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Monday, September 26, 2005
movies and weekend

AAAAAAAAA!!!! i got to see Corpse Bride!! it was the best movies ever! first of all i love tim burton moves, like nightmare befor christmas and sleppy hollow (i watch sleppy hollow every halloween) i think that this one is right up there with his good movies! although the end is sad, it is still a blast to see. we (meanihg both i and my three good friends) sat really close to the front. more, infact, than i had wished to be. it was a bit loud but hey, whatever!!!! if anyone gets a chance to go see the corpse bride, do not hesitate!! GO!
in other news. we have a 5 day weekend this week. and one thing is for sure, i'm not staying home. my mom managed to go from cool to granny protective in a matter of three months. so i want as far away from her as humanly possible. and if that means only one town over than so be it. i might go to the movies again if i can get the money. i want to go see the exorsism of emily rose if any of my 17 year old (or oledr) friends can go. i know my mom won't take me. it looks scary, one of those b.y.o.b. (bring your own blanket) events but i like being scared. i saw the new amnightivill horrors in theaters and i about cried, but i liked it!! so the exorsisim of emily rose doesn't look so bad.
well thats all i think......... umm yup. ok then. bye!
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Friday, September 23, 2005
 You're a dreamer. Smart and probably a little sarcastic, you tend to have your head stuck in the clouds. You love things like writing or art, creating things from your own mind and bringing them to life. You are an observer, listening instead of talking. You can tell who a person is by just listening to them for a little bit. You are also a little bit lonely, probably hurt from trusting someone too much. You believe in love, but you know the pain it can bring. You forgive a little too easily, but you can also hold a grudge longer than anyone. Know that not everyone is a nice person and some people will take advantage of your seeming naivete. Be a little more cautious but for the most part, don't change.
Your Personality (detailed outcomes) brought to you by Quizilla
 Sesshomaru would be the best one for u. He is really strong and he would be a wonderful companion. I hope u like demons because Sesshoamru if a full demon.
Which Anime male would u fall in love with (Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
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helo all!! well yesterday while scurring throuhg the library i found something i never expected to find. a book i had read in 7th grade that expected never to see again. it's called The Hunting of the Last Dragon by sherryl jordan. its a really good book about a boy named jude who's village and family is destroyed by the last dragon. he sets out on a jurney with his new friend jing- wei and together they hunt down the last dragon. i've told my friends about the book, some say it's sad that they are out to kill the last dragon but if you can, read the book. it's a really cool.
in other news, it's raining outside today. though glum and cold the rain is almost relaxing. i like to sit and listen to it outside my window in the morning. it gives me a kind of peace, almost a serine feeling. it really is lovelly.
which is in contrast to tonights events. tonight is the homecomming game which we have lost for the past two years in a row. whatever, i'm their for the music and the food.
well i have work to finish so i'd better leave. thanks!!
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Thursday, September 22, 2005

sorry for the sort post. i really can't think of much to say. we're getting a new car today. it's a ford free style. 7 seats and hopefully a cd player. so finally i can get into town and do some girly shopping.
homecomming dance is saturday and i can't go. we have a wedding to go to. it's not that i don't like the person, i love her alot, it's just that i really want to go to this dance. it'll be the second to last homecomming i can go for the rest of my life. but i can skip it to go to a once in a life time wedding of a very good friend. she deserves our support.
i might get to go to the movies on sunday and get to see corpse bride!! i can't wait! i've been watching the calender for the past few weeks, counting the day untill it's release. johnny depp is the best. nomatter if he si acting or doing the voice over for a character. weee!!! i'm so excited!!
ok ok so this isn't a short post but whatever. oh and head over to airbenderpaschan's sight and congrdulate her on her new job. *wink to rach* GO RACHEL!!!!
ok so i think i'm done now. thanks!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
raed and music

