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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Back To School!!!
Hola!!!long time not see me hah?? u miss me??hahaha..thats silly question..but first...SORRY!! actually my com was attacked by some bad*angry* virus..just after the internet ok..then my dad took 2 days to fix it..and now it turn normal now...
well actually i back to school today..surely i had a lot of happy moments today...one of it is i got many new friends...since i entered new class this year...and i got to be mc in the first assembly this year..HAAAA!!how proud^__^
so when u'll start ur school??well..i'm sure u have a lot of plan this year..so share with me ok!!i gonna not so often to on here but i still here!!!dont think i'll forgot about u all ok!!u my best friends ever!!
and i want to watch harry potter movie..and as u know...TA..TA...^^ see u all in the next post!!!
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Konnichiwa!!!its me again^^he..he...today it seem that i'm not late to post anymore^^
hei today is our last day in 2006.how do u feel?well i'm surely had a lot of memories this year^^
my sweetest memory in this year is can meet a lot of new friends in my new school and of course in Theo!^_^well, i'm really glad to neet u all, hope we still be good friends next year and forever too^^ and the most unforgotabble moment in this year is when i was sick and at the same time there was an exam at my school. i have to take two days mc.then i got number 31/36 in my class.HUWAAAA!*crying* but its suddenly become really good when i got first place in the other exam untill the last year exam!yeah, that one of my sweet moment^^ how about u all???
so, what the thing u already plan for another new year???i have a lot^^one of them is i want to be top 5 student in my class coz i enter first class^^ and then i'll try to b the head pupil,(if the teacher choose me too)
so how about u all???
So see u in 2007..
and the last word in my last post in this year is..
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Saturday, December 30, 2006
Hola!!!sorry coz late to post again^^i'm really busy today..well tomorrow is my big day^^so my family doing some work on it. u know, on 7.00am i went to wet market with my mom to buy something,and i met my teacher^^how happy! and then we talked afor a while...and i heard that she'll moved out from my school next year!uwaaa*crying*!!!i like the teacher soo much!well..this is faith.
so bye!bye! i'll go to bed and read my new detective conan mangas volume 48 and 49 b4 bed....
so see ya!!!miss u all a lot^___^
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
well....sorry again!!!
hola!!!sorry again coz not post anything yesterday...i alittle bit busy here...ok..the first reason..my com still slow...so it will take a long time to do some post and i cant wait...second reason..i have to go town with my sis...and walked with her and her friend in the rain without umbrella...and third reason...i'm too lazy to sit down in front of this com which make me who is a patient person become a unpatient person...so just yesterday i figured it out why the com become sooooo slow...coz there was an earthquek(did i spell it right?)in taiwan and the kabel under the sea become something wrong...9 country were panic coz their internet become slow and cannot open the international site...including my country...so that why!!!so ta..ta...^^hope u not mad to me^^
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
i'm really2 sorry coz late to add post!!!I have a really big problem here...i dont know why today i cant open this otaku...my dad said the internet suddenly become slow and cannot open the site outside malaysia...so that's my reason..i have try to open it everytime...but it still cant..so i have a lot pm when i open it...its about 15 new pm...so now i have to go...
i still have a lot of pm that i hevant read...
so...sorry again!!!!
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Hola!!!today i had a lot of time at here...
guess what???i want to sign all my friends' guestbook today..and then I DID IT!!!^__^and i want to say sorry agin coz late to sign ur gb...hihihi...and the other one...do u realize that my site a little bit neat now???yeah..i just updated it and i make a lot of different now...wel i want my site to b neat and tidy like Roiben...i like her site...really neat u know...
and what do u think about my new face site here??? do u want me to delete something or add something????tell me ok...and i know it not so neat yet right..???well i'll do the best...as long u all help me by comment my site k!!!
see ya!!!
oh ya...i want to give u xmas presents..!!!

hei this is special present for the inuyasha and detective conan big fans!!!

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Monday, December 25, 2006
hola!!!hope u dont mind,its me again!!!!arghhh!!!today i'm really boring and some kinda angry...coz what??i dont have any interesting things i want to do and my parents ask me to clean my room{actually my new room is not complete 100% yet}...and this evening...unfortuately...my bed broken down!!!oh noooo!!!!i'll sleep at my sis room tonight..maybe...
em..maybe tonight i and my eld sis will doing a banana cake...oh..i cant wait!!!^___^so MERRY XMAS TO EVERYONE ok...see ya...TA...TA....
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
HAHAHAHA!!!!i'm feel to b a devil today!!!
but it's doesnt work..hihihi...so the conclusion of today is I'M BORED AND STARVING!!!ooh...i'm very hungry..and boring too...but i had bought two detective conan manga yesterday when i was at my granny house...volume 45 and 47...it's soooooo cool!!!!oh ya...today is sunday at my place...so we're having xmas day tomorrow....
so u all tomorrow is sunday right???i hope u dont forget me here when u celebrating ur xmas...
may i know....when u r having u most horrible xmas day during ur life????
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
tiring day...
hola!!!sorry,i'm late to post...i went to my granny house this morning...and just come back from there...it's a little bit tired...but fun!!!i visited the place where really had a bad flood...well..it fun!!!
ok...see ya...i feel sleepy right now...
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Friday, December 22, 2006
MERRY XMAS!!!^_^wow the xmas just around the corner...so how ur preparation???although i'm not celebrating it, i still want to wish u all!!!
oh, i really want to know the sweetest memory you all had during ur xmas day...
so bye!!!bye!!!
dont forget to pm me ok^_0
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