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Kentucky D:
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12 grade student
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The first time I watched DBZ and Pokemon!!!
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It's a manga and it's Love Attack
To play guitar decently :3 To graduate!
Drawing, dancing, hanging out
| Hieis Dark Kitten
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
weird things!! >
My older brother is here, *sighs* Again. I dunno how many times he will be here, buuuuut who knows? @.@ lol, but things he was saying to me last night, was freaking me out. He was saying stuff like having a brother and sister bond. But, He's beginning to be nicer to me, and my mother. Which makes me happy. He knows he screwed up really bad. He was telling me about how he was doing drugs and stuff, not smart if you ask me. Then he was saying, how my figure was coming out a little more and stuff. He called me "pretty" which I'm not, but what girl actually does think their pretty. He was saying that in high school he was going to have to meet my boyfriends, and stuff. Hell, I don't even want a boyfriend from there, most of them are jerks anyways. Go figure.
And people, are saying that my hair makes me look like an anime girl! hehe, I don't mind that compliment! ^.^ Even though... ._.'' my hair looks like Keiko from Yu Yu Hakusho. *gulps* It's scary...
Well, for the people who haven't visited my site for the past 3 days, then you must of noticed my new theme. Nekos! ^.^ But, that doesn't mean that I'm over Hiei..*glare* lol, I'm j/k. but, seriously, I'm still obsessed with Hiei *-* I can't help it. lol, okay I'm not that crazy. But, now, I think the site is cuter! ^.^ And I wasn't the one who did this either My sis, Sakura18 helped me out too!! mukuku!
hehehe, and here is a random picture of Hiei that I found on Photobucket. I think it's really cute! ^.^ lol, Well You'll decide that one for yourself once I stop typing and put it on here, huh? lol...well Here it is, (btw, I did not draw this, I'm not that good... >< )
Isn't it cute? lol, Well it is to me at least. Well, I must go now!! Buh-byes! ^.^
~*Neko*~ |
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
new theme!
._. kind of Hiei theme is gone! ...but, right now it's nekos! I like nekos! they are cute! lol, well, I'm not giving up Hiei though, this site kind of expresses better of how I feel for the cute anime character! okay, that sounded completey weird... @.@ lol, but it does describe how I feel! ^^ hehehe! Plus too, I don't even know who thoses people are in my theme... ._.'' heh that a bad thing? Anyways!, you have to thank Sakura18 for giving me this cute theme! THANK YOU SIS!! ^-^ lol, okay....Well, at my art class it was really fun! we got to go outside and draw random obsject as if they were smashed up and everything. ^^ hehehe all...cartoonish! you know, right?! lol!! ahahahahaha! ._.'' okay, I'm done. Oh! I worte another stupid little poem thingy! heh heh <^-^; Well, since I just got this new theme! I'll go on ahead and put it on here! here we go!
That one day, I met you.
I wasn't sure what to do, or what to think,
All I knew is that...I loved you.
You weren't sure what to do either,
at first, I thought you hated me,
I teased you a little,
and you would glare at me evilly,
Even though I think it's cute, you don't really care.
I try to get you to notice me,
as much as possible,
but do you find me annoying at all?
You said that I didn't,
but how do I know if your lying to me or not?
I guess I'll find out sooner or later...
The next few days, I grew annoyed of you.
I changed my appearance just for you,
I thought you wouldn't like me if you saw what I was.
Now, that I look different, you seem nicer to me.
I have no idea why though,
we shared the same about of slaps,
I called you a name,
but your reaction stayed the same.
Then, I apologized to you,
you seemed very afraid...
I told you how I felt, how much I loved you,
you just stood there, looking for the right words to say,
After you couldn't say them, I got depressed,
and I tried to leave, but you suddenly blurted it out.
You said "I love you too" And ran off to the other room,
blushing madly, embarrassed.
But, it was a good thing you told me,
because I love you too.
Now that time has past, I don't have to try so hard to get noticed.
