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Monday, October 17, 2005
much better
well now tha i have that whole music business out of the way........ i've got an official job as mike and nikki's babysitter. yes i know you you have no idea who these people are but it makes me feel good, so indulge me. i get an ok amount each time i watch their kid and i might even get some more babysitting gigs through my mom's work. some of her friends are looking for someone to watch their kids and she recomended me to some of them and they said that they'd call if the needed anyone!!!!! go me!
also i think i pissed off tim last week and this afternoon. he's this stocker kid i think i mentioned earlier. he thinks i'm playing hard to get and likes to follow me where ever i am on the bus or after school. he really weirds me out. i think i've made it clear that i don't like him without using the words "i don't like you". and if he hasn't gotten it by now, though i think he has, than there is something wrong with him. so now i ward him off as best as i can by replying to his hello's with a quick hi and then running off so's he can't strike up a conversation that he knows makes me feel uncomfortable. i think next time i'll mention tony and then maybe he'll really get the idea. who knows.
oh and we're trying to get the internet in the hall where we have our "new" computer. if we can get it hooked up than i'll be able to scan my art onto the computer and post it!! non of them are in color, or at least not any of the good ones, but thats ok. i like them and i hope that you'll like them too.
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Friday, October 14, 2005
ok so that didn't work so i'm posting again. remember pay no attention.
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no reason
i honestly have no reason for posting and for 2 reasons.
#1: i have heard from no one for the past few posts. i don't know why. what ever
#2 i'm bumping down amish paradise so i can put on numb by linkin park. i think they're the only modern band i like. the lead singer has an amazing voice and this music video, i think, describes me perfectly.
so yeah pay no attention to this post and all to the music video.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
just a quick hello!!
i've been on a wicked humor kick and so instead of talking i'll just post a few picks that will hopefully bring up some laughs!!

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Thursday, October 6, 2005

so i got this new site thingy yesterday. its on xanga.com. i'm not sure i like it really, i only got it to talk to my friends at church. i don't know if it'll let me be as free as my otaku but i'm gonna give it a shot. this in no way impacts my otaku site but honestly i can't think of much to talk about so i thought i'd mention it.
well the long weekend is here and i'm trying to get away. i'm calling a friend later and hopefully i'll be shopping and having fun for the rest of the weekend.
well thats all for now, nothing is really happening here so there isn't much to say.take care! Ta!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
school ends

well i had to very strange things happen over these past few days..
#1) i attend band every other day and feel inatiquite. many of the senior players in band are above averagly good at what the do. one of these students is named Pill. he is killer on the barry sax. i mean he is above amasing. in fact i would go as far as to say that he rocks my socks. its like magic. well this wonderful vision i had of this child was shattered yesterday when i saw him smoking weed in his car as i was leaving school. it was rather diappointing. from what i understand this child is the rather intelligent. he gets good grades and as i said he rocks on the sax. well....... just goes to show you don't really know people.
#2) we have a new student attending our school. his name is Tim and i hate him. he attends the church i've been attending for the past few years. i was almost madly in love with him until he told me that i was a flirt and needed to stop. i figured he lived in an entirely different school district and i would probably never see him again. what a sad child i am. now he as our school and he has no one to talk to but poor me and really don't like him. i'm thinking of asking one of my close guy friends to hang out with me for a while and try to make him get the idea that i really don't like him. and to top it all off he's a perv!! GAAAAAA!!! i don't like him. and i know he's thinking of me right now and it really freaks me out!! why me?! WHY ME!!!!?
thank you for listening. well i have a 5 day weekend comming up and i hope to be away for a while so maybe things'll winde down. at least thats what i'm hoping. well here goes nothing.
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Monday, October 3, 2005

i really can't think of much to say today. i'm suppose to be wrighting a paper and i really don't feel like doing it. though i should seeing how its a letter grade off every day it's late. i could do it in about the same time it takes to go to the bathroom but i don't really wnat to do it and that would also bring up to many bad images.
well i have a new backround and i think it's pretty cool. i don't really have a favorite anime movie and or show and if i did i'm just not the kind of person who would amulate that on my backround so i think this works ok.
so since i have nothing to talk about i think i'll preach the benifits of friendship:
-friends are one of the most important things to have to be able to survive in this extremely difficult world. A good friend will stick by you when times are good and especially when times get bad. they should be able to support you in whatever you choose to do with yourself, whether they feel what you're doing is right for you or not. A good friend doesn't judge you or call you names. they don't put you down or tell you that you can't make it. they love you for who you are. so have a friend and make sure that that friend loves you for you and not for your gaming system.- (this proverb brought to you by heriko89) ;0)
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
 You want a Beautiful love, soft but passionate. You are probably very old fashioned and polite. You can't stand rude people, wolf whistles are to you only dis-respective and immature. You love nature and everything beautiful in life. You will fall for a guy that makes you forget about the rest of the world.
Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars? *cough*rate*cough* ^^
What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~ brought to you by Quizilla
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wow. sorry i haven't posted for a little while. i was going to post two days ago but the teacher saw me on the otaku and said that if she caught me on again than i would loose internet privilages for 2 weeks. what a @#$%%@! but hey what can you do. i've been really busy lately. i've had a quiz almost eveyday this week and i've studying like a mad person. i think i'll have carpaltunal by the time i'm atleast 30. but the up side is that i've gotten all good grades so i guess thats a bonus.
our school has some major issues. 2 kids were suspended for wearing their hats sideways. now just to be perfectly clear i don't approve of this fashion. infact i think it it makes the wearer look uneducated and rather ugly. But the school board cannot suspend anyone for wearing their hats sideways. thats just ridulious. that would be the same as suspending a student for wearing pants and the legs of those pants not being to their desired lenght and their socks comming up too far. the stupidity of our education board asoundes me. see they believe that if a student wears their hat other that the "correct" way than they are supporting gang actions. ummmm yeah no. whatever.
so thats it for my life so far. now it's off to complete my homework. ta!
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Monday, September 26, 2005
What name is best for you? brought to you by Quizilla
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