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myOtaku.com: HetepKa

Sunday, May 2, 2004

   Aww..morning already?
Well, it's been a while since I've posted something..
Well, todays is Sunday, nice easy going Sunday; I have exam tomorrow, I've got new Yu-gi-oh! and SAber MArionette J and Saber Marionette J to X eisodes, what more can I ask for *Internal squirrel screams: "World domination!!"* Ahem..hehe..well...
I've noticed that they're not accepting my fanart here any more??? Why is that?? I wanna know!!! XD
Well, life's beeen normal these days, even though I seem like, D-E-A-D...I'm gonna scan something, adn submit it, and it will be accepted, oh yes it will!!!!
I did some screencaps of Yu Yu HAkusho, they're really funny, maybe I'll put them in a post soon...I did this one of Kurama, with sucha DUMB face...But, my sis erased it!!! T.T Oh well.. I got more where those came form!!!!

Have a nice, safe, little day!!!!
Heppy "The Cheese Girl" Gonzales


Images courtsesy of some website called KoKora no Naka

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