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myOtaku.com: Hieis Dark Kitten

Monday, September 4, 2006

Hey all
Well, I'm sitting at my friend Kris' place...I hijacked her computer for certain reasons << >>

Hee hee...TO UPDATE!!

I feel kind of bad though, I haven't been online lately... ;_; I'm sorry sissys! *huggles them*

Well, I'm out of school today, cool, ne?

I have new fanart up too! Go and look!

Anywho...Umm...yeah, I dunno...

The other day there was a bunch of crap with Zac. -.- It was so annoying I swear...Though, he apologized for acting like a stupid brat.

which he was acting like a stupid brat -.-

Well, I'm waiting to go home, and Kris is waiting to go to the moives, and Moses (one of our friends) is on his way over, for whatever reason, I have no clue...and yes his last name is Moses o_o'


Well, that's it!! See ya!

Pic of the Day:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It's a bell thingy my mom got me! I've been wearing it everyday O_o I dunno, I'm weird like that, and plus too..I lost my other bell that I wear all the time...again *has GOT to clean room*




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