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zutto yuutsu
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in a forgotten part, well actuall more like never heard of part of California
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student of anime ^,^
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i played all the final fantasy games thus far and beat five of them
Anime Fan Since
the first anime i got into was dragonball z and that was somewhere around the time in the 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, Demon Diary, Juvenile Orion, Yami no Matsuei, Furuba, DNAngel, X/1999
i wanna learn Japanese, German, Greek, and many other languages and either become a translater, or an archaeologist
i love to watch anime play RPGs draw, read manga and novels.
"i say it this way, and he says it that way!!
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
yay! merchandise!
Hey I had a good day today, I left RakuDa’s house at 11 am then I went home and went to sleep. Then, I went to the mall!! I got to read the first volume of Full Metal Alchemist that came out, and DNAngel voume 7! Whee, I’m so happy! What’s better is that I got the Saiyuki Volume 2 of the double barrel, that means 8 more episodes! I also bought a Dir En Grey Cd which I have no clue of the name cause it’s in Kanji…but the Cd is really Great ^^ then I bought Peacemaker, and the cover is so awsome!
Japanese word: sugoi
meaning: Awsome
yeah! sugoi!
Dir En Grey rocks!
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
long and funny post...hehehehehehe ^,~
I went to RakuDa's house today and i had the bestest fun! we were really bored so we went and walked the dogs, but really they were walking anywho we ran in to this hill area that was being cleared for houses and we rolled down the hill ^^ well i went hed first into a roll and hurt my spine, but that was fun anyway....then i was determined to try to do cartwheels down the hill and i only did one then i just lost control landed on my side then rolled the rest of the way down the was so much fun, but my thighs hurt and my spine...oh and the hill was so steep so we were rolling really fast! anywho...well i am not going to post my anger problem cause i'm now happy and not stressed ^,^
japanese word: tsuchi
meaning: dirt, soil
yeah! ^^
Sequence in color
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Friday, April 22, 2005
i have a headache from penting up rage...
I did absolutely nothing today other make a Ayame (Furuba) wallpaper! Well I hope Myo accepts it…because it doesn’t like accepting my walls….Anywho if it shows up, I’d like you guys to see it…
umm….well yeah...lets talk about my gaming life shall we? Well, I just got Grandia Extreme for Ps2 and I was playing it for 3 hours and there was NO save points, and then it happened…I died from the boss…..GAME OVER! So that my gaming life, it was short wasn’t it? Lol! -_-
I have a question for you guys...would you want to hear about my anger problem in my next post? Strange question to ask ain’t it? Anyway… please tell me in your comment…
Kanji: Haku
Meaning: White, pure
Other pronunciations: Byaku, Shiro, Shira
EX: watashi wa suki Haku Baiko desu!! (I love white plum)
lol, I got it from Samurai X ^,^
a scan from Sequence
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
WooHoo! i read the first volume of Sequence today and it rocks! it has Yaoi in it, not only yaoi, but Vampire/human yaoi and it is so cool! actually that's all i have to say ^^;;
Kanji: Gaku
meaning: anything to do with school and or the study of
i haven't any good pictures so here is a manga scan from Wild Adapter
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I have two parts two my post tonight, you don’t have to read the one called “My personal life” you can just skip to “my Otaku life” okay? Alrighty!
“my personal life”:
I hate my Dad so much! He’s such a bastard! I wish he would leave and never come back! He steals our money and our things and sells them for drugs! And he not only eats ALL our food, but he gives our food to his druggie buddies! Gaaahhh!!!!! Damn Him!!!
“My Otaku life”:
well, I read Saiyuki Gaiden today! Have you guys heard of it? It’s what comes before Saiyuki, it explains all their pasts, in a different way then Saiyuki, their names are also different like Cho Hakkai’s name is Tenpou Gensui. It’s really weird….oh! I wanted to know if you guys could recommend a Dir En Grey Cd to me, I wanna buy one, you guys know a good first time CD I can buy? well that’s all I have to say today…I’ll move on to the pictures and Kanji now…..
Kanji: Father
Pronunciations: tou, Chichi, Fu
EX: Watashi no Otousan wa baka desu! (my father is an idiot)
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
numa numa ie numa numa numa ie ^^
Yay! I stayed home from school today to regain all the sleep I loss over the weekend, well actually I wasn’t suppose to, but I did. It’s a good thing I did because I read the first 2 volumes of Peacemaker! WooHoo! That series rocks! Hijikata Toshizouo is so arsome! I also read a series with a vampire in it, and his name is Titi, It’s called, Sequence! Check them out they’re arsome! Oh and I submitted another wall, it’s Cho Hakkai!
Kanji above: Ten
Japanese word: Tengoku
meaning: Heaven
Other pronunciations: ame –ama
Here's the real Hijikata Toshizo
Hijikata Toshizo from Peace Maker Kurogane
a scan from Sequence, Titi is so cute!
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Monday, April 18, 2005
hello peoples! i hope your guy's day went well ^_^ i just submitted two more wallpapers, i'm not sure if they are up yet...but yeah, i spent my whole weekend at RakuDa's house! we listened to the song Numa Numa by O-zone about a hundred thimes over the weekend! i swear! that song is so freakin awesome! you know what? that song Clowns by Tatu is stuck in my head from Raven8763's site, lol!
japanese word: na or namae
meaning: name
pronunciation: na may
example: o-namae desu ka?
meaning what is your name, or name, literally speaking.
heres a dude from Wild Adapter
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
yeah, well..nothing new, not in the least. i'm still at RakuDa's house after a short intermission of being at my house, but i escaped! muhahahahah!!! ^_^ i read the second manga of FLCL today, and it's more confusing then the first @.@ yay, i got over 200 downloads on my wallpapers! thanks guys! ^_^
Japanese word: setsu
meaning: death
note: a word with 'setsu' or 'satsu' in it usually refers to death
Here is Die! he reminds me of Marilyn Manson, it's kinda creepy! O.o
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
current song: Way Away by Yellowcard
current mood: happy! yeah! ^_^
mountain climbing is so awesome! and so is throwing potatoes at rocks! but when i get hit by one, it smells really bad...Punk Rock is so awesome! theres this band called Bowling for Soup that i just got in to and it is so cool!
Japanese word of the day: ie
meaning: house
note: ie is a general location of a house and Otaku is used for one's home.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
uh, yeah, sorry guys i can't get to your i said before, my time on the internet is limited...but i may be able to get on later tonight, but only after nine. but yeah, i just made four more wallpapers and i'm so happy! you guys gotta check them out if you want! woohoo~ ^__^
japanese word: Eigo
meaning: english
if you wanna ask if someone speaks english, ask,"Eigo o hanasemasu ka?
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