Hieis Dark Kitten
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
AMV Hell!
lol, Today was pretty good! XD
WEll, I suppose you want to know why...right >.O ....
lol, WELL! >.<
(wow, at the moment I am obsessed with the little typed faces. o.o; heh heh ) *Ahem* Well, at first it was kind of tough because of my Teacher in First block, It's my computer appilcations and technology skills. She wouldn't leave me alone because I couldn't get the stupid mouse to move, SHE NEEDS TO CLEAN THE MOUSE'S BALLS!! o.o; wow, that sounded a LOT better in my head then it just did!! XD Anyways, she was mad at me because I couldn't get the mouse to click on something. -.-; Well, if the ball inside was cleaned, then I would of been able to do it no problem!
Moving on now... In 2nd block, Art class, we are doing stupid contour drawins, it was soooo boring at first, I mean WHAT IN THE HELL IS INTERESTING ABOUT DRAWING A STUPID STOOL ON THE DAMN TABLE?! HUH?! >.< *ahem* But now we are able to do more with it, because of the background. And I wrote "KNC" in the background! XD I dunno why, I just did! (if you don't know what KNC is, it's Kokoro no CRIMSON, a band my friend's are creating! ^_^ if you want to know more info about it, go up to my links because it's there!)
And in 3rd block...nothing happened, but LUNCH! I did an anime fall, I swear! XD It was my friend's fault though! >.< DARE YOU BUNRA!!!! I poked him and he tried poking me back, and I tried to aviod iit, by leading back and I ended up just perfectly falling over, on my back with my legs still on the sit. It kind of hurt though ^^; EVERYONE at the table cracked up! XD
And now, I shall tell you about AMV Hell! ^.~ We watched it in animeclub, I laguhed my ass off. It's a moive FULL of clips of different animes, and instead of their regular voices in it, it's music and little weird cover voices! XD One clip had Touya from Yu Yu Hakusho and the music was "Ice Ice Baby" another one had Gaara from Naruto, and it was singing "Mr.Sandman"!! XD omg, I LOVED THAT MOIVE!!
O.O and now I want three games called "Devil May Cry 1,2 and 3" OMG! It looks so cool! XD and I heard the theme song. o.o I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it .... lol, well I'll see ya later!! ^_^ Bai bai!!!
No Pic/Quote of the Day today, Gomen,Gomen!!
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
/._.\ I'm gettin' sick! T^T
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
LAte post, but who cares?
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
OMG! I HAVE IT! ^____^
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Contest ends!
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Monday, February 27, 2006
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
2 more days!!!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Contest Entries :



Well, nothing too much is going on at the moment, only 6 more days until the contest closes people!! >.< GET THOSE ENTRIES IN OR SUFFER THE CONQUENCE OF NOT BEING ABLE TO ENTER!!!!!!!!!!! GRR *ahem* allright done. ._.''
Well, let's see here... 1st block was boring, and so was 2nd block...hmmm I drew a picture in 3rd block, which I always seem to do. ._.' I'm sure my teacher is annoyed with me for that, but hey she CANNOT complain! I DO MY DAMN WORK! >.< But the pictrue is on my fanart...if anyone cares. ._.'' heh heh. ^-^; Well, 4th block was boring... ._.' SO in a long day put short? IT WAS BORING DAMNIT!!! T.T lol.
Anime club today was also boring, they do NOTHING but sit and watch anime, come on, if I want to watch anime I can do that in the comfort of my own bed! >.< They rarely give out anime magazines, and when they do, those aren't very interesting, AND! THAT'S ALL THEY DO WEEK AFTER WEEK!! Hell, I mean I can be more creative then that! ANYONE CAN! >.< We should get our damn shirts, and go to conventions! AND! maybe they can hold a drawing contest!? *pulls on hair* UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*ahem* in other news, I've just been invited to a wedding. Apparently I'm going to be the guestbook person, where I stand in the front, and greet people. and Tell them to sign a guestbook. interesting, ne? -.-; WELL! >.< apparently 200 people are going to be there. -.-; I don't think I can stand to be around that many people. *was forced to go to stupid homecoming and normally is forced to the mall -.-;; * So, as you can see, I don't really go out much. But, oh well. I can practice on my people skills because it isn't until May. Soo...lucky me huh? *sigh* wow I have a boring life, oh well, I SHALL GET OVER IT AND MAKE IT INTERESTING ONCE I AM NOT AS LAZY AS I AM NOW! >.< lol!! WEll, bai bai!
~*HDK*~ |
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
New contest entry!! ^_^ WHOO-HOO!
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