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myOtaku.com: Hieis Dark Kitten

Friday, January 27, 2006


My day was interesting.

Scary ne? ....Want me to tell you about it?

OF COURSE YOU DO! And if you don't...then well..oh well, I'm going to tell you whether you like it or not >.<

Well, it was bring until I got to the end of 3rd block. After we got back from lunch, I walked into the classroom and ended up being the first one in the classroom! (I'm just that specail) and, I saw something, which turned out to be a mouse, running across the floor. I pointed at it and went "what's that?" And all the preps found out it was a mouse and freaked out! I stayed quiet but on the inside...I WAS LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!! XD some girls actually stood on their chairs!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD

Ahem, moving on now...


I swear he was a nazi in his life time.
1) he was very old
2) HE WAS GERMAN! (gomen if I seem racist to say that)
3) he told us he was in the war
4)he would not let us to anything, from flipping pecils in our hands to giving our opinions. And if we gave our opinion...He would yell at us to shut up like 3 or 4 times. He yelled at one kid just for flipping his pencil. omg, I felt soooo uncomfrontable about him. ._. he didn't do anything to be but ask for my name. I DID NOT MAKE A PEEP!
5) He was able to point out that my last name (It's Frietch for anyone who doesn't know) was german right when he saw it.
6) and he called the assist principals "Security officers" ._.'

So, I'm sorry, I think he was a nazi in the war. *shakes head*

AND THEN ON THE BUS! >.< I hurt my head because of how I sit on there. Apparently, The bus driver had to slam the breaks because the car in front of us rearended another car. Luckily, noone was hurt. ^^

AND right now, my mom isn't home, she in Indiana right now for her job. *shrugs*
AND TOMMOROW!! I shall be at my friend's house because it was her birthday today, and tomorrow it'll be her birthday party. SO YEAH!! >.< lol

Well, that's pretty much it I guess...
^^ heh heh, my day was interesting for once, like I said.

Well, bai bai for now!!


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