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myOtaku.com: Hieis Dark Kitten

Friday, December 16, 2005

*yawn* It's like,4:07 pm, and for whatever reason, I'm tired as hell. I've been working out, doing situps, pushups, leg lifts, and even tried to do the spilts, for a week now. and I lost 2 pounds! O_O Go figure! lol. *sneezes 3x* ugh. I've been sneezing my head off. T.T *sniffs* lol, and I got a 1 hour delay today, it was wonderful! I got to sleep in an extre hour. And I'm working on X-mas cards right now! ^_^ KAWAII!!! lol, my frist one will be done and up on the otaku fanart by Monday. And it's for Fire_Apparition!! ^-^ Whee! lol.


MY BROTHER HAS FINALLY MOVED OUT!!!!!!! YES!!! PARTY!!!! ^______________________^ This makes me so happy to be alive! lol. I really don't like my brother, so yeah, and now he is gone! *-* lol.

*yawns again* I think, I JUST might take a nap.... <.< >.> ...... so yeah, see ya all later! ^^

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