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Thursday, December 21, 2006
hi!!!it's me again....oh..poor me...my sister forced me to clean the room...so now i'm a little bit tired...hei....for those who visit my site....please feed my pets okay...i'm gonna add some more pets and today mybe i wnat to add a fierce tiger!!!AUUMMM!!!!don't forget to feed them ok...or else the lion will eat u!!!HAHAHA..!!!just kidding...actually the lion is soooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!^_^....and i want u to guess why i put my pets name like that...
for example shisha...shi is shinichi and sya is syaoran...so how about the others???
ok...try to guess untill ur head explode ok!!!
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Hi everyone!!!!it's me again. thanks for always visit my site and leave ur comment here. i really appriciate it!!!^_^well, today it's look like a very sunny day. not like yesterday, we're having a bad fload here. ah lucky it's not rain again. or else i maybe not here too!!!so here the last episode of my little story. enjoy it
She really surprised when she saw a big and beautiful palace. She knocked the door and a few women came out from the palace.
They see unhappy. So the princess asked them” Why you seem not happy?”. A woman
answered it”Em, actually our prince is sleeping and cannot wake up anymore. He will sleep forever. That’s why we sad. Although many wizard and magicians are called to help, but it still remain the same. This palace feel really quiet after the prince sleep.
Ah…..we’re really hope someone will come and save him from the magic.
The princess fellt very pity.”May I see him for a while. Although I can’t help him but I still want to see him”,said the princess. The women agreed and brought the princess went to the prince’s room. When they reached there, the king and the queen were there too.
The princess asked for permission to see the prince and they allowed her to do so. When she looked the prince, she falled in love with him. He really handsome guy. The princess touched his hand. Suddenly, a light came out from the prince. The princess were really shocked!!!Then she saw the prince’s eyes were opened and the prince slowly woke up.
He looked like a real gentleman. The princess suddenly felt something. Oh, their identity had changed. They backed to their own personality. The king, queen and women were very surprised to see it. When the prince see the princess, he felt like he already falled in love with her at the first sight too.Oh….how romantic..!!!And then the prince and the princess were married and they live ever after….
hei, did u realize that i don't put any name here???actually i want u who read my story give the name that u think suitable to them.and also the tittle of this story too^_^
please leave some comments here...
and please comment about my story too...
i'm begging u...
hei..it is cute???dont forget to feed him ok...
and the others too...^_^
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Water Day!!!!!
Ello!!!!it's me....
Wow...today i have a really rainy day...
our house area already floaded!!!the water reached untill the waist...oh..this the second time my house area floaded...it's still raining cats and dogs when i'm writing this post...
i could not think if my house floaded, what is the first thing i want to save....maybe i'll save my huge collection of detective conan first more than my money!!!^_^if u in my situation, what's the first thing u want to save????
ok...that's all..oh almost forget..this the story..
At the same time, the princess just finished her hunting.She brought her beloved dogs.It was her unlucky day. She don’t have any single animals to bring home. It became worst when it rained. She quickly brought her horse and dogs to a huge tree.It really rain heavily.She started sneezing. Suddenly she saw a little house on the top of a hill. She quickly ran to the house with the animals. When she reached there, she just realize that her shirt and shoes and sock wet. She put off her shoes and sock to avoide from catch cold.Then she sat on a bench outside the house. Suddenly, she saw a very pretty sock.
She took it and wore it to her feet. Oh, how mad the elf when it saw someone is wearing his sock. The princess who didn’t know anything who just realize the elf was really shocked. She quickly rode her horse away from the house. The elf tried to catch her but can’t because it had a really short leg to run faster.
The princess just rode the horse without turning back to see the elf. She just straight forward until she arrived at a palace.
Create your own message at BlingyBlob.com
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Monday, December 18, 2006
Hi!!!Glad to see you again. Today i'm very busy. I just got my own new room for myself. Oh...it's just like dream come true!!!i really wish i can get it. Althouh it's a little bit mess, i still proud to have it.So, this the story...
