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• 1991-07-23
• in the shadows behind you
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• 2007-02-09
• getting an adrenaline rush
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• ask the shadow behind you
• the deepest poet in my town
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• 2000
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• fullmetal alchemist,dragonball Z,blood plus,bleach,naruto,wolf's rain
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, July 16, 2007
what the hell
lately iv been gone and havent been on my account for a while and im missing my good friend loveless-sara does anybody kno what happend? and to top it all off today... i wrecked my car to day, i over corected it and losed controll and went flying into the ditch. the front end is crushed! but thank god i was alone and no one else got hurt
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Monday, June 25, 2007
listen up plz
i check'ed my g.b and someone signed it that said "I WUV YOU" by mistake i cliked delete and now i cant find them so im hopeing that they will see this and sign it again
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
hey everybody i took some new quiz's, tell me what ya think and i was wondering what quiz's you guys would recommend for me to take
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Friday, June 1, 2007
hey my turn
hey everyone i have a really great friend and she said that i was kickass so im going to return the favor her name is loveless-sara and she kicks ass she has been through alot and hasent given up she was my first real friend on myO, she is just so much fun to talk to, to me myO wouldent be the same if i dident get to talk to her, i could go on about what a great friend she is but she probuly wants to kill me now lol hahaha im very thankfull to know her
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Monday, May 28, 2007
i have a friend that had to delete her account because odd things were goin on with her account her name was sexyandsassy so all who were friends with her dont freak out cause she'll be back
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
come get me
you know who you are and if you have a problem with me, come get me you know were i am!!!
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Monday, May 14, 2007
fuck it all
god dame it, me and a bud were doing dumb shit on a gocart this week, i tryed to stand on the back while he was driveing "not smart" we went right in(or he went right in) a huge wash out that must have been at least 3ft deep, from a distance it looked small, well him and the gocart went nose first in i went flying over it landing on my back, my back cracked so loud and it hurt like a bitch and still does, we got it out of the wash out, it has two bent tires lol, then the next day i find out that if my back is seriously fucked i cant fight in the tournament this summer, this is bad i fought in this tournament for about three years its what i look forward to all school year long, iv been the champ twice and came thired last summer, i want to fight so bad, its allmost like its all i have left
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Monday, May 7, 2007
last fight
im going to fight and fight till i drop, i'll fight the world i'll fight death i'll fight anything that will give me a challenge, even my own life see iv pushed myself to far this time and...and im feeling something that i have never felt before...fear, i fear that i might for once in my life lose...a fight, no one knows this because no one cares, i'am truly alone and that is how i'll fight ALONE, im walking a thin line right now and each day as the pain in my body grows larger the line i walk becomes smaller
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
well hello
hey i havent been online for awhile sry bout that, anyway that girl you kno the one of my dreams well...I was toyed with again, we are so close so i asked her out and she gives me a note saying (im sry for toying with your heart)why everytime i reach for love it bites my hand, i'am so god dame lonely, after that i'am so pissed off and belive me it did not help with my cutting problem, i have been getting into fights alot most with guys from other towns hehe havent lost yet, iv also been doing any thing to get a adrenaline rush, its wareing down my body so iv been drinking alot and i mean alot of energy drinks and energy pills just to keep going, iv had a prob with this before and now my health isent exactly how i want it to be, but what ever im tough i can handle it
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Monday, April 9, 2007
did everyone have fun
hope everyone had a good easter,i did i spent the day playing paintball and talking to a important girl in my life all day, it was a good day lol
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