You seem to like seeing me happy,
and I love to see you happy...
Seeing you smile, and laugh when I tickle you,
It's the most cherished thing I hold in my heart,
You're love and your happiness,
is all I need to get through life,
Through the good times, and the hard times,
You're there for me, right when I need you.
I might not be the best person towards you at times,
always telling you to apologize to the people you dislike.
I play with you, tickling you, making you laugh.
But when I stop, you do the same thing back to me.
I might be this girl, who is trying to find that one person in life,
But I've found him,
I've found him in you.
I know I can see the true you, covered in all of that mess.
When I lay down next to you,
After a long day...
You insisted that I lay next to you,
Why? I'm not sure,
I'm surprised that I'm not one of those people you hate.
but, I cuddle up to you, and you smile at me.
It makes me happy to see you smile like that,
it's different, and unusual, but I like it.
I'm seeing a different side of you,
I never knew was there.
And when I fall asleep,
I don't have to worry about my fears,
because you are right there next to me,
and I'm not letting go for anything...
There ya have it! ....oh! and once again...I hurt my leg at the pool yesterday... ._.'' I fell trying to get to my phone and bruised my leg pretty badly, and my toe bleed kind of badly, and my hand got scraped as well...This just isn;t my week huh? this week is making me go through pain! >< and I don't like it!! lol... pain is fun until a point you know? lol, Well I'm going to get off now!! Byes!!! ^-^
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
uhh...heh heh heh... ^^;
Today, I had to clean my room, before I did anything! >< I hate cleaning my room, but it only took like an hour to do so yeah! hehehe But, earlier I tripped over my own feet, and I landed on my nose. I held it and was all, "OW! my nose!" obvious huh? and then I looked at my hand and saw blood! ._.'' and, I ran into the bathroom to clean it up, because I don't like nose bleeds! >< and when I looked at it, I had all of this blood touching my lip! Ew! >< ._.'' I felt like an anime person who just acceidently ran into something... @.@ heh heh...Silly me huh? But oh well! My room is clean! and I'm eating at the moment...actually I'm forcing myself to eat -_-;; I'm not hungry at all, and this is the first thing I've eaten all day...a ham and cheese sandwich, but I don't feel like I'm hungry, sooo I force myself to eat after a while! because I don't really want an eating disorder! ahaha! lol, well I have to go now... *burps* ._.'' heh heh....sorry!! Excuse me!!!!!!! lol, See ya later! byes!!!!
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Monday, June 27, 2005
there are my ceiling...
.-.,, I kind of got booted out of my room today. These people are fixing our air conditioning and they put of hole in my room's ceiling... -.-;; grrrness...I hate people, really I do. Especially when they are in my room and I can't see what they are doing! *glare* I hate it when people are in my room, it sucks! >< .-.,, does. lol. Well, I haven't been really doing anything. When I got back from my sis's place, I got really happy for some reason O.o I was over come with joy. Not really me. lol, and I started reading Imadoki (Nowadays) I love it! it's sooooo cute!!! ^^ hehe. lol, I can't help it. It's just that cute! Tanpopo reminds me a lot of my lil sis! ^-^ so adorable I say! But, enough of that! moving on! lol. hmm....I dunno what to type now...*scratches head* I can't think of anything... Oh! I know! I made another stupid poem last night! ^.^ Why I make these, .-.,, don't ask me!!!!!!!!!!!!! >< BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A CLUE AS TO WHY I CREATE THESE SILLY THINGS BUT OH WELL!!!! HERE IT GOES!!!!
I stare at you, from a distance,
not knowing what I should do,
if I would talk to you,
or stay away from you.
When I will talk to you,
what will I say?
"I love you"?
What will you do then,
accept me?
Or push me away?
That night,
I sleep just to dream about you,
about us being together.
I love you so much,
don't you see?
Or am I just another face in the crowd?
The next morning, I wake up
You're no longer there,
it was just a dream...
