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A magical faraway place called Indiana, where the sun is always shining and the air smells like warm rootbeer.
Member Since
Being the other half of a symbiotic relationship with my computer.
Real Name
Absolutely nothing.
Anime Fan Since
Since 1998? 3rd grade.
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho and Akuma no Ororon (manga really)
Not kill people. But I don't think that's going to well. Might be because of stupid people that should have their tounges ripped out and force-feed to them. [big chesire cat grin]
writing,Hiei,drawing,Hiei,watching anime,reading fanfics,playing on the computer,did I mention Hiei?
It depends on what 'talent' means to you.(No not like you ecchi)
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Friday, April 23, 2004
Why I hate people.
The following is a real uncensored IM convo with Kelsey aka PMS Queen. It is in its entirety ( I can't spell right now and it's her fault). You have been warned.
klsyddlbg: Hey liZ!!!!!
InvaderBik: yo
InvaderBik: I did not get that from derek* he got it from me and turn off your goddamn caps lock
klsyddlbg: god...sumbodies "aunt" is coming 2 vixit soon.
InvaderBik: [quriks eyebrow]
klsyddlbg: do u evn kno what im referring 2???
InvaderBik: I have my suspisions
klsyddlbg: lol
klsyddlbg: like what?
InvaderBik: like maybe aunt is a euphimisim for rag
klsyddlbg: rag???
InvaderBik: ha whose in the drak now
InvaderBik: *dark
klsyddlbg: i was talkin bout yur period
InvaderBik: and thats what i thought
klsyddlbg: ok.. then y say "rag"???
InvaderBik: your rag is the same as your period
klsyddlbg: oooooooh ok
InvaderBik: and 1st off its not that time and second off I'm also like this it runs in my family
klsyddlbg: oooooooooh ok
klsyddlbg: u coulda fooled me
InvaderBik: and caps lock annoys me as well as large amouts of l33t and 'chat speak'
klsyddlbg: oooooooh ok
klsyddlbg: wtf do u mean "chat speak"??
InvaderBik: the u and y and r shit
InvaderBik: and the 4rm
klsyddlbg: ooooooooooh ok
klsyddlbg: y dont u like that??
klsyddlbg: lol
InvaderBik: and all that other shit as well as not giving a rats ass about your typos
klsyddlbg: i care about my typos i just dont like commenting on them
InvaderBik: Well shitty grammar is one of my pet peeves as you should know by now and I constantly corect people on it
klsyddlbg: it is coRRect u imbecile
InvaderBik: it maybe the internet but that doesnt give the right to downgrade other peoples IQ with your own yammering idiocy
InvaderBik: I was busy ranting
InvaderBik: so bite me
klsyddlbg: i dont give a fuck
klsyddlbg: no thanx
klsyddlbg: i dont htink u taste good
InvaderBik: and neither do you
klsyddlbg: BITE ME
InvaderBik: I will and not in a way you'll enjoy.
Auto response from klsyddlbg: BITE ME
InvaderBik: chomp
klsyddlbg: lol
Feel free to IM her. She won't mind. [smirk]
I think that's it for right now. I'll probably edit my intro in just a minute.
*Derek is Skribby. Just a bit of clarafiction.
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I can't think of a witty subject title for this completly random update.
Bleh. It's a friday but it feels like maybe a Tuesday. I was about to ask my science teacher if we didn't finish the movie we were watching would we be continuing it tomorrow, when all of a sudden it hit me. We don't have school tomorrow, it's Saturday. I felt like going back home and sleeping till Tuesday just so that I'd have my days straight. Right now I feel like I haven't slept in days. I would sleep now but it's to damn early. Only 7 pm my time. And if I sleep now I'll wake up at some gods awful hour in the morning and have to shoot someone. And right now I don't think that that is the best thing for me to do. Plus I have things I need to do but that doesn't mean I'm going to. I have a bunch of things.
- Finish writing in the RPG some friends of mine and I am doing.
- Finish up the character sketches/info for Malik, Shiro and Crow.
- Decide if I'm going to have Ravenelle or Adrinne be the bad guy in my new series.
- Take a shower b/c I feel all icky. bleh.
- Fix my intro b/c I think the reason that the thingy isn't working right is b/c I'm over the new character limit. And I need to put diffrent info into just for the sake of it.
