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Saturday, February 24, 2007
yay today i had many great things happened here..well the first thing is...i found my old folder!!! thats my first folder in the computer and its contain many many many pics in there but the most thing i like is the recorded programmes coz its hard to record...well my dad always told me that dont record! but i always record:P..when the folder r gone, i think its my dad did it..so i just...sad in my heart! wow actually its not deleted! its just change the name..well i dont who changed the name but im very happy!!!!mayb i can upload sume and post it here someday^^
secong things is i have to go to school today...( actually i have two schools)its my first time i got there for this year after i took my exam result...but first time when i know my class teacher is my headmaster...i was talking to myself...oh no..im dead!! coz the teacher is very mean! but when he teach us this morning..well its quiet fun^^ hes not too mean as i thought...but when he mad..well then im dead....
third thing is lol i just came back from playing and swimming at the pool^^ its fun!!!well im trying to learn how to swim..(coz i just know how to crawl in the water!!) em...ok..but still cannot move forward...anyway its still fun!!
oh sorry coz write a long post:P
how about urs??
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Friday, February 23, 2007
hei have u try this?
 Create your own Friend Quiz here
I will give a cute card for those who get 80 and above
good luck!
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
hihi.another post..
well this is my first time i post two post for 1 day..coz i have a few things to share with u!
yay! today my friend abigail want to come to my house..she want to use the computer...well here the story, actually she said she want to come at 2.30 pm but she have some guests at her house at that time so she cannot go...
well im so happy at that time when i know she will come...well its just about 15 minutes i know about it, suddenly, the things that i never think that will happen for now is....BLACKOUT!!!
oh no! BLACKOUT!!I HAVE TO STAND FOR IT FOR MORE TWO HOURS!!!i talk to myself..well i have to write this to otaku but i dont think i will write about abigail and the blackout too...
well...i pray and pray and when im eating suddenly...TICK! wow theres no more blackout!^_^
i quickly call abigail and coincidenttally she just want to move to go to my house..yay! thanx God!! so we have a fun evening today^^
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My first quiz!
hei i just done a quiz..well first i think i want to put it at my site but...i think i will not do it coz it will mess up my site again..so i put it here^^ read carefully!
| You scored as Water. People who score water are usually very docyle, and can be shy. They like calm environments and hate arguments. They\'re often very calm and make good friends. Nothing seems to touch them, sliding off of them like water. They are usually smiling, or are thinking deeply. Laid back, and yet very deep, these people will do good in the job industry! Please Tell me what you think! Negative feedback VERY welcome! Tell me how to fix it! :)

Water | | 100% | Earth | | 94% | Air | | 63% | Darkness | | 56% | Fire | | 56% | Ice | | 44% | Light | | 38% |
What Element Are You? (BOY+GIRL ANIME PICS & DETAILED ANSWERS) created with QuizFarm.com |
try it!
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
well today its turn to the most boring day in this week...and tonight! i have to sit a test at my tuition!!!lol my homeworks still not finish yet=P and havent do my revision too=P...hehehe..
hei u know where is the best place about anime..?? i fed up to find at search engine...its took a long time! what i know just animecubed, animegalleries, animewallpapers...just that!!please if i have to spend my days for another 4 days....i will have a shock in my brain!!!
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
lol! i have to finish my home work today!!!
he he actually i still have 5 days in holidays but i want to finish my homework early so i can relax after this^^ haha..just kidding..
i have to do my revision coz next month i have my first test..i want to do my best!! yeah go go go!!
well...em..about yesterday post..
do anybody want to join??

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Sunday, February 18, 2007
New Stuff!

hello! do u like my new stuff??
well im work hard for it^^
well there is a few more i want to do here but...
i dont know if it will going okay or not^^ so im not promise..
well today im getting stomachache!! because i ate many foods yesterday...lol! yesterday i sooo boring thats why i ate many foods^^
em...im planning something now..
i think i want to build a club..not an anime fan club or something...its call kawaii club..just for the cute cute things...its not for anime only but also for animals or whatever thats cute^^ so i need at least 5 persons( volunteers and interested) now to help me^^ just pm me..
i will pick the first 5 person as my assistant while the others...u can b the members^^ so hurry up!
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Saturday, February 17, 2007
hi....now im having chinese new year holidays^^..so ill online here most of the days^^(if im in good mood)
well today im really really boring...but lucky there r a few friends chatted with me^^ thanx a lot!!!oh do u like my new bg??im found a lot of cute wallpapers at photobucket...so i take one and put it here^^ bye bye!
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Friday, February 16, 2007
hi..sorry coz not b around for long time:P
i dont have any mood to sit in front of this comp..
well my house won this time in our sport day this year!!!yay!!im sooooo happy!!^^ well there are a few pic i took from that day..its kinda blur... sorry!!

this is my house...RED!

this is the tomboy's house...BLUE!she also in this pics guess where is she??
hei which shirts more beautiful? blue or red house?
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Monday, February 12, 2007
sorry coz not adding post for many days^^i dunno why!!mayb i dont have any mood and yesterday i never open the computer^^im right now having a problem with the prefects at school so i must solve it as soon as possible^^one more thing coz i have to pay attention for my study from this time..i will having a test onext month^^so i have to do my best and proof to all my new classmates that i can do it!!!
oh ya on more thing^^i would like to thank cccity girl coz give me such a beautiful card for me^^thanx a lot!!!!*hug*
and oh thanx a lot for all of u coz always pmming me although im late to reply it^^
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