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myOtaku.com: Hieis Dark Kitten

Saturday, July 2, 2005

   weird things!! >
My older brother is here, *sighs* Again. I dunno how many times he will be here, buuuuut who knows? @.@ lol, but things he was saying to me last night, was freaking me out. He was saying stuff like having a brother and sister bond. But, He's beginning to be nicer to me, and my mother. Which makes me happy. He knows he screwed up really bad. He was telling me about how he was doing drugs and stuff, not smart if you ask me. Then he was saying, how my figure was coming out a little more and stuff. He called me "pretty" which I'm not, but what girl actually does think their pretty. He was saying that in high school he was going to have to meet my boyfriends, and stuff. Hell, I don't even want a boyfriend from there, most of them are jerks anyways. Go figure.

And people, are saying that my hair makes me look like an anime girl! hehe, I don't mind that compliment! ^.^ Even though... ._.'' my hair looks like Keiko from Yu Yu Hakusho. *gulps* It's scary...

Well, for the people who haven't visited my site for the past 3 days, then you must of noticed my new theme. Nekos! ^.^ But, that doesn't mean that I'm over Hiei..*glare* lol, I'm j/k. but, seriously, I'm still obsessed with Hiei *-* I can't help it. lol, okay I'm not that crazy. But, now, I think the site is cuter! ^.^ And I wasn't the one who did this either My sis, Sakura18 helped me out too!! mukuku!

hehehe, and here is a random picture of Hiei that I found on Photobucket. I think it's really cute! ^.^ lol, Well You'll decide that one for yourself once I stop typing and put it on here, huh? lol...well Here it is, (btw, I did not draw this, I'm not that good... >< )

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Isn't it cute? lol, Well it is to me at least. Well, I must go now!! Buh-byes! ^.^


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