I want it to be real,
but I am too shy to get near you,
what am I to do?
When I go out, I stare at you again,
longingly, wanting to hug you tightly.
But, you'll never know that, will you?
You don't even notice me...
I'm just another face in the crowd to you.
But, the one thing is...I love you.
Later on, you feel my stare on you,
You look back at me, and I look away,
blushing madly because you've noticed me.
You walk up to me, wondering about my stares.
I don't know what to say, I'm too afraid.
I tell you the reason for my stares after a while,
and you're shocked, you're reaction is quite cute.
Then you suddenly embrace me, it's like my dream.
We are together, and nothing can break us apart...
I'll never let go of you,
my love...
It's weird how I makes these silly things. But, oh well what does it matter?! lol...Well. I have to go now. .-.,, The people aren't done in my room yet and once they get done I'm going to have to clean my room... My grandma is kind of mad at me for how I've been keeping it... ^^; heh, well Sayonara!!!!!
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
I'm at my sis's place!!!! ^___^ahaha!
yes, it is true I'm at my sis's place! ^___________________^ I'm so happy...and blech! dead! I'm tired!!!!! my head hurts and everything, we headbanged and everything @.@ ....and yes I'm sorry for not updating since the 20th .-.,, I suck ass! >< lol, well even though that does sound disgusting, but I suck -.-; at possibly everything I do, but I won't get into that right now! Nothing has really happened so I bid you all goodnight!!!!! Buh-byes!!!!
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Monday, June 20, 2005
AHH!!!! >
O.O My hair....all of it... (well most of it) gone!! It used to be down to my ass, but's at my shoulders. <.< >.> Soooooo much hair!!! >< I'm going to miss the length, but now it's really....lighter. And another thing...I have bangs again, that I'm not used to...*looks up* I can't see the ceiling!! >< All I see is my bangs!! And it's layered! ^^ I'll put a pic up later, or tomorrow... sooo XP I'm just glad yesterday I was able to play with it before it got chopped off. .-. It's...allllllllll gone....^^ but I like it! I think it looks cute! ahahahaha! lol, O.o but I look like a different person. @.@ I look like something like I was when I was little...just...chubbier... holy shit...right? lol...
Well, there isn't TOO much to report. My brother will be coming over here again! >< He's moving back up to kentucky! Ahh!!! -.- He just couldn't stay down in Texas, huh? ....ugh! >< my hair keeps poking me in the eye. ow! lol... Well, yesterday the chiense food was good! ^______^ IT was a treat for me so I sort of pigged out. O.O ... I ate more then I'm used to and got such a stomach ache. blech! lol, and I heard this chiense person talking I was like.. O.O "HOLY SHIT! I can't talk that fast ever!" lol...well I have to go now! buh-byes everyone and have a great day!
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Father's Day...
Well, I can't really say all that much about my dad. I don't see him that much, don't talk to him that much either. My parents are divorced. He lives in Texas, and I live in we are quite a while away from each other. But, I do know that I love him. He may be a major pain in the butt sometimes, but I still love him. and that's all I can really say...(even though he can't read this buuuuut! )So happy father's day to my dad! ^^ wuv you!! ^_^
My otaku dad, AJMetallica is different, I get to talk to him almost everyday! ^-^ He's really nice, and knows how to get my un-upset. He's normally there for me, when I need a parent like figure around. And I have to say Happy Father's Day to him to. For being a father figure to me. So Happy father's day MyO dad!! ^^ wuv you!
okay, well now that the father thing shout out is over...I'm going to a chiense resturant today! ^-^ makes me happy, because I don't get to go to those that often, so it's like a treat for me! heh...And the scary part of today is... O.O I did my hair!!!!! Freaky!!! lol, I shall have to put a picture up of myself now!! ^^
![Image hosted by](
Here's a side view of me. ^^ heh heh
![Image hosted by](
And here's another picture of me! Yes yes, it is at an angle but I don't care! >< lol, I like it like that! XP lol
Well, last night I watched trigun!! ^___^ It was the first episode I've ever watch when I began watching it last year! awesomeness!! lol, for some reason, I'm starting to think Trigun is a summer show @.@... heh... Well, time for stupid random quotes! Today I shall do one of Trigun (from last night) and one from Yu Yu Hakusho!! ahaha!!
