleeping
Waiting to be awakened by familiar scenes.
All these memories and more...
But the true memories lie with that heart...
Whether it is good or bad...
It is still there.
True memories never disapear
They hide from the memories such as friends you never really wanted...
These memories just to cover the true
But don't try to remember so hard
For even true memories can lie!
Alas you must find that key to your own heart
"To lose is to find, to find is to lose..."
You once knew a girl...
But you forget her name...
Yet you somehow know that it's her.
Memories are altered over time,
But the true can never change!
You try to forget that kid who botherd you and it just let loose...
You killed him...
Trying to find your key...
But it never disapears and it shall haunt you to your dying day.
This sancuary of memories...
"The further you go into your own heart, you shall find, but for what you find, you lose!"
All these puzzles...
Just to forget an accident,
Or remember that girl's name.
You made a promise to someone once close...
"I shall always be at your side to protect you, ok? Never forget that!"
But due to irony,
YOU forget the prosmise YOU made...
But it still lies within your heart!
It will take bravery to find the key to your heart...
But it's a good chance to take
To find that friend,
To remember that name,
To forget the accident,
TO forfill that promise!
So why not that it?
That is if you can...
"The path you choose may be hard, or easy. But let me remind you that smaller rewards come from easy compared to hard! Choose wisely, may you find that key!"
You leave on the hard path...
But when you were told hard,
They ment it...
You get lost.
"If you wern't sure on how hard it was, start easy. Then pick up from there."
Somewhere down that path...
That girl who you made the promise to is in distress!
But what can a kid like you do?
Your enemies mock you as if your deaf.
You feel your face turn red,
And you unleash all your anger.
But you killed again!
But it was for good this time right?
Later that day the memories, past, and present haunt you!
You try to sleep, but it's impossible.
You decide to keep moving...
"I'm leaving...I'm sorry!"
The one you loved runs from you crying,
But all you can say was
"Why me? What did I do???"
Sometime you'll find that key...
You just have to keep searching!
"Your looking for the key to your own heart too?!?! I'm looking for mine as well as a friend of mine. Have you seen her?"
You decide to help and you both travel down the hard path, many problems to face you.
You draw a blade from your heart,
And stop anyone who trys to harm others!
All hearts are pure once...
But memories taint them!
You and your new friend find the end.
You finally recive that key...
As well as a new friend, and all those true memories wake up!
It all happens in a flash...
And you and that new friend realize...
You have been searching for eachother the whole time, but were lied to by old, tainted memories.
But you no longer care,
As you are reunited again...
As love and memories flow as one...
All you needed was the love of the girl you made the promise to.
Long absences...
ok...we all know i dont post a lot...im trying to keep up with honors english, my friggen algebra (tired of math...) and i play runescape, diablo 2, warcraft 3, yohoho puzzle pirates, dragon fable (dont ask why...), and it is getting to be a BIG pain. i cant submit pictures i draw because i have a really dumb computer. i recently got Chain of Memories, i beat all the final fantasy games i own, and i joined the video game club run by some friends within my school. i havent written any new poems really... and my drawing still isnt that great (hate drawing clothes and shoulders...) so i have a lot to work on... i also lost a lot of popularity on my site (cuz it old and i dont do anything new) so im kinda mad about that...im trying to find Passion from Kingdom Hearts 2 for the site...and this reminds me that my computer speakers are infected with another friggen virus!
Thngs shall never go the way i want them too...but a saying from Final Fantasy...
Darkness Within (when i use the word "He, and Him" i am refering to myself)
Darkness from the heart,
Creates nothing but hate,
Hate that destroys
And kills without mercy.
To purge the darkness,
To clense the world,
If only it were as easy,
As it is to die.
A death from within,
The death of all,
Darkness that engulfs the heart
To spawn more evil.
A heart gives in to the dark,
Evil is born,
Shadows that surround the light
As only a small hope remains.
Darkness swallows you,
As one stands alone,
You can't see
As the one laughs.
You are to be nothing,
Because you matter to nobody,
And nobody loves you
Or even wants to be around you.
Then you die,
Alone and helpless,
Just like the one
Who never had heart.
He laughs at your stupidity,
And all you can think about,
Is why
And how.
Your filled with sadness,
Soon dispise,
He laughs at you
Because you gave up.
You loved him,
And he loved you,
But you left
As he was in pain.
He stood by you,
And continues to love you,
It was you who left
Him long ago...
It's your fault,
Not his,
You misunderstood
And now you will pay!
Fate in Question (based off Kingdom Hearts)
Love beyond life,
Never reaching,
Never touching,
Yet is never-ending.
Shadows spawned from light,
Jet black,
Yellow eyes,
Swift and perilous.
Light that is just there,
Never formed,
Enchanting beams,
Sparkling like Heaven.
A key to save all,
And marvelous,
Sweeping arcs of hope.
Moon above a cloudless sky,
Only to have stars shatter the stillness,
Two once close,
Seperated from eachother,
Destiny blocking two hearts wills,
To be together
Once more.