-Maybe eat something. Maybe I don't know. I need to eat but don't really want to. And no I'm not anorexic. Or bulemic. I don't have any eating disorders. I'm just not really hungry.
I'm going to just sit here and stare at the screen till my eyes hurt or my mom gets home, which every comes first.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Alex I'll take Does anyone really read these for $200
Blah. Yesh I have been lazy and yesh I have put off this update for over, I think it's two weeks now. But do not despair for I update at this current date and time. Why do I update? Because I have the whole day off and I need to blow time somehow. I guess I'll start this with the Saturday before last. Which for those people in the audience with no concept of time, (which I can be part of at times) was the Saturday before Easter.
How many full grown men does it take to put together a swing set?
It takes five men and two and half hours. And it wasn't even one of those really complicated ones. It was your standard two swings slide teter-totter and monkey bar ones. No thats just a tad bit sad. The logic (ha!) behind the swing set was it was my little cousin Dillion's (I cant spell his name I see him like once a month and I don't really care) 2nd birfday. Which I got dragged to the birthday party but not before being dragged to an Easter egg hunt. But there was free food so. [shrugs]
Here comes Lizzie cotton-tail hoppin' down,the oh gods shoot me now.
Easter Sunday I was dragged kicking and screaming with my headphones on to my great aunt, who I loath house for dinner which was more like a late lunch. It was a horrible day. I didn't want to seen any of the people there till I was dragged to x-mas dinner. And I don't want to then. And just a little fun fact: I be not of any division of the Christan faith. I'm an eclectic pagan. ^_^ Flames will be used to feed my pyromainia and dry up t he rain.
Now little girl what have you been up to lately?
SSDD, mam'. For those of you who don't know, SSDD stands for Same Shit Diffrent Day. For me that means, reading fanfics, checking the boards, reading my e-mail, chating with Dea and Skribby, and reading my webcomics. I really recomend those comics to you. I read Mac Hall, MegaTokyo, and just this past weekend I started reading Nihilism. I'll put the links up in my intro. Right now I need caffine and possibly more sleep.
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
But I don't wanna burn the letter.
Blah. Not much on this end besides the on going James issue. Skribby (aka Derek.No sex popcorn for you!Bad Skribby!) sugested that I burn 'the letter'. I told him that I couldn't. Sigh.
On a more 'happy' note, Loki has been freeloading at Dea's house. Yay! I can sit on my couch again. But I do think something is going on between them. Oh well. I need to get off. I have to do things. My mom went to go fake and bake so that she can put me to shame even more. I'm as dark as a pillow and she's darker than her tan shoes. Not that I am complaining I like being pale.
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Sunday, April 4, 2004
Yesh I am Lazy.
I'm a red and black rat? Very interesting
I'm a fire demon who likes to seek thrills. How is that even possible.
You know technically I should write a real post. But right now I am too emotional. And neurotic.
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Monday, March 29, 2004
Shall I trip this log?
I'm doing this right now. I shall trip thelog and roll it over since bits of Saturday resurfaced this morning. [mutter something about 'goddessdamned rain'.] I'll start from the begining.
Friday March 19th started my spring break.So since my parents are divorced my father got to pick me up and take me to his house in Kentucky (thank god for Mississippi.). Since we just happened to luck out Ostara was being celebrated at the Crystal Crow's Nest in Beattyville Kentucky that weekend. We have been going to Litha at the Crows Nest ever since it started back oh about five years ago but we had never been to Ostara and probably won't be going again.
When we got there Friday night Wayne(my stepbro) and I walked up to the camp area around the circle and visted at the fire. James was pleased to see me. As him and I always get along. I could have swore that when I got up and said hi to James he shifted for hug. Which is slightly ooc for the James one. Well over that night I ened up pulling an all nighter by said fire with James, Charles(aka sercurity dude. Stun gun em!), and Tony. Tony is the only one who went to seek sleep. Over the course of the night Charles joked that in about 4-5 years James and I would be dating. The reason behind the 4-5 is b/c James is 19 and I am 14 which can be sumed up in one word 'illegal'. The next day was pretty uneventful besides my futile atemps to talk to James in privet.At about 7 ish(pagan time is confusing Its morning when the sun comes up and night when it falls anything inbtween is up to your disgresion)It was time for circle but it was raining so it was postponed I stood out in the rain in my ritual clothes getting sopping wet with Charles by side watching me tend the fire. When we both got soaked to the bone we camped ou in his car and talked about stuff till the rain calmed down enough for us to see what was going on.Which in turn lead to me going down to my camp and going to a small inn in town b/c our sleeping bags were wet. When we got back in the morning we broke down camp and it began to snow.We couldnt take down our tent b/c it was wet so we left it up and went back Wednesday to take it down in which I was able to talk to James about some stuff but not what I wanted to so I await June and some time alone.
