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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

i have no particular reason for posting. infact the bell is gonna ring soon so i should probably go. i just wanted to post because.......... and to show you this funny cat. yeah it has no meaning it just made me laugh so i decided to show it to you... so yeah.
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Monday, September 12, 2005

i feel like a princess. i would like to apologise to anyone here who has no interest in my love life. if you do not with to here about it reture to ur site or that of another persons...
now.............. I really really like tony!!!!!!!!!!!! he is so gorgeous and so hugabble and so increadibly sweet aand smart and dedicated and just all around perfect!! now comes the daunting task of getting him to notice me. the girl he currently likes is in a friends-with-benifits relationship with nikki's land lord. and lets just say that their relationship is ............ not pg. and i had the lovely task of telling tony this!! and boy did that feel good. yeah it hurt im a little bit but he'll get over it. so now all i have to do is keep telling him of breanna's happy moments with jeremy and he'll fell that he has no chance with bree star to look around for someone ealse. and to top it all off........ i think he may have a thing for yours truly!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok ok ok. i promise that the next post will have nothing to do with tony or any other guys i like. infact i'll promise that for the rest of the week!! if you have lasted this long than i thank you for listening to my issues. it makes me feel loved.
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all i can say is that i love everyone!!! man i feel so happy after yesterday. seeing tony was the best thing that has happened to me almost all month. and the best part is that, since i'll be spending alot of time at nikki's house the chances that i'll see him again will be even higher!!!
also i'm at school right now so i can only write so much before they realize that i'm not using the compy for school purpouses. so gotta make this short.
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
keyboards and honeys!!

yeah for the new keyboard!!! i can finally use the compy at home and type!!! it is a little wierd using a new keyboard but i think i'll be able to get use to it.
i've been a bisy beaver this weekend. i got to go over to nikki's house and stay the night. man did i need that. also i get to go over next weekend and watch their son........... oh and did i mention i'll be getting paid!!!! oh yeah! money is alwasy a good thing.
oh and i also got to see the guy i've been crushing on for the past few months today. it was only for about five minutes or so but i don't care!!! to see his face for one gleaming moment sent my heart all a twitter!!! honestly i don't think i could have stood up while he was standing there. my knees were all shakey and my face was all flushed................ oh jesus i sound like a school girl.......... wait i am a school girl!!! hehehe. but it was the best feeling since my first kiss. oh gee. well i aught to go. i have work to get caught up on and dinner to eat. thanks!!!!
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
holy hannah!!! why didn't anyone tell me about photobucket.com. it's the best site ever. i can take any pic i've downloaded and turn it into a backround at the click of a button!! i feel like the possibilities are endless!! if i see a new pic that i love all i have to do is go to photobucket and all my dreams will come true!!! oh yeah i'm on my dad's lap top at home. my mom is heading out to buy a new keyboard since my bro used the old one as a coaster for his soda. yeah............. don't do that. things do not turn out so good for the keyboard. also go and check out my new friends site shinta07. its pretty cool. so i guess thats all for now............. ok then
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Friday, September 9, 2005

ok i had enough time to get a pic. i found this pic while searching around for pics on google. i liked it so here you go!!!
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i'm at school right now and i can't post a pic. wow!!! life has been so stressful. we're getting a new keyboard soon so that might help a little. but until then i'm resighned to typing these increibly short posts at school and doing homework until i throw up!!!! gotta get honors or hight honors to have a chance at italy. so i guess thats all so far. talk to all of you later. oh and if anyone can send me to a site with cool anime pics of any of your favorite anime show(s) or movies that would be greatly appreciated!!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

grrrr my compy is being stupid. im being hindered from using the buttons in the second row on the key bored. this is so dumb. sorry i didn't post over these few dys. the compy told me this site didn't exist. grrr this is so tough to write with out the first letter in the list of vouels which i........ #$$#@#^%^@%@#$^^^%%^Y$%%$%^^ ok i feel sort of better. i'll fix it then post. good thought i think.
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
i dislike small children

i would just like to say first and formost that i hate sailor moon with a passion. this pic just happens to portray my feelings at the presant time well and there for sacrifices had to be made. for the past two days i have been at my friend nikki's house. she has a little 1 year old boy named reece. i have no problem with him when he is sleeping or happy. infact i think he's a peach. but the happy or the sleepy only makes up about 20% of his life. the other 80% or so is filled with stinky diapers and crying and fussing and.... and.....!!!!!! AAHHHH. i dont think i can see strait. i've been beaten up worse by this small child in two days than probably in my entire life. WWWAAAAAA *sniff sniff* WWWAAAAA. must get sleep, must get sleep *crawls to the couch* oh wait inuyasha is comming on in a half an hour. gotta get ready. it's jammy time!!! see ya!!
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
grr >0( !!!!
Alright, sadly i was expecting a much bigger turn out for my 100TH VISITOR CELEBRATION!! but it didn't go over as well as i had expected. i have only had one visitor since then and they didn't even comment. so i now have a new mission, to make my 150th visitor celebration much better than the last. i'll have more visitors commenting and i'll have lights and hopefully music and maybe even cake and ice cream!! it'll be the best 150th bash ever! so to anyone out there reading this post............. ur invisted. And bring friends.......... (hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge)............ it would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
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