Vash: Now repeat after me...This world is made of...
Guy (I dunno his name! ><) : *low voice* this world is...
Guy: This world is made of...
Vash: LOVE AND PEACE!!!!! *puts crossed peace sign fingers out*
Ahaha! I love the love and peace quote...dunno why! just do! lol, now time for Yu yu hakusho!!
~*Yu Yu Hakusho*~
(Well, this is going to be out of the manga sooo yeah! XP )
Hiei: Hmph...Third rate demon idiots. They couldn't tackle Yusuke on his worse day, either. *remembers something Koenma said*
Koenma: Yusuke's only recently started fighting with his aura. After that fierce battle, hie reserves are depelted...He'll be painfully weak for a few days...Even weaker than the average human. If any demons take advantage of that, Yusuke's goose is cooked.
Hiei: *out of the flashback* ...Heh heh heh, what am I thinking??
Kurama: *behind him* Quite a lot of bloodlust in the air.
Hiei: Don't sneak up behind me.
Kurama: What bring you here?
Hiei: Nothing of consequence, and you?
Kurama: The underworld asked me to guard our associates, but my stomach injury isn't fully healed. It's the second severe hit I've take there, as you may remember.
Hiei: I get your point....I'm not the underworld's slave, got it? I'm just putting in my "community service"
Kurama: I understand. So...the big clash is happening at the hell housing site at 4:00?
Hiei: Yes! no goodbye!!
Kurama: Poor yusuke, stuck fighting third-rate demon. But what do you care? ...He already beat you, after all.
Hiei: ....*probably growling*
Well, that was from the 5th manga! ^^ I think the title of this is called... "Focus your mind as one" ahahaha! lol, well...I have to get off now and wait for my grandparents to pick me up so we can go out for chiense!! ^.^ lol, Well, that's it for today! buh-byes!!
~*Neko*~ |
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Saturday, June 18, 2005 is here ooooooh goody
ugh. My older brother is here...AGAIN! >< I'm sick and tired of him being here! I don't like him! Never have and never will...and for some reason, my mom wants me to trust him in the pool with me. *raised eyebrow* She has to be kidding me! .-. *whines* I don't want him here!! I DON'T I DON'T I DON'T I DON'T!!!! >< yeah, last night...I was watching anime until like 4 am! @.@ I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! lol, my brother stole the computer from me last night so I locked myself in my room at like...10:30 last night and then stayed up and watched anime until like 4 am. yay! ^-^ anime filled night thank you dvds and recorded tapes!!! lol, really the only thing it was, was rurouni kenshin and yu yu hakusho... @.@ but still... it was like my own little marathon! go figure! lol and for some reason, I feel like doing a random Yu Yu Hakusho quote!@_@ lol here we go!!
~*Yu Yu Hakusho quote~*
Hiei: This wind coming in feels like home, it's comfronting and it sooths me. It smells like freshly spilled blood and the rotten flesh of decaying corspes....look at it, the gateway to demon world will be open soon. ....Maybe I'll return home.
Yusuke: No! I beat toguro, then I assumed that everything else...everything else would be a big old piece of cake. and then some rouge spirit detective has to go and open the door to demon world! And to top it all off Kuwabara had to get himself all kidnapped
Hiei: You're in no shape to be playing the hero
Yusuke: Well if I don't then who will, not you! this is our world not yours, remember?! See ya! I have to go save the world again...
