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Tanna, Vanuatu....... well not really but they worship a 1940's American fighter pilot who crash landed on their island as their god so i couldn't help it!
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sadly nothing to speak of..... i have no life
Anime Fan Since
1992 or so........
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tenshi muyo, yu yu hakusho, dragonball z, rurouni kenshin, inuyasha
to become a famous photographer for National Geographic Magazine
draw and write and taking pictures where ever i go and being absolutly fabulous
drawing, photography, and writing and being me!
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, June 20, 2005
thank you PandaYoshi for the help. your great. knowing me i'll probably end up asking for help more than you can stand. jk!
anyway i just got back from the mall and it was great. what a way to break in the new summer. now all i need is some new sandals and i'll be all set...
i can't wait, i'm having a huge party in two weeks and it's gonna be a blast. we have a ginormious field which we're gonna have people camp out in for at leats two nights and there is gonna be music and man hunt.... oooooo i just get so excited talking about it. speaking of which i should probably get to the whole calling my friends. maybe..........

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Sunday, June 19, 2005
shit i forgot! i want a new avatar like no ones business. But when i find one, it won't let me download it. it fits the requirements but it just doesn't feel like downloading. help me! i need a site i can bookmark that has thousands of avatars at my disposal. if anyone has anything helpful then..... Help.
p.s. i've already tried google imageing and it won't work.
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sorry i wasn't able to post yesterday. i was buisy ata wedding. i thought it would be boring but it turned out great. especially when this 20 year old guy(who was totally hot) started hitting on me! he thought i was alot older than i looked. you should have seen the look on his face when i told him i was 16! priceless! and the funniest part is even after i told him how old i was, he kept on flirting with me! in front of the parental units! anywho enough about me. i hope you like this pic of the black knight. NONE SHALL PASS!

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Friday, June 17, 2005
more pictures
i know i seem to have alot of pics on my site. some may say to many. well shove it! I love atr and all it's glory! so it is to emma that this next pic is dedicated to. enjoy!

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Thursday, June 16, 2005
had too
hey i was on google looking up new pics for the compy and i got to thinking. sorry *you know who you are* if this is offensive

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ok i have something to talk about.
alright. no one seemes to want to comment on any of my posts. thats ok. so i've decided to tell you all that tomorrow i'm getting a little gry rat. she is small and has large black eyes. i got her a little house and a tiny food dish. she is going to love it! I don't have a name for her yet so if anyone has an sugestions that aren't sad or lame then i'll hear them. But before i can see her i have to go to a friends house tomorrow and spend the night there. It's her birthday and i can't miss it. so when i get home on saturday i'll have a new friend. lalalala this makes me so lhappy! THE JOY!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
so yeah i have nothing to talk about so i've decided to take a poll. i'm going to list three options and you are going to choose about what i'll talk about next post.
1: my wacky friend stacey
2: fish sticks (yuck!)
3: what it is like to be emmas rubber band when being flung.
so here are the options now i command you choose!
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Not guilty!!!!
how can they let tha baby rapest walk. To me micheal jackson is the most vile person alive. He uses his fame and fortune to lure small children into his room where he...... oh god i can't say! and they just let him go. those jurers had an obligation to take that pervert off the street and get him away from not only all the little boys of america but his own children as well. so this is what america has come to. people being thrown in jail for trafic violations but not the violations of children! whatever! this is so stupid.
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
stupid people
it'ss still amazing to me that even after you tell someone they are doing something wrong, to their face, they go ahead and go back to what they were doing. my brother is killing our compy. he plays this sad internet game and now our compy turns off at the most inconveneant times. and even after this, he still plays. sometime our compy is gonna turn off and not turn back on! and he probably wont care. the nerve of some people!!
~p.s. check out ronin at the bottom of the screen. he's so funny! i love that little guy!!
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Good for ur soul.....
ever have one of those days where u just have to dance. I tell u man today was one of those days. it was like 90 degrees outside and it just felt like i should not have been in school. and untill western civ. i was havin a great day. then we watched nurembourge and it went all down hill. what can u do. trust a teacher to mess up the day right. after that i didn't feel like dancing to too much but i got out a few moves before i left. days gerat, lifes good. visit my site and sight my guest book. see ya!
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