One day, the prince was sitting at the balcony to finish his new sock while singing his fav song, Unfaithful by Rihanna. He really happy because it’s his 18th birthday that day. He remember what the wizard had told him that he’ll be a real man after that. So he want to make his last sock. Deep inside his heart he swear, if anything happen that day, this sock will save him. He continued his sewing and singing louder. The song had been heard by an elf who love to make sock and sing too. So the elf quickly climbed a tree to see what happen. How mad he when he saw the prince was busy sewing a very pretty sock. More beautiful than his one. Just because really mad and jealous, he made some spell to asleep the prince and stole his beautiful sock.
Suddenly the prince felt very sleepy and falled down. The elf just smiled happily and quickly stole the sock.He ran away from the castle and went to its house. In the way, its rain cat and dog. The elf ran faster and unfortunately the sock falled down from its hand and getting dirty. When the elf reached home, he quickly washed the sock and dried it outside the house after rain. Then he took a bath and went to the bathroom.

How about this one..??can you guess what anime is this???
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
just a day...
hello...!!!huh...today's sunday...what a tired day....early in the morning i have to do some chores...especially sweeping floor in my daddy's cybercafe...the people always just throw the rubbish although there's a dustbin...oh ya...almost forgot...hi..hi..hi...it's see nobody win the guessing pic yesterday...majority said it was bleach....no..no...no...actually it's midoro days...hahaha....ok...some more will come soon..try again ok...
ok..here's the story...i hope you enjoy it..
Once upon a time there were two country and they neighboors too.So, to make the story,the kings and queens have their own child.This king and queen from blabla country have a very handsome and tough prince.it’s physically look like a real gentleman, but the true story is he just like a women!!!He really love to do some housework in the palace, and anywhere.He really love to sew sock.So the people called him Blabla Prince.
And at the other country, there was a princess.The princess is so pretty and polite too.
If you see her at the first sight, you’ll sure fall in love with her.But if you see her at the second sight,you’ll be so shocked coz she’s just like a real man!!!Yes, she love to go hunting and riding horse around the kingdom.And the most incredible thing, she also
Had won all the award in hunting and riding horse in her country.Actually both of the kings and queens already tried to change back their personality but it’s doesn’t work.
Many wizards, witches and faries were trying. But it still remain the same.There was a very terror witch said they will be ok when they reach 18.
PS:i would continue it tomorrow ok...
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Once upon a time......
hello...it's me again...
wow..it's seem most of you always give some comments here....thanks a lot...
today is a little bit busy day...
i go to my future auntie's house with my grandparent,uncle and aunties...coz my uncle want to marry...so if in malaysia...the guys must go to the girls' house and ask her parents first...just then they can confirm the wedding date and all the things....actually i'm not so understand all of these...so i just explain what i understand...maybe my malaysian's friend Yumi 22 can help...yumi...tolonglah explain kat diorang ye nanti...sy punyer enlish teruk sketlah...hihihi...i'm speak in malay...sorry..
so...is anybody want to hear my little story here...??
i can't start it if there's someone not agree...
i think this story maybe can be used in your class presentation...maybe only...ok...
try to guess which anime is this???
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Friday, December 15, 2006
A very l0ng and b0ring day....
it's me again...
huh..what a boring and long day today...
i'm just busy in the morning...coz my mom ask me to do some homeworks like sweeping floor, cleaning dishes...very tired...
but i'm really happy then...coz i watch cardcaptor sakura which is when sakura meet eriol and fight...and at the same time syaoran tell his true feeling to sakura...ha....how romantic...
and then i'm become a very boring girl again...
maybe my activities after this are reading my detective conan collection, watch tv, and eating.
wow...my body become really big during this school break...
em...i was thinking a really interesting story...
it's just like sleeping beauty....but i changed it half of it...
is anybody there want to hear???
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
i'm hidaz...so this is my first post...
i'm very happy to see many of you always support and help me ....
actually i've just came back from my uncke's house with my grandparents...so it's a little bit tired today...ok...see you then....
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