Hiei: I'm afraid I can't let you do that! *slashes at Yusuke*
Yusuke: AHH! *dodges*
Hiei: *puts his katana next to his throat* For the second time today I hold your life in my hands...Somehow I doubt this Sensui will be has merciful as I...*dark chuckle*
Yusuke: Kuwabara needs me...
Hiei: Kuwabara was ill-prepared for them and look what happened to him.
Yusuke: Shut up!
Hiei: Do I have to kill you to keep you from being foolish?
Yusuke: You just might Hiei!
Hiei: It's been to long since our last fight *flares energy and cloak goes flying off (O.O ....) * You ready?!
Yusuke: Bring it on, Hiei!
Well, I like the first thing Hiei saids. XD It seems like it's going to be all sweet and then! He just ruins it! XD lol! okay, I'm done...buh-byes all!! =^.^= meow!!
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I have! Sixlets!
^_^ Do you remember those candies called "sixlets" ?? lol, I love those! ^_^ Well my art class today went okay. ugh! we had to draw figures in 10 seconds!!!! >.< IT WAS HARD MAN! lol, the teacher would pose...and then in 10 seconds we had to draw the main figure of that pose. @.@ Talk about hard! and then the teacher did a movement and we had to draw it out like a comic strip but we only had about 5 minutes to do that... the dude walked into the hallway and screamed "HOLY BUCKETS!" and threw a fake vase full of fake flowers across the room. And that was fun to draw! ^-^ lol...and now! I drew another picture which is on my fan art! but the guy...looks like he has orange hair... It's supposed to be red but thanks to my webcam it came out orange! >.< GRR ON YOU PEOPLE!! GRR ON YOU!! ugh, I'm soooo bored right now! >.< and I keep listening to My Chemical Romance for some reason and my cat is in heat!!! I SWEAR SHE WAS GROPING A TENNIS BALL! >.< EWW!!! lol, well that's all for now and please go check out my fan art and vote!! PLEASE!!!!!! ^^;;;; buh-byes!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Grill cheese! ^-^
lol, yes! I have a grill cheese! with!!!! Tomato soup!! *drinks soup* *soup burns her tongue* OW!!! OW!! OW!! OW!!! *ahem!* lol, well today we had a storm... .-.,, and I was talking to AJMetallica at the time... and then... right when it started to storm, the lights went out....turned back on and then went out again and stayed that way for a hour @.@ For an hour...I couldn't get on the damn computer! T.T Makes me sad, but oh well! I am on the computer now! ahaha! lol....
oh! and my art class starts tomorrow! ^-^ I can't wait! lol, ^___^ heh heh. Even though it only takes one day a week for about 2 hours. Sheesh, I have to wake up at 8 am to do this! I'm going to die! I don't go to sleep until like 5 am! >.< that's only 3 hours of sleep man! Isn't life just so nice like that? heh heh...and moving on! ^-^
Well, if you haven't noticed by now I have a new wallpaper up of none other than Hiei!! ^__^ yay! lol, I love him so much! ^-^ and I'm sure I'm not the only one out there! ahaha! lol, and I also have a new midi. It used to be Vanilla by Gackt, but now it's December Love song by Gackt! ^-^ I like his voice! .-. and I would of never found out about him if it wasn't for Dolly and my jrock crazy friend (MickysKeturah1895)and jrock crazy person (Defectiverose13) know.... *pulls on hair* sometimes they can really drive me nuts! but I can't complain! because I'm just that fond of Hiei... I'm not going to use the word obsessed because of what happened with Alan (ShadowDarkness54) ugh! I didn't mean to get him p.o.ed at me... for some reason I do things that I never really intend, but oh well!! oh! and anyone who comes to this site that also goes to Sakura18 's site! She won't be online for 3 days because of her trip to Canada! T.T I'm going to miss that panada while she's up there! lol, well right now...I'm working on another drawing. I swear I do at least one per day! @.@ lol.... Well, that's it for today!!! buh-byes!!
P.S. I put up a new fan art!! ^-^ check it out please!
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