T^T NO!!! I CAN'T RIDE THE BUS WITH MY SIS (Sakura18) ANYMORE!!!!!!! *cries hysterically* umm...yeeeaaah... Well, for the first two weeks of school, I'm doing pretty good. ^^ heh heh. The freshmen get these stupid 2 week progess report...yeeaah...
English 1: 100 - This is very weird for me, because last year in language arts, I have having trouble upholding a C ._.''
General Scinece Honors: 98.75 - Ehh, Well I suppose... I didn't expect to get THAT high of a grade, but I had an A or B all year in science last year.. ^^;
Intro Social Studies: 100 - Well! This class is VERY easy, and the real teacher is never there because she went to a different country during the summer and caught some STRANGE disease. ._.' heh heh...But the subsitute is real nice!
Health: 90.77 - My lowest grade, This class is a bit hard...sheesh, you'd figure my honors class would be harder. -.-; The teacher gives us like... 6 papers per day and we just HAVE to finish them by the end of the week... But 6!!!!! PER DAY! SHEESH! GIVE ME AN EFFING BREAK! @.@ lol, Okay...I'm done... *sweatdrop*
Well, hmm... Nothing really else to report for today. Um, I placed a new!!! Thing on my fanart, Everyone that saw it at my school loved it. They were saying stuff like "Wow! That's really good!" And "Whoa...You have mad skills" Which, I hate how that sounds, but that's what one person said to me! It made me feel really happy. heh heh.
And, I should be going over to my sis's place this Sunday! EEK!!! ^^ This is going to make me happy! Because the damn people in the school just HAD to change the bus routes and ruin our lives!! EHH!!! T^T I HATE THEM ALL!!! heh heh.. *sweatdrop* I'm sorry, I've been sitting down ALL day! Give me a break!
Well, I watched the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" That was the first time I saw it, I though it was pretty good....but hey! That's just me! well...hmm... I dunno! T^T I guess I should leave you all, and if you get the chance please go look at my newest fanart! Thank you!! Buh-byes now!
Oh!! This picture reminds me! The Anime club starts this coming up Wensday and I'm not going to school Monday! Since it's Labor day and yeah...Well, I'll have to report back whenever I can!! ^^ See ya! NOW I'M LEAVING!! heh heh