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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
coz im too busy and i couldnt go here anymore...besides i'll having my big big big exam next year so i have to pay attention from now...
what do u think?
i luv all my friends here and luv everything here...
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
sorry coz late up[datig..actually i wat to update yesterday but theres somethig problem...sorry...
em today im kinda boring coz im not goiing anywhere today...but on tuesday and wednesday(today is thursday)i stayed in the library from 8.30am to 5 pm...thats soooo long time isnt it?but actually i think its not too long coz most of time we're chatting and doing our holiday projects...i found many my old friends there but most of them just see me without saying anything to me..hoho im soo sad about it...
today my elder sister came back home from her college...and im using her laptop right now^^hehehe...i dont know what to say...
okay thats the e-card for 1000 visits
i hope u like it!!!!

today's question:
1. what is ur fav tv programme(not anime)
2. what type of dress/tops/bottoms that u like?
3. what is the best anime site u ever been b4?
okay thats all!!!!!*hugs*
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Monday, June 4, 2007
new style!!!
hola everybody!!!what do u think about my new style???well im doing this from 10 pm untill 12pm u know!!!so now im getting headache because of it..
yeah i know i put the link buttons at the wrong place so i'll change the position as soon as possible but not now coz i want to go bed...
oh ya...thanx alot to my two friends,eris7 and CCCity Girl coz always stay beside me when im doing this thing...they really helped me^^thanx alot!!!!
and im not forget the others too!!!thanx a lot coz always visit my site and now for ue information, the total visit of this site is 1000!!!i dont know who's the luckiest person that b my 1000th visitor but i'll make an e-card for all of u..thanx alot!!!u all always support me...
see ya!!!
(today i dont have any question coz i want to celebrate my 1000 visits)
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Friday, June 1, 2007
:::::::::::( ^__^ ):::::::::::::
yeah today im really glad!!coz what finally i had found my new fav song say ok by vanessa hudgens^^thats really cool!!
oh yesterday my friend came to my house..we spent a lot of time finding information about zac efron and vanessa^^thats cool..i feel like im the detective..hehehe..
hei actually im doing something...but i dont know how to do thats really weird right??
but its okay i will try to do it and mayb i will show the results here^^
okaythats all for today 0_0 actually i dont know what to write lol^^
1.what is ur fav anime theme song? u think its good to have a bf?
3.what type of shoes do u like?
see ya!!adios!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
:::::::::::( 0_0 )::::::::::::
today...its hard to say coz nothing fun happen sister is sick and always crying like baby...and my history project make me crazy!!!i still have many things to do with it..
but the worst thing ever is..we just allow to do only 30 pages!!>_< thats really suck!!u know when its call history project it must have many pages i think at least 50 pages..but now? i almost get headache when i think how i want to summarise it..any suggestion?
yeah just now i remember, there's only one thing that kinda good too..i think around 8am my mum and 1 went to a restaurant to take breakfast...well i dont think its a restaurant,it just simple one but for ur information our king luv to eat the foods there..
we ate 3 sets of stem bread and brought 5 sets of it to my house for my family...actually at that place, there is a boy,he's really cute^^
and i think he reconize me coz i had been there b4 this..he kept staring at me but i just made my
stupid face..hahaha^^lol...
okay thats all!!!thanx a lot for the last comment..i really glad to see it!!!
1.well i think this is ur fav question, who is ur
'prince charming'(not anime or manga character,
the real one)
2.what is ur fav word?mine is 'well'lol!
3.what is ur fav place inside ur house?toilet?
see ya!!!>_<
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Monday, May 28, 2007
hola!!long time no see^^just what i back after 2 weeks not online!!!!i just finished replying all the a little bit late to add post...
so whats up? im here having mid year holidays but the bad thing is i dont go anywhere just stay inside my house..and finshed my projects..
thats suck >_<
i dont have anything to story. just what i can say is...i already finished my exams!!YAY!!!^_^
but im afraid of my history, the questions r 60 questions..but i just can answer 30 from it..
the other i just simply choose...OH NO!!!IM DEAD!! how about ur exams???
okay today questions:
1.what is ur fav games??
2.which country will u prefer for a vacation
else than Japan???why?(well i luv to go
3.what is the best suprise u ever got?
see ya!!!!!*hugs*
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
hard to say