I have to sleep. So I will make a post about other stuff tomorrow afternoon.
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Do I smell trip log? No it's just me bitching 'bout my comp.
In regards to the subject I might get around to a trip log by the end of this post.
Okay first things first my comp is a biatch. Windows Media Player more speficly.It won't let me copy my mp3s to one of my brand spankin new discs I went and bought today just for this purpose. [pouts and hufs] It's in the same alliance as those capitalist pigs at Wal*Mart that carge to much to their thinga-ma-jews. Yesh I ventured out into the world outside my compy(which I don't do often.I even keep the blinds tightly shut.).And what's worse is that I did it to go shopping. At Wal*MArt I couldn't believe it they had anime. I was in shock.I was so happy.I started doing something and my stepbrother Wayne had to literally drag me out of the aisle,and as he did I spotted the DVD of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and I grabed for it but I missed it.But the good thing about him draging me out of the aisle was thaat standing at the end of the ailse was some one he knew from school.So I got to embarass him.It's all good.And his little(well not really the guy could make two of me but then again I'm vertically challenged)said the classic "Dude,she's got issueses." And from my interesting position on the floor in the home entertainment section of Wally World I pipped up with my now infamous "I don't have issueses I have volumes that come bi-monthly I only get issueses inbetween 'em." And he walked away with a "whatever". Tre' fun.But at Wally World I walked away with Aprils NewType mag,some neon floppys,some blank CDs, a cat caller for Kitty(since I bought one for him but claimed it in the name of me) and that's it.But I wanted more.So much more!!! Oh well I just need more money.
On my way to Hastings I went thru the mall [shudder] but to my surprise we now have a family onwed oriental store!It's the spiff man.They have chinnes style dresses for $30 and cell phone charms still in the Japanese packaging and bonsai trees and the little bowl/cup Japanese things.I have to more monies and go there.Oh and I stopped by one of those sticker thingys and got me a sticker it's two aliens sitting under a shroomie with smiley face helmets on anf there is one on top of the shroomie too(no helmet thou).
Well when we finally got tt Hastings(Wayne and I) I bolted for the anime section where I proceeded to dramaticly fall to my knees and grab Waynes leg.They had an entire wall o' anime.I didn't have enough to buy any.[pouts once more].So after about an hour of looking at the prety pictures I wandered off to the "graphic novels" section(which also contained the RPGs) So I worked hard to pick out a manga. I ended up going with The Demon Ororon and my brand spanking new Japanese English ditionary.I also sat inthe middle of the aisle and read all of the first volume of FLCL trippy shit man.But good none the less.
That's about it for today.But yesterday I went and saw this awsome local band Alanna at Live Wire.Kicked major ass.
Arrg I don't wanna type anymore so I'll trip the log later plus I got stuffies I gotta do.
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
6:101 I don't like that ratio.But then again I don't like a lot of things.
Well guess what.This little hole in the wall MyO has been viewed a hundred-one times.But oh wait lets count the number of times my little bitty not even a brick in the wall(It's just another brick in the wall...Guess the song and artist and win a prize) that has the little hole,guestbook has been signed.[counts number of signatures on fingers]One...Two...Three...Four...Five...uh whats the number after that?Oh yeah,...Six...
A whopping six times.Now I don't like that ratio 6:101.
Well as anyone who norammly reads MyO I hardly ever post when I am the type of mood I am now. I shall elucidate with a simple equation.[does magic girl tranformation(the edited type like SM inthe states)Once transformed gets image in head of James in a SM fuku using his Magic Mooching Skillz(TM me)and rools on the floor in laughter]Okay I'm better now.Oh back to that + my psycho cousins +my grandmother and I talking about abortion same sex marrages drugs and censorship = me in a bit of a hunorous(satire of course my good reader)/trouble causing/anime and caffine needing mood.Now take note there will be a quiz and it will account for more than 100%v of your grade and there will be no curve.Oh and if you drop out you will end up working at Taco Hell under some twiggy tween with bad skin only to get paid less than minimum wage only to go back to your rat hole apartment to see your former cheerleader girlfriend who is preggers.But wait there is more I will give you the option to pick between two doors.For the sake of my insanity we'll go with door number two.Johnny tell em' what they've won!
