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myOtaku.com: hiei teddy bear

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

   not happy. nope.
yes im not too happy. i know i usually start off with im happy or whatever, but not this time. today was bad for several reasons, and i shall list why:
1) The harasser is still doing what he does best:harassing. its gotten slightly worse, so thank god break is coming up very soon.
2) we had to run many laps in gym for a grade, and i was very tired and out of breath. i tried to bribe the teacher, but that was a no-go.
3)i feel...trouble brewing. seriously. my friend and i havent been the...closest lately. i mean oh yeah we talk and laugh and have the best fun, but thats only when im her last option, basically. and when her boyfriend is around...someone even had the nerve to say i was like a dog following its master. today i felt like that, and i thought "Dogs must never speak unless their master commands them to. Woof Woof." I dont feel MAD...i feel sad really. i know it seems like im jealous, but im not. i just...dont know what i am really. Hiei: Don't be a baka. You're a ningen! Fool... *Me:Sweatdrop* Oook. hiei's right. gotta run!

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