well i will doing revisions for my mid year exam i will not online here for about two weeks...its okay coz just after we finished the exam, its two weeks holidays!!!yay>_< thats wonderful!!!
oh also one more thing im not able to reply all the sorry again.
today i want to answer all the questions that u all asked at the last post:
1.kikitink: What's your idea of a perfect Sunday? (Hint, this question is from a recent released movie. *giggles*)
me:lol for me i think i want to sleep for a whole day without being disturb by im sleeping beauty!!
2.sweet memories: how many mangas do you own? =]
*what, im curious ^^*
me: em mayb around 40 to 45...
3.AlphonseKitty13:whats your middle name?
me: lol its my top secret^^but just what i can say about it is.....wawa^^
4.kiralova: how was your day? lol weird question but simple lol
me: well just like the other days..full with activities and boring things..
5.foamy14:whats one thing that most people dont know about you already?
me:haha bonus question^^well i havent told u about i cheated a boy who want to know my phone number and then i told him the wrong number and he called it!!lol its really funny coz the number i gave is the place that kinda like public toilet!!!hahahaha!!!!
6.noirassasin:What do you hate?
7.shazue128:what's your favourite song?
me: em..dunno...just simply say..welcome to my life-simple plan
8.Geishapunk: do you like chese?
me: cheese???sorry i hate it!!i hate all kinds of milk products except soya beans^^
okay see ya two weeks from now!
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
hot day!!!!*sweaping*
hei today i'm having a really hot day man!!all part of my body sweaping in the school!!!oh i hope it will finish after this..
yesterday im not posting coz i went to the tuition and one more...I got tonnes of homeworks!!malay, science, history, maths..and some more other works..thats many!!!and today i got extra class so i went there..the big problems started coz im not in the assembly today!(coz im the head pupil so i the important person in each assembly)today is the day when the prefects change their duty but there were many mistakes in the table duty!so two of my assistant almost crazy!!hahahah!!im laughing!!
coz what?coz i think this is their first time having such a 'great' time with the others^^
they do not know, i always getting headache and crazy everyday!!!haha!!!!now the now how 'sweet'
to b a head pupil..
oh talking about school, i remember about teacher's day. that's one of the events in my school that i always waiting for^^i luv sport's day and teacher's day and also student's day^^that's great!!! how about ur teacher's day?
okay thats all...
today's question..
1. what do u understand about a family?
2. how many manga in ur collection now and
what it is?(i know most of u r busy
collecting naruto's manga)
3. em..i thinking..since i always give u
questions lately, why dont u give me a
question??? hahaha this is ur golden
oppurtunity!!dont let it go!!!
see ya!!!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
hi! i just finished sending to all my 95 friends(in my friend list). lol its fun!! it took 30 minutes to send all the pms^^hope u like it!!!
i drew it...
oh..yesterday i bought four manga!!!!that's awesome!!actually i just want to buy 3 manga so i brought the money that i already count it will be just right to buy three manga...and then u know how i buy the foruth manga? well i borrowed my mom's money^^but when im back home i returned her money^^lol thats so good!! i never bought four manga t the same time!!!^^that's my new experience...oh today i do not have any question..but just have one..
what do u think about my drawings???
okay i put the e-card here coz there r some of my friends do not get this...

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Saturday, May 5, 2007
well, today i think i want to post something here..i mean my if u free u can look at it and comment^^and today..mayb i want to do something and give it to u..right now im busy what should i do...well just wait okay?? i dunno what to do...mayb i will travelling around otaku and finding new friends^^
and another thing,actually yesterday i promised sefaa3 something but im totally forgot.and today i will make it...she gave me an e-card and this is her first time's e card^^im fell very lucky coz received the first e-card made from her..thanx a lot!!!^^

and there's another thing i want to show u..
this actually i got from doasinfinity13
try to read it^^
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it. If you can read this, your brain is 50% faster than those who can't.
i can read it^^lol
today's questions...
1.which season that u think is the best?spring
winter,auntumn or summer? u luv to wear long sleeved shirt when
u go to school?if no, what r u usually wear
when u go to school?
3.what is the best trick that u had done during
april fool?
see ya!!!
oh mayb for those who mayb do not have free time to check out my latest drawings, i put it here...
there's something wrong with the shoes..sorry^_^''

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