Johnny:Well it's not a brand new car or a really hot nurse with a big needle full of morphine it's......A fat woman with a bottle of prozac! Each pill is only 25mg not enough to make you happy but just enough to make you not want to commit sucide.It's like life for some one who is just content with being.
Oh too bad for you.Oh and I won't be putting up a trip log till maybe tomorrow.Since I am sort of over my emotional delay.Ah letters and inadvertant answers.And with those words I bid you adue(its french you moron).
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Monday, March 22, 2004
I smell an emotional delay.
Yeah, you know how I saiad I post up a trip log from Ostara? Well,I have tp compose my head.Cause right now its pretty fucked.And on that thats all I'll say.But I am back,and at my dad's.I copped out this morning and got a Yahoo! ID. Savage_Twilight I cant grantee I'll be on it alot I use AIM more.But right now my heads fucked and if I went into talking about Ostara it would make it worse.So I'll try and get that up sometime this week,probably maybe Tuesday or Wednesday.It all really depends if and when I get to help finishing breaking camp.And I do go do that I'll be able to give James that letter and then hopefully feel better.But with it still sitting in notebook it wont do me any good.Fuck.Arrg.I'm gonna stop now before my shrink has to yell at me again.Yesh that is you Chase.So far you are the only one who knows.Good Afternoon ladies and gents and all the rest of you.If you know of a place where emotions dont exist feel free to inform me.Maybe I can seek some solace.
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Can ya tell I was bored.

What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at by Rin.
 you are "occult". just don't give a fuck.
What type of manga are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Darkness: Self centered, strong willed, mischievous and mysterious. Your quite dark and often times frightening, although you may be good looking its just a costume hiding the darkness of your heart. You detest everyone but yourself, people are simply insects to be burned under the power of your magnifying glass. People are somewhat drawn to your mystery but find out to little to late how cruel you can be. But you have a passionate soul, that is unless you already sold it. Pursuing whatever you set your mind to, you look at life with a 'Shut up and leave me alone' attitude most often because people generally seem to annoy you. You may be the ruler of darkness but you can often times be generally lonely wishing for someone to share in your dance of darkness so long as they know who is the master.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Brave, strong willed, loyal and passionate
You are a sprite of Fire. Full of passion, bravery and spice you are the living embodiment of fire. You are quite arrogant and think yourself above most but that is made up for by; your passionate ability to pursue your dreams, your strong will and your powerful well skilled ability for fighting. You are a natural leader, people are somewhat drawn to you and see you as someone to look up to but you only pay attention to them if they are useful, your equal or your superior. You are a very exciting person to be near for you have a vast love of adventure and battle. Fire is a symbol of Passion if and when you choose to love you are capable of beautiful, long lasting, devoted love. You are quite wondrous!
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Lemon Tea...
Strong willed and a bit feisty in temper you stand out from other people! Creative but dangerous you have few friends and those that have been accepted into your small group are special and unique just like yourself. Once your mind is made up that's it and no one can change it. You can think clearly and figure out just what to do in a tense situation which is a rare gift. You arent twisted by societies rules and regulations and are rebel by nature!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
 You are...DARK. Yes you know, gothic-punk kinda style. Go you! =P ( I hope at least you're not a wannabe)
Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!! brought to you by Quizilla
 You should be dating a Scorpio.
23 October - 21 November
Your mate is passionately caring, dynamic and sensual. Though he or she can be self-destructive, ruthless or overbearing, the scorpion's sex life involves releasing his/her most pent-up passions.
What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have a fiery soul. You aren't the quickest to get angered, but when you do get angry things can go really wrong really fast. You are generally very passionate in the things you do. (Rate my test)
What force is your soul? brought to you by Quizilla
 You should have red eyes. You are.. well.. intent on enslaving the human race and dominating the world. You take pleasure in killing people and small animals, especially the cute and cuddly variety. Just.. um.. try to calm down.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla
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