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Saturday, August 20, 2005
happy 100!!!

YAY!!! party for me!! i've just had my 100th visitor. congrats to me!! well first i'd like to thank my rat patsy, i don't think i could have done it without her support. I'd also like to thank my two dogs and my 4 birds. they've been a real inspiration to me for the past twelve seconds and.... (whimper)...... o gee look at me i'm getting all misty eyed!! and lastly i'd like to thank my friends, who first introduced me to myotaku!! thanks guys! I love you!.............. hehehehe!!! heres to 100 more!
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
lost writter

GRRRRR! had a really nice story going on the compy. it was around 23 pages long and as far as stories go it was pretty good for me. then my mom killed our compy and erased everything off of it, everything! my story and over 100 of my anime pics are now lost to the world!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA................wew i feel better. well, not really. on the bright side i get to change everything i didn't like about the story, like names, that i couldn't before, but getting back the pics is gonna be hard. thats ok. if we can get the compy in the hall fixed i might be able to scan my drawings onto the compy for people to see. that should be fun. they'll be more or less the rough drafts but i can live with that. all i need is the program that lets you make your pics all....digital- liooking.... and i'll be all set. now all i need is about 200 bucks for the program..........
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
beach and camera!!

WEEEEE!! i went to the beach last monday and it was a blast!! i think that was probably the first time in years that i actually went swimming in the ocean!! i tell you, if there was anything that could get rid of any stress you might be feeling, swimming in the ocean is it. i feel so better!!
in other news, on saturday while cleaning the fridge, i found, of all things, an antique camera. my dad told me that it was his and that it had to be at leats 40 years old. so i washed it off and started to play with it and of all the stupid things, it worked. so my mom bought me some black and white film and let me run around with it. i can't wait to get the pics developed!!! alot of them may come out crummy but thats ok. i don't mind. i'm thinking about taking the camera to my faimly reunion, which i really don't want to go to. just for something to do. who knows, it might actually be fun.
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Friday, August 12, 2005
i love the 80's

i'm a big 80's fan. whenever i'm watching the tellie i'm always waiting for VH1's i love the 80's marathons. once i was watching and the mentioned a movie that cory feltmon did when he was 12 or so. it's about him and a bunch of his friends going on a hunt for a body that was rumored to be out in the wild woods. now for the life of me i can not remember the name of theis film. if anyone can remember the name message me with it!!! it is of the up most importants. i have to know!!........... oh.. ah thanks.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

i have no real reason for adding this post other than the fact that i really liked this pic and i needed to make a post to add it. so yeah, also i cant read my comments so it would be better if you could just sighn my gb instead. thanks!!
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
hypicrites suck!

i cant stand my parents. I mean what kind of parents tell their children that they won't make it to collage? i mean really! My mom said that with the grade s i have i wont make it to collage. and in the same breath tells me she has faith in me. Like telling me i'm a failure is gonna motivate me to suceed. she is such a hypocriate. first telling me i'm gonna fail and then telling me i can make it on my own. and the sadest part is i use to think that she was the only one who supported me. just goes to show you don't really know people. and the to top it all off the only one who thinks i can do it is the one i thought had the least faith in me, my brother. wow.... in the words of the famous broadway play avenue q, it sucks to be me. but i've decided i don't care what she thinks of me. so i do feel better about that. wow i don't like my mom. shes yelling at me now so i have to go. thanks for listening.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Jess rocks!!!

where would i be without friends!!! thank you so much jessica for fixing my problem! currently the only compy i can use to fix anything is my dad's lappy and my dad is gone all weeek. also sometimes he leaves it at his truck at work so i don't have it to use when he's home!!! grrrrrr! anywho. thanks jess!
so life has been good to me so far. our vaca is down to just under a month now and i wanna cry. I've always been told that the older you go the faster time seemes to fly. i honestly never believed that until now. how can three months go by in such a flash. I wanna have one last get-together with my pals before the day of doom so we can act all old and get all nathrgic about days gone by. Tomorrow i have a fair to go to!!! omg i can't believe it's that time of year again!! wee for me!!!! i can't wait.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
don't laugh. my compy doesn't like it when i add new things like posts to my site so i thought if i kept clicking add then it would go to my backroom again and tell me my site was modified. i guess it didn't. so i've fixed the problem.... i think....... and it should be back to normal. oh and i was looking for a pic to add to my post when i came across a phyduck. apparently this is what it looks like when surprised. don't ask i don't even like pokemon.

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Thursday, July 28, 2005
ok ok ok

it seems that a few people have beed troubled by the fact that i have not updated in a while. i've hit a rut. i've been so incredibly bored over the past while that i haven't been able to function. i've basically just been home..... alone........ sad and feeling sorry for myself, which by the way isn't very fun to do. so i think i'll give this a try and see how it goes. wow...... hey i feel better..... this could work after all! yay for me!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

if you haven't read any of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes's books, you have to. she started writing at the age o 13 and when you read her first book you won't think so. the way she writes is so....... in depth and so grown up that it is really astounding and kinda inspirational. But i have my own opinion so the only way for any of you to really make ur own decition is to read her first book, In The Forest Of The Night, urself. trust me. she is good. i just bought her first book and i already own the second one. if ur not into vampyers then it's probably not for you. if you are get ready for a ride. hehehe! i love her books!
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