well today i have book club. it should hopefully be a whole lot better than the year before. last year we ahad a disoganized, boring and all around controling teacher running the show. she made a fun activity that for the most part my friends and i started a real bore. so hopefully this year we'll have a good time.
also the lunch time music series is starting. at lunch every thursady eveyone is envited to the library to listen to or be involved in playing music for anyone who wishes to attend. its a really fun time for everyone who shows up. alot of people i know usually show off their talents for the rest of us like emma, who is going to be playing a song on the piano from the lord of the rings. i don't remember the name of the song but it should be really good from what i'm told. i can't wait.
man i have nothing to read. i think i'lll go look since i'm here and hve nothing to do but study for a make up quiz. ok then.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

wow!! i forgot over the weekend that i have a test today in science!!! why me. i have a 95 average at least in chem. but it won't last long if i don't study. also i have to make up a quiz i bombed in the same class. i didn't want to know my grade but i wouldn't be surprised if it was as alow as a 10 or so. i wasn't prepared. the only reason i'm not freaking is because i got 100s on both quizes before that so.......
it seems that teachers manage to cram as many tests into the first month of school as possible. i don't think a week has gone by that i haven't had a major test or quiz.is it just that our parents generation is out to scar the new generation in order to prevent them from taking over when they die. maybe they think they'll never die? woa??...... *twilight zone music plays in backround*.......... now i'm very confused. well i should probably study so that i don't end up being taken care of by my never- dying parents when i'm old. thanks!!
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Monday, September 19, 2005

well this is really annoying. i have to stay at school untill around 7:30 or so and i think they're testing the fire drill alarm. it keeps going off at the most unopertune times. it's really irritating. well i had a pretty neat weekend except for the fact that i realized that i had only 1 pair of pants to last me the whole week... well one pair of pants and 2 skirts which i hate to ware. also our two cars died over the weekend so we have to go out and buy a new car. and with my mums tast in cars we'll end up driving a granny car. how fun. so we have homecomming march and bonfire which should be fun. not the marching. the fire. it doesn't last long but its really cool to go to and hang out with you're honey, which i don't have. so i think that covers the weekend and upcomming events. if i miss anything than sucks to me and my sad lack of knoweldge. (oh and if this post sounds rather drab than i'm sorry. im tired and have no after-school life to speek of)
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Friday, September 16, 2005

well today we have a pep rally at school. kick off for homecomming and all that good stuff. that means that, because i'm in band, we have to stand in the gym, on the floor, and listen to the classes yell at each other in the stands. that also means we'll have about 900 or so kids spitting their words in our direction and last but not least it means that i and our band will have to stand in the same spot for at least 45 minutes or so. oh gee!! how fun!! *note the sarcasim* yeah so i think thats all for now other than i won't be able to post for a few days because i'll be at nikkis house and myotaku gave them a virus so......... awww well!!! so don't be angry if i don't post till monday or so. thanks!!
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
worst morning

well i think i've had the worst morning of my school year. it all started when i woke up. i found out that the only clean clothes for bottoms were the ones hanging on the line outside. so i had to walk through wet grass then through dirt to get my skirt from off the line. yeah my feet looked nasty. then i realized that i needed to where shoes for marching practice today so i had to search for thoes, all the time trying to watch the clock so i didn't miss the bus. when i found them and had managed to wresel a decent pair of socks from their bag, (yeah don't try to get new socks from their bag when you're in a hurry) i realized i was late for the bus. so i ran outside, in my bair feet (i was holding my socks, shoes and bag pack), to catch the bus which almost drove away. then i got to school and realized i had forgotten my calculator for science, which i had set out so i wouldn't forget and a bandaid for the scrach i have on the back of my foot from mondays marching practice. and as if things couldn't get any worse, the science homework, which i do not have a calculator for, is not done so i have to lift a calculator off of someone loving during 2nd period so i can finish it. i hate school.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

man am i tired. i have the worst back ache in the world and i just wanna sleep. but allas i can not. for i have the best friend of any highschool student to complete, homework. so much that i may vomit. but after i fall asleep *begins to shut eyes* only for a moment *eye lids slowly drifting shut* then its off to work *almost closed* i promissssss *snor, snor snor......... jumps awake* oh wait. oh man.. :0(
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