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in ur closet...
Member Since
Real Name
^ ^ yay!! my parents finally named me!! my name is ...I forgot....ah well...
Became a great writer.
Anime Fan Since
Since the day I saw it.
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Petshop of Horrors, .//Hack Sign, .//Hack Legend of the Twilight Braclet, Inu-Yasha, Super Milk-Chan Show (don't u dare ask why I like that show...cuz I don't even know why lol) Full Metal Alchemist, I sorta li
To marry Hiei.
getting more Hiei pics
drawing anime characters
man, I haven't updated this place in a long time. I am really sorry about that!! well, I'm gonna go and find some things to put up on my site!!
Ja ne!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2005
something I made up when I was VERY bored
rootin' tootin' Halloween
Sango: dressing up is quite nice
Miroku: yeah, but don't you think we shoud be dressing up like ourselfs?! ...>.< hold on just a sec...ah...go on...
Director: O.o cut!
Miroku: what?!
Director: what did you just do?!
Miroku: does it matter?
InuYasha: *holding nose* not if we don't want to breath!!
Miroku: fine, *sprays some air freshener in the air*
Director: and action!!
Shippo: I can still smell it!!
Director: cut!
Miroku: aw c'mon!! it couldn't have been that bad!!
Sango: I'm sorry, but yes it!!
InuYasha: where is Kagome?
Kagome: sorry, I was on the ground gaging!!
Miroku: ...I give up...>.< just a sec...
every1: NOOOOO!!!!!
Miroku: I feel much better
Shippo: and I feel much worse!! I'm still poisened by the last one!!
Director: grow up!! and action!
InuYasha: wew!! It's Miroku that's doing all the action!! My nose burns!!
Miroku: you know what? I hate you all...
Director: cut!! read the freakin' script!! and action!!
InuYasha: well, let's go scare some lil children!!
Kagome: you can't do that!!
InuYasha: why not?!
Shippo: cuz we need Miroku, and he's the one staying for when the trick-or-treaters come!!
Director: >.< enough fart jokes!! *sniffs the air* but that could scare not just the lil children, but the whole army as well!!
InuYasha: Miroku!! Did you do it again?!
Miroku: I can't help it!!
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
fav songs
my fav song EVER is "Mockingbird" -Eminem. (and for a matter of fact, I am listening to that right now ^^) what's ur fav song?
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
^ ^; ; oopsies
I dunn exactly know how to say this, but I moved to Alabama a few monthes ago. And that is one reason why I haven't updated myotaku lately...and um..I am really sorry for that. And yes, I've got more to say..On my trip back here to Ky, I got stuck in my seatbelt..I bet u guyz r wondering "how the hell did that happen?!" well, I was trying to lay down in the back seat of the car cuz I was very tired. But my cat's cage was taking up half the seat. So I had to curl up in a lil ball, but the problem was, I felt like I was gonna fall off the seat. So I wraped the seatbelt around me, then I buckled up. But the problem there was that when I unbuckled at a reststop, I couldn't get unwraped. So we were stuck at the reststop for a few hours trying to get me out of the seatbelt..and another problem there is that the seatbelts in my mom's car will get stuck if u pull to far, so now it got even harder to get out cuz I was up at the top and the seatbelt was stuck, so it kept getting harder and harder!! So finally my mom went inside and had to borrow some siccors and she had to cut me free!! I was so emmbarressed..and I was in pain!! so, now we only have one seatbelt in the back seat...and we had to move our cat to the other side of the seat so I can have the side with the seatbelt. lol. I hope that never happens again!!
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^ ^; ; oopsies
I dunn exactly know how to say this, but I moved to Alabama a few monthes ago. And that is one reason why I haven't updated myotaku lately...and um..I am really sorry for that. And yes, I've got more to say..On my trip back here to Ky, I got stuck in my seatbelt..I bet u guyz r wondering "how the hell did that happen?!" well, I was trying to lay down in the back seat of the car cuz I was very tired. But my cat's cage was taking up half the seat. So I had to curl up in a lil ball, but the problem was, I felt like I was gonna fall off the seat. So I wraped the seatbelt around me, then I buckled up. But the problem there was that when I unbuckled at a reststop, I couldn't get unwraped. So we were stuck at the reststop for a few hours trying to get me out of the seatbelt..and another problem there is that the seatbelts in my mom's car will get stuck if u pull to far, so now it got even harder to get out cuz I was up at the top and the seatbelt was stuck, so it kept getting harder and harder!! So finally my mom went inside and had to borrow some siccors and she had to cut me free!! I was so emmbarressed..and I was in pain!! so, now we only have one seatbelt in the back seat...and we had to move our cat to the other side of the seat so I can have the side with the seatbelt. lol. I hope that never happens again!!
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Friday, December 17, 2004
I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like the tital says, I'm getting married!!! *gasp* wait...that means, I have to give up Hiei!! *hugs Hiei* I'm getting married to my b/f, and I don't want to give up Hiei!!! Sempai Cat, Hiei is all urs...>.<
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
I'm gonna base this off of